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2008-04-27 4:11 PM

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Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

NAME: Runnerg1rl7 / Laura

STORY:  I'll try to keep this brief...but I probably won't be successful.   Growing up I was always an athlete.  Little league baseball with the boys, soccer, basketball, softball, volleyball.  Got into cross-country and track in my junior & senior years of high school for something new.  Loved running - wasn't FAST, but I did clock a 23:47 cross country 5K my senior year.  Fast foward several years through college and after, when I only ran occasionally (but did work out in the gym regularly), to the fall of 2006.  Life got busy and then my grandmother was diagnosed with colon cancer.  I needed an outlet, and remembered how much running had centered my life in the past.  I ran a few 5Ks, a 5-miler, and a 10K, and had fallen back in love with running...until I developed knee pain.  Fast forward again to May 2007 - I was recovering from an arthroscopy 1/9/07 when I developed ITBS in the same knee.  Couldn't run, so I started swimming and riding my mountain bike again.  Swimming was a tough go at first (I knew HOW to swim, but had never swum competitively), til I started going to my local masters swim team's practices.  Got a lot of help from the coach and a fellow aspiring triathlete who has since become a good friend.  Eventually decided to sign up for my first tri in July.  Bought a road bike in June and started running again a little in the end of June.  Still managed to successfully complete my first triathlon - and was HOOKED.  I did 2 more sprint races in 2007, solidly MOP.  Unfortunately the ITBS never went away, and only got worse and worse til I ended up having to have another knee surgery in December of 2007.  Since then, I've been ramping my running and biking back up to prepare for my "A" races for this spring and early summer - and my knee is finally feeling great!

FAMILY STATUS: Married to an active-duty Marine, who also runs & bikes.  One furry child - a beagle named Bandit.

CURRENT TRAINING:  Gearing up for my first half-marathon in May and my first Olympic distance tri in July  -- 6-8 hours per week, on average

THIS YEAR'S RACES: So far, just some shorter (5K & 8K) running races for fun and a cycling tour.

2008 RACES:  May 4 - NJ Marathon Relay
May 18 - Marine Corps Historic Half
June 1 - Black Bear Sprint Triathlon (PA)
July 20 - Boulder Peak Triathlon (CO)

Those are all registered and definite.  I will likely do at least one more sprint and one more oly tri, and perhaps an early fall HIM - but DH and I are moving from PA to CO in early June, so I'm waiting til we're out there and settled before I register for anything else.

WEIGHTLOSS: Not a concern for me - but I have certainly improved my muscle tone and body fat %.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: Well, I'm not too far off from my first season, so I remember all my beginner experiences clearly - and I'm STILL learning.  I also have had to battle back from surgeries twice, so I understand all that goes along with that.  I work as a health coach for an online corporate wellness program, so I am able to & enjoy working with people at all levels of the weight loss and physical activity spectrum.  I also have a BS in Exercise Science and will receive my MS in Nutrition in May, so I bring a good deal of scientific and practical knowledge to the plate.  Nutrition is a hot topic for triathletes, and I like to guide where I can.  Finally, I am on the computer and BT every day, so it won't be a problem for me to check in daily (with the exception of however many days in June it takes us to drive across the country and settle in - but I'll forewarn you of when I might go missing for a couple days and WILL check in from the road whenever possible).

Thanks for reading!  I really look forward to mentoring you along!

Edited by runnerg1rl7 2008-05-01 8:31 AM

2008-04-30 9:50 AM
in reply to: #1364886

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Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group - Open!

NAME: jellogal / Sherist

STORY:  I wasn't too athletic growing up, but I wasn't really a couch potato, either.  I played a little soccer and a little tennis, but swimming was my favorite sport.  I swam competitively from 5th grade through my senior year of high school.  I don't enjoy running so much, so I'm hoping your enthusiasm will rub off on me.       I started training for triathlon after my duathlete cousin was killed in Iraq in July 2006.  I competed in my first triathlon in June 2007 in memory of him.  I loved the training, I loved the race & the participants...I just got lazy and quit training.   

FAMILY STATUS:  I am 28.  Single.  No kiddos.  My brother lives with me and my dog, Buddy.

CURRENT TRAINING:  I have been exercising a few times a week, but I haven't been swimming.  Or biking.  Or running.  I walk, lift weights, play volleyball, and jog on the elliptical.  I am going to start riding my bike to work next week (I only live a few miles away) and I have plans to run with a coworker on Monday (we will run after work a few times a week).  I have access to a pool, I just need to get there.  Another goal of mine is to join a masters swim club.  Soon.  And I'm going to pick out a training program (from BT) start Friday.

2008 RACES:  I would like to do a 5K on the 4th of July and I plan on doing a triathlon in my hometown at the beginning of August (VEEP Triathlon).

WEIGHTLOSS:  I have lost about 12 lbs since the beginning of February (exercise & South Beach Diet).  I still have about 60 more to lose...

Runnerg1rl7 - I love reading your training log.  I'm really looking forward to being one of you mentorees. 

Edited by jellogal 2008-04-30 9:53 AM
2008-04-30 10:02 AM
in reply to: #1364886

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2008-04-30 10:45 AM
in reply to: #1364886

Champaign Area, IL
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group - Open!

I would like to be part of your group and have you mentor me Laura.  I feel I can relate better with you since you a somewhat newer to the sport.  I'm willing to do what it takes, just need help on what to do and how to do it.  I am focusing on just doing duathlons this year.  Did my first triathlon last year and the swimming destroyed me. 

2008-04-30 11:27 AM
in reply to: #1372018

Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group - Open!

Welcome Sherist!!

Well, you will be a big help when it comes to swimming-related issues!  I'll gladly swap you some running enthusiasm for some swimming enthusiasm!  Swimming is something I enjoy and apparently I've developed some decent form in the past year, but I'm still slow!

Congratulations on your weight loss so far!  The nutritional principles the SB diet is built on are sound - you're on the right track there, combining that with exercise.  Good job!

I was going to ask what you were thinking of doing in terms of a training plan, but then I read that you're going to pick out a BT one Friday.  Good!  I used one of BT's beginner sprint training plans (I believe it was either the 2x balanced or swim focused) and followed it closely for my first 2 races last year - worked well!  You may not have been run/bike/swimming lately, but you're off to a good start in terms of general fitness!  AND, even better - you've got a running partner lined up and a plan to bike commute!  Excellent.

Good for you getting out there last year in memory of your cousin - what a noble way to honor him!  My husband's an Iraq vet and my brother-in-law and a good friend are over there currently.

Anyway, glad to have you on board!  Looking forward to seeing your progress!

2008-04-30 11:35 AM
in reply to: #1372088

Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group - Open!

Hi Libby (FutureIronGirl)!  Welcome!  Glad to have you, too!

Well I hope you made it to class on time!  Thanks for squeezing this in first!  I certainly understand the demands of balancing life, school, and training.  For the 4 years I've been working on my master's degree part time while working full time - then last year I threw in tri training!  Yikes!  I've found the training has added even more structure to my days, though, and helped me with time management.

HOW COOL that you're going to do a triathlon with your mom this year!  My own mom got back into running regularly last September and I've enjoyed running a few 5Ks with her since.

How has the Couch to Sprint plan been working for you thus far?

2008-04-30 11:36 AM
in reply to: #1364886

Hockeytown, MI
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group - Open!

Hello to all,


I hope you have room or one more!!


I am very new to this sport, I do not know of anyone who has competed in any tri’s and don’t really know too much about the sport.  All I know is that I want to do it. 


I guess I should tell you a little about myself.  I was active as a child, softball, track and cheerleading (but never a die heart for track…kept it to short distance because of asthma).  Went on to college and still cheered, that kept me in shape and working out.  After that I started to slow down and now hear I am in my late 20’s wanting to get back into shape and… my old body back.


I am currently working out…just three days a week lifting and doing cardio.  Please don’t laugh but it has taken me a long time to be able to run/jog 2.5 miles.  So needless to say I have a lot of work ahead of me!  I just joined a swim class so I can learn the “proper” way to swim.  Every other week I join in on the cycle class they offer at the gym.


I am hoping to compete at the end of the summer and if I am not able to do it this year I will for sure do them next year. 


It would be great to have some females to talk to about the sport as well as learn a ton of info as well. 



2008-04-30 11:39 AM
in reply to: #1372267

Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group - Open!

Hi John (jsoza)!

Well then I'd like to have you as part of my group!  I'll be happy to help however I can!  Do you have any duathlons already scheduled?  What's your current training looking like?  What are your goals for the races you will do this year?

Sorry to hear that your first triathlon experience wasn't so good!  Swimming is the most challenging part for many triathletes, so you're in good company there.  I'm glad the experience didn't turn you off from multisport completely, however!

2008-04-30 11:54 AM
in reply to: #1372429

Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group - Open!

Hi Jennifer!

Welcome!  Yes, plenty of room here!  Thanks for joining us!

I like your attitude - "All I know is that I want to do it"  Awesome!  That's all you need, really, is the desire.  The rest will follow.  Last year when I started down the triathlon road, I knew absolutely ZILCH about triathlons.  I knew there was running, biking, and swimming involved somehow, but that's it.  I didn't know any triathletes, either, and in fact when a friend had mentioned one at some point I laughed and thought I would NEVER want to do one.  Famous last words!

No one's laughing about taking a long time to run 2.5 miles!  That's nothing to sneeze at!  I can appreciate that because it took me a while to get comfortable running 2 miles after each of my knee surgeries.  I can further appreciate that because one of my best friends just got into running for the first time in her life (at age 25) last fall and I helped her (virtually - she lives in Chicago) gradually get to the point of being able to just complete a 5K with some walking.  She just completed her first half-marathon this past weekend (all running!).  Wasn't fast, but she did it because she had told herself the same thing you told yourself - "I WANT to do it!"

Great job with what you've done so far!  VERY good idea to join the swim class.  If there's only one piece of advice I could offer to new aspiring triathletes without competitive swimming experience, it would be to join a swim class or masters swim team to learn how to swim properly!  That makes the rest far less daunting.

How often does the swim class meet?  Are you able to get to the cycle class more often, if you want to?  And/or do you have a bike you can ride?  If you could get at least 2 swimming sessions and 2 cycle classes or rides a week (in addition to running 3 times a week or so), I think you would be more than ready to tackle a sprint-distance triathlon by the end of the summer.  Just something to think about!

2008-04-30 12:02 PM
in reply to: #1364886


Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group - Open!

NAME: loufromthepark / Lou

STORY:  In high school, I cheered and danced competitively, but was way too interested in -- ahem -- partying in college. I worked out on and off at gyms for years until I was about 26 when I FINALLY quit smoking. A few months after quitting smoking, I did a couch-to-5k type program and started running. My first race was an 8K, my second was a half marathon. I was hooked and I’ve been training every since. I’ve finished a few half marathons and had an incomplete marathon attempt (I was one of the unlucky runners in Chicago at the 2007 marathon -- I was stopped at mile 16 when the race shut down). Because half marathon training and marathon training are not enough for one summer, I decided to give my first sprint triathlon a shot. Oh, and I'm a slow runner -- somewhere between a 10:30 and 12mm.

Family status: 28, single, but about a year into a fairly serious relationship with a guy who is cop, a marathoner, and triathlete. He is very excited that I have decided to jump on the triathlon bandwagon.  

CURRENT TRAINING:  Training for the Flying Pig Half Marathon -- averaging 20-25 miles per week running. I just started biking to work (12 miles round trip) and manage to get strength training in 2-3x a week at the gym. Planning to start an 11 week triathlon training program (I found it at as soon as I get back from the half marathon next week.

Scheduled 2008 Races

March 30: Shamrock Shuffle 8K, Chicago, IL (51:56 PR!)

May 4: Flying Pig Half Marathon

May 24: Soldier Field 10 Miler

July 13: Danskin Chicagoland Sprint Triathlon

July 26: Waterfall Glen Xtreme 10 miler (haven’t registered yet, but I would really like to give a trail run a shot this year)

August 10: Chicago Distance Classic Half Marathon

Oct. 12: Chicago Marathon

WEIGHTLOSS:  I gained about 30 pounds between graduate school and quitting smoking. I’m down about 15 (over the past two years), but have really struggled to lose more. Would really love to get down 15 more pounds by July triathlon.

I’m really excited to join a mentor/mentee group. I’m a big fan of my running group, and would love to join a training group for the triathlon, but for the sprint distant, it doesn’t seem necessary. I love a sense of community when it comes to training, and figured this would be a good substitute.


2008-04-30 12:11 PM
in reply to: #1364886

Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group - Open!

Laura - I just imported the Sprint, Basic 12 Week - HR Zone Based training plan.  I plan to start it Friday.  I get so excited when I start new things!  Hopefully I can stick with it!  (With each others help, hopefully we'll all 'stick with' our plans to meet our goals!I'm glad to hear that you approve of the SB diet!  It seems pretty healthy and well-rounded.  It's low-fat, high-protein, and I get to eat from all the food groups.  It's a pretty easy "diet" to stick to. Thanks for the positive thoughts, already! 

Libby - I want to hear more about that Eco-Triathlon your mom did...maybe I'll Google it...

2008-04-30 1:31 PM
in reply to: #1364886

Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group - Open!

Hello to all! I'd really like to join this group.

I'm Marcy, I decided to start tri training about 6 weeks ago. I just started swimming in January and I've never been much into racing, but ever since I started setting goals for myself, I'm finding the training to be really fun!

Goals: I've committed to a couple sprint tris this summer, the Rockton Triathlon and the Chicago Super-Sprint. Now that I'm making progress in my training, I'm looking for another tri at a more challenging distance to add to the mix.

Family Status: I'm a single soccer-mom to a brilliant 5 yr old girl. I work full time so the tri training requires a nimble balancing act with the schedule.

Current Training: I fit in whatever training I can whenever I can. The general plan is to alternate swim, bike, run each day and strength train 2 days per week. I have a swimming coach (who REALLY helps) and I'm in a running club training for a 10K.

I look forward to sharing notes, stories, plans, encouragement with all of you!

2008-04-30 2:07 PM
in reply to: #1372438

Champaign Area, IL
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group - Open!

There are 3 duathlons I am thinking about doing.....1st is August 3rd called the is 3.1 run 24.8 bike 6.2 run......2nd is Oct 11 called Eagle Creek it can be long 5..40...5 or short 2.5 ..20.. 2.5  3rd is Sept 27 called Charleston Challege....2..19...2

My current training needs improvement.....short runs only

My goals the season is to push myself in training so I can enjoy race day.

2008-04-30 3:55 PM
in reply to: #1372018

Champaign Area, IL
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group - Open!


I hope you will share some of your swimming skills with the group.  Swimming is the reason I switched from triathlons to duathlons.  My goal is to one day be a good enough swimmer to do the tri's

2008-04-30 4:04 PM
in reply to: #1364886

Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group - Open!
I'd be interested in joining your group. My name is Mitch and here is my info:

STORY: I had struggled with getting back in shape since my early 20's and days in the US Navy and was putting on a few more pounds annually as I settled into married life. Once I hit my 30's I tried more diligently to get back in shape but kept swinging and missing. I work as a commercial banker and one of my customers is a fitness company. Finally I broke down and joined the fitness club run by my customer. I was definitely losing weight and enjoying spinning classes. I was an avid road cyclist in high school and college and loved being back on a bike. From there I got into mountain biking but eventually hit a rut where I wasn't getting to the gym as planned, etc. One of my other customers and I were stuck in an airport for a day and we got into a discussion about triathlons. Until that point I didn't know things like spirnt triathlons existed. I decided that signing up for a Sprint Triathlon was the best way to get out of the rut I was in. I am very goal oriented and need to work toward concrete things to accomplish anything. I ran my first Sprint in September of last year and definitely got the bug. I'm planning on running two Sprints this year and hopefully my first Olympic to finish out the season.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to another fitness buff (not into tri's though) with two daughters 9 and 5.

CURRENT TRAINING: Working towards my first sprint on June 22nd. Been working out 5 to 6 hours per week but want to increase it some. Cycling is my strongest and finished in top 1/3 of age group for my first tri. Running and Swimming were things I didn't do before late summer last year. I used to joke when I was in the Navy that I ran 3 miles per year (You had to take the physical fitness test twice per year and had to run 1.5 miles each time). I recognize that I need to do both more. My goals are to get my cycling average speed above 20mph, my running pace below 8 minute mile and swim pace below 2:00 per 100m.

2008 RACES: June 22 - Big Fish Sprint Triathlon (A Race)
July 20 - Carl's Sprint Triathlon (B Race)
September 7 - Michigan Triathlon Championship Olympic Triathlon (A Race)

WEIGHTLOSS: I've lost approx. 17 pounds in the last two years since I started working out. I'm 5'9"" and 166 today. 33 inch waist and 41 inch chest. I want to realistically get down to 160 or so.

2008-04-30 5:51 PM
in reply to: #1372422

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2008-05-01 8:35 AM
in reply to: #1364886

Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Hi all!

I'll be back later to personally greet the rest of our new group members (here's an all-purpose WELCOME! for now) - busy morning for me.  Though I COULD handle a couple more, with the crazy month(s) I have coming up, I'd rather keep our group small so I can be sure to give my all to everyone!  So I'm closing it for now.  Everyone who has posted up til this point is IN!  I'm very much looking forward to sharing experiences and advice with all of you.  Please, if you have any questions at all, for me or the rest of your fellow groupies, post away!

So it's almost the weekend (yay!) - any exciting plans for anyone??  Training, racing, or otherwise (if you'd like to share).

2008-05-01 8:59 AM
in reply to: #1374556

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2008-05-01 9:22 AM
in reply to: #1374556

Champaign Area, IL
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed
If my kids schedule allows me, I would like to go for a long bike ride.  I got a new bike with aero bars and clip on shoes that I need to get used to riding.  Is that what they are called, clip on shoes?  Well, doesn't matter, you guys know what I am talking about.
2008-05-01 10:58 AM
in reply to: #1364886

Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed
Tomorrow morning I will do a 60 minute spin class and then swim for about 40 minutes. Saturday morning I will do another 60 minute spin class (would like to ride outside but are expecting storms) followed by a 3 to 4 mile run. Sunday I hope to swim and then go for a 90 minute ride outside. Inbetween all that we have Family Fun Night at my daughters' school, a lawn that needs to be mowed, a school project for my 4th grader and deck that needs to be prepped for refinishing. Whew.
2008-05-01 11:08 AM
in reply to: #1374556


Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Flying Pig Half Marathon in Cincy this weekend! Since I live/run/train in Chicago, hills aren't exactly my thing. This course has a 3 mile climb, 400 some odd feet. So, my goal is to come in under 2:40, but 2:30 would be an incredible PR for me. The bf, his running buddy, my running partner, and I are leaving tomorrow morning. My mom will be there to cheer me on as well as my two best friends from college. This is the first time I've traveled for a race... very excited... Laughing

2008-05-01 11:54 AM
in reply to: #1364886

Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Ok, I'm back!

So, just to review, our group includes:

jellogal (Sherist)
FutureIronGirl17 (Libby)
jsoza (John)
jbelback12 (Jennifer)
loufromthepark (Lou)
skywashed (Marcy)
dangremond (Mitch)
Runnerg1rl7 (Laura)

If you'd like to check on everyone's progress and inspire them (I encourage you to!), be sure to add everyone to your friends list.  Another administrative note: make sure you're logging your training each day in your training log!  Not only is this a helpful way to make sure you're on track yourself, but it'll give us all a good idea of how you're doing.


Welcome, Lou!  Best of luck at the Flying Pig!!!  You're certainly off to a great start with all the running you've been doing, plus the bike commuting and ST.  (Any swimming happening?  Or not til you get through this half?)  Congrats on making the transition from former smoker to runner!  Fantastic!  Side note - I ran the Shamrock Shuffle this year too!  One of my best friends lives in Chicago and I went out to visit and run the race with her.  Chilly day!  But otherwise fun.

Sherist - That's the goal!  (For us all to help each other stick to our plans as much as possible)  And I'm glad the SB diet has been working for you - the fact that it doesn't cut anything completely out of your diet and encourages healthy proteins and fruit and veggies is great.

Marcy - Welcome!  Woo hoo!  Glad you're finding the training to be fun so far!  If you like the training, then you'll LOVE the races!  It's so exciting to put everything together and find out what you're truly capable of - usually, more than you think you are!  Hey, another Chicagolander in our group!  Incidentally, my friend (who I mentioned above to Lou) lives in Lakeview, too!  Excellent that you have a swimming coach and run with a club!  And strength training twice a week too - great as well!  That is something I need to do more of, myself.

John - Okay, good - you've still got plenty of time to train before your first duathlon.  What kind of bike did you get??  That's very exciting!  I think you will find the aerobars and clipless pedals and shoes to be a BIG help and make riding more comfortable.  Just make sure you practice clipping in and out on a soft surface a few times before hitting the road - just in case.  I hope you do get to go on a long ride this weekend!

Hi, Mitch!  Welcome!  I am also very goal-oriented, so I understand completely!  Sounds like you've got a good race plan for this year and excellent goals, too.  Congrats on your weight loss thus far!  Glad you're a strong cyclist - you'll be a good resource for cycling-related questions from the group!  What have you found to be the best method to boost cycling fitness/speed?  Just riding more?  Drills?  Hills?  Good training weekend plans - and whew is right on all the other stuff!  Sounds like you'll be busy!

Libby - Best of luck with studying for your finals!  I don't blame you for not following your training plan exactly with school going on.  Get your finals done, get home, relax a little, then get to it!  Plenty of time to get back on track.  Oooo 6 weeks in Australia?!  What's taking you there?

As if this post wasn't long enough already...this weekend I'm headed to NJ (where I'm from originally - my parents still live there) to run the NJ Marathon Relay with the aforementioned friend from Chicago (she's originally from NJ too), another high school-era friend, and my mom.  I'm very excited!  I'm running a 7.8 or 7.9-mile leg, which will mark my longest race run yet.  I'm hoping the weather forecast will improve, though - so far, calling for rain!

I hope everyone has a great Thursday!  Almost the weekend, yay!


2008-05-01 12:09 PM
in reply to: #1364886

Hockeytown, MI
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Hello to all! 

It’s great to see so many great responses on here!  I’m excited for tonight…my first swim class; I’m hoping that I make it through it all!!!  Swim class meets once a week, the good thing about this class is that its target is for people like me…who are new to the full tri thing and need to learn the technique.  So I hope to report good news in the next few days to tell you that I am still alive and that I didn’t need a lifeguard to save me! 

As for the cycle class I was doing that once a week and the other days running, biking and weights.  However the running is on hold right now, having some problems with the knee.  Once I figure out the proper way to swim I will be at the gym doing more of that…I keep telling myself that I need to work on my weakest point and all three are a tie but this swimming class is really going to help me out. 

Just want to say a quick Hello to all and welcome everyone.  I can use all the advice that I can get and looking forward to hearing a ton on info from everyone. 

P.S. Hello to the other local MI - GO WINGS!!!!!

2008-05-01 12:47 PM
in reply to: #1364886


Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed

Hi all -- I'm v. excited to be a part of the group.

Laura -- I was on a swim team for approximately 5 years as a pre-teen, and a fairly strong swimmer at the age of -- ummmmm -- 12. Not sure if that will translate, but I'm comfortable in the water, and fairly confident that I remember how to do freestyle. My plan is to start swimming next Tuesday after the race and a day of rest. My gym has a pool, so that's good.

Marcy -- Yay! Another Chicago person. I'm in the Lincoln Square neighborhood. I'd be interested to know how much swim lessons cost and where you found about about them. Are the lessons one on one or with a group?

2008-05-01 1:06 PM
in reply to: #1364886

Subject: RE: Runnerg1rl7's Group!! - Closed
Looks like men are at a premium in this group! Anyway, I think my advice on cycling is pretty much get a lot time in the saddle. I've tried to buy into the argument around building a base through zone 2 and 3 workouts early in the season. In fact, to take it further, as this is my first full season I'm trying to really focus on building a base in running and swimming and just now starting to incorporate tougher workouts in my cycling.

I'm not one of those people who look down on spin classes. At the club I belong to I think the classes are done really well. They have 4 different formats all built around your anaerobic threshold - Aerobic Endurance, Speedplay, Anaerobic Threshold Intervals and Hills. I can explain the formats if anyone wants me to. From November until recently I pretty much ignored any format other than Aerobic Endurance so that I could work on my base. I've since started doing the other formats in an effort to get stronger and faster. I really only get to ride outside a couple times a week - maybe once on my road bike and once on my mountain bike. I've read that the two complement each other in that mountain bike builds strength while road bike builds endurance.

So to make a long story short I think we can all improve by doing each of the 3 disciplines 2 to 3 times per week and increasing the distance/time over a set period. That is my goal with running and swimming. Once I feel really comfortable running and swimming (hopefully this fall) I will then feel more comfortable weaving in workouts designed to increase power and speed. The hardest part for me is that I'm most comfortable cycling and have to push myself to run and swim at times.

One closing note, if each of you haven't purchased Joe Friel's Triathlon Training Bible I would definitely recommend it.
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