Subject: Metatarsal Issue I started ramping up my run a few weeks ago, and almost immediately got this metatarsal "issue" in between my 3rd metatarsal and my 3rd toe. There is no pain: it's like a lump that I feel between the 3rd metatarsal and my 3rd toe, and I can only feel it when barefoot on a hard surface. I felt it again this morning following a 20 min. run, barefoot before jumping in the shower (as always, I felt nothing during the run). I don't know if I should call it Metatarsalgia or Morton's neuroma because there is no pain. Any suggestions? I'm starting to take Ibuprofen, and was thinking of getting some metatarsal pads from the running store. Any help would be appreciated, I'd like to nip this in the bud before it becomes a problem so I can get my run in shape for my first HIM in October. TIA, windandsurf |