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Moderators: IndoIronYanti, k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2004-05-07 11:41 AM

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Subject: I don't want any help
I realized last night that deep down inside, I have a lingering bad vibe that tells me I should not NEED help from other people; that I should be able to do everything all by myself. Last night, reading Malvey's Articles on motivation, I was able to let this negative energy go. Yeah!!!

This morning I DRAGGED myself out of bed. I went into the living room, did some Qi Gong circulation exercises and went for it: I ran out the door at a slow steady pace that I could maintain comfortably. The clouds were golden, the moon was crisp, an owl was hooting. I feel great this morning.

Thanks to everyone who put this website together. It's really helping me, and I love it!!!

2004-05-07 3:41 PM
in reply to: #23535

Subject: RE: I don't want any help

Welcome to the site -- you will continue to love it.

(Who's keeping the roster current for BTanonymous?)

2004-05-07 10:06 PM
in reply to: #23535

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New Orleans, LA / Lafayette, LA
Subject: RE: I don't want any help
Oooh that setting for a run is awesome. I love running in the early morning and in the late afternoon. There is something about the light in those house that just puts a smile on your face.
I know what you mean about the ultra individualism--I am a very self-motivated person by nature, but sometimes it's a very good, very necessary thing to have other people supporting you. Guess what?!!!? You have about 100 sitting right here!!
Good luck on everything!
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