Hi, I'm Morten here from the Philippines. I'm Danish by birth but after being away from Denmark more than 60% of my life I have no idea what the hell I am anymore. a citizen of the world i suppose.
I love swimming, running and biking so have now decided to combine the three and get ready for my first 70.3
I run barefoot (yep, you heard it) which is great and enjoy it, having now done it for around 6 months. improves form, back, calves hard as steel obviously and cuts down your cost on those $ 150 shoes as well. For those out there who hasnt gone minimalist yet - check it out but start sloooow or blisters are sure to come.
Now, I'm 39 and I smoke (around 6-8/day) and have done so for 25 years. hard to stop. down from 1 pack or more a day since i started running longer distances and feels it helps. Busy and stressful business to run during the day etc etc. I know its not an excuse but still...
Just got a full check up and body and heart is strong as a horse.
I know that smoking is bad for you and probably a stupid forum here to discuss this but I assume I'm not the only guy who likes a cigarette out there.
It doesnt really slow me down and I enjoy having a smoke an hour after a run or bike run. Then I sit and sweat it off while I puff. Sorry but for me its a good combination and is sort of my 'reward' if you can say.
I also like a glass of redwine with my meal (another reward) as it helps me sleep.
I'm obviously not a top athlete but can do fairly good distances and have just started looking seriously at triathlon.
I am not going to stop smoking, I have realized that already but reducing it and staying fit is important.
I love my running, swimming, biking but I also love my cigarettes and red wine.... is there still hope for me in the triathlon world?...
The Candleman