Subject: Help, I'm infected! 2016: Sprint, Olympic, Half ?!?Hi all, until last summer I hadn't done any sport competitively since high school cross-country -- and that only because the coach was also my math teacher and said he'd flunk me if I didn't join the team. That was 50 years ago...Last spring my daughter invited me to join her in a sprint in beautiful Door County, Wisconsin -- and I survived! Now I am paying off a new aluminum road bike (my steel "hybrid" Trek from 1995 is back looking as forlorn as it did for the 20 years before I used it to train last summer ), and I'm shopping for an indoor trainer (fluid, I'm told )....Here's my schedule: Jan 19 started
master swim class at Santa Fe CC with "irongal" (check her out at ) Carol Davenport, a bicycle clinic Jan. 30 at Spindoc, and a rough 8 week training plan towards my first race of the new year:
March 19, Anthem Merrill Ranch Sprint (swim in a pool )
Then the ramp up for:
Monte Rio Olympic: May 22 (swim in the Russian River )
And if my body holds up, my daughter and I will do:
Door County Half Iron: July 17 (swim in Green Bay )
If I survive, then I'm at loose ends all fall. Anything in driving distance of Santa Fe in the fall? |