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2018-07-09 9:28 PM

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Subject: Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS Judge
Let the Dem meltdown begin....it'll be good to get a new whining point.

2018-07-10 7:26 AM
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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS Judge
He is 53, conservative and he ran the Boston Marathon in 3:59:45 in 2010 and 4:08:36 in 2015....so he is slowing down.

The left wants to make this all about abortion. Trump was never going to appoint a pro-abortion judge to the Supreme Court. 40 years after Roe v. Wade the country remains divided about the same percentages as it did in 1973. Morality aside, there is nothing in the US Constitution that even comes close to addressing abortion. In similar instances, where there is no federal guidance, these decisions are left to the individual states. If I were to argue abortion, I'd cite the Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Having said that, the worst case for liberals would be the Supreme Court would turn abortion rights issue back to the state. But I am doubtful even that will happen. To be controlled at the federal level there would need to be a Constitutional Amendment to address abortion.

Personally I think the Federal Gubment has way too much power and that was never the intent. I think we should be 'governed' at the lowest level possible. If your community is the belt buckle of the Bible belt, like mine, you might not want to sell liquor on Sunday. If your community is cesspool of immorality where anything goes, then you can require all restaurants to serve JD at breakfast if you are so inclined.

I suspect we will be seeing pssy hats coming out soon with chants of "hey, hey, ho, ho.....get your hands off my uterus". Wait, that doesn't rhyme. They might as well protest plate tectonics....

Edited by Rogillio 2018-07-10 7:29 AM
2018-07-10 8:46 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS Judge
They were chanting 'hey ho Kav has got to go" last night immediately after the announcement. They've already started spreading 'preliminary' dirt. There are about 15000 interns reviewing every piece of tape, every case and every thing this man has written in his lifetime. Soon to be dutifully reported by all outlets except Fox. The full court press is coming.
2018-07-10 8:55 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS Judge
Originally posted by mdg2003

They were chanting 'hey ho Kav has got to go" last night immediately after the announcement. They've already started spreading 'preliminary' dirt. There are about 15000 interns reviewing every piece of tape, every case and every thing this man has written in his lifetime. Soon to be dutifully reported by all outlets except Fox. The full court press is coming.

Yes, they will try to smear a good man. Ironically, all this will do is pzss off fair-minded Americans. They will find no legitimate reason to oppose him so they will claim that he alone will single-handily overturn Roe v. Wade and homosexual marriage. He will take away your right to vote, kill illegal immigrant babies with hammer, criminalize LGBTQF activity and force all kids in school to carry guns!

2018-07-10 9:00 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS Judge
Originally posted by Rogillio

Originally posted by mdg2003

They were chanting 'hey ho Kav has got to go" last night immediately after the announcement. They've already started spreading 'preliminary' dirt. There are about 15000 interns reviewing every piece of tape, every case and every thing this man has written in his lifetime. Soon to be dutifully reported by all outlets except Fox. The full court press is coming.

Yes, they will try to smear a good man. Ironically, all this will do is pzss off fair-minded Americans. They will find no legitimate reason to oppose him so they will claim that he alone will single-handily overturn Roe v. Wade and homosexual marriage. He will take away your right to vote, kill illegal immigrant babies with hammer, criminalize LGBTQF activity and force all kids in school to carry guns!

You forgot to add that he'll put puppy meat on the school lunch menu at inner city schools...
2018-07-10 9:18 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS Judge
What I find amusing is even if they somehow find a way to block him, Trump will just name another conservative constitutionalist....probably one to the right of Kav. Then the dems will have an even harder time opposing a second nominee.

If I were advising dems - as I often do even though my suggestions, cautions, warnings and advisories are never heeded - I would suggest they make a token show of pushback (BTW LB, a pushback is kinda like a pushup except on a different axis) and get this over ASAP so they can get back to pushing the Great Russian/Trump Conspiracy Theory. They should really just double-down and put all the egg on their face in one basket (mixaphorically speaking) and claim Trump is actually Russian "Manchurian Candidate" who was groomed since childhood and made a billionaire by the Russians to infiltrate our gubment! I mean think about it, he puts Russian salad dressing on his salads and all the lounges in everyone of his hotels and resorts serve Russian vodka! Russia, Russia, Russia - ala Marsha, Marsha, Marsha.

2018-07-10 9:35 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS Judge

The best part of last night was seeing that the "protestors" immediately had signs against Kavanaugh.  I guess they must have had signs made for every possible candidate so they could get right at it. LMAO

I was really hoping the Catholic gal with 7 kids would have been appointed.......that would have been more fun.

2018-07-10 11:06 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS Judge
Hey dems, repeat after me:

It's the end of the world as we know it
It's the end of the world as we know it
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine

It's ok to cry.
2018-07-10 1:21 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS Judge
And so it begins....


"Sen. Whitehouse: 'Enormous Suspicion' That Kavanaugh Plotted With 'Special Interests'"

WTF is an 'enormous' suspicion? Doesn't matter though does it? All one has to do is make statements like this to try to imply he is unethical. I have an enormous suspicion that Sen. Whitehouse beats his wife on a regular basis, has a mistress in the DC suburbs, took bribes from lobbyists and collects child pornography. I have no proof but these are questions that need to be addressed.....I will be asking about these issues to ensure I get face-time on CNN and MSNBC prime time!
2018-07-10 1:25 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS Judge

Originally posted by Left Brain

The best part of last night was seeing that the "protestors" immediately had signs against Kavanaugh.  I guess they must have had signs made for every possible candidate so they could get right at it. LMAO

I was really hoping the Catholic gal with 7 kids would have been appointed.......that would have been more fun.

He's saving her for RBG's spot.


2018-07-10 1:29 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS Judge

Originally posted by Rogillio And so it begins.... https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/susan-jones/personal-destructio... "Sen. Whitehouse: 'Enormous Suspicion' That Kavanaugh Plotted With 'Special Interests'" WTF is an 'enormous' suspicion? Doesn't matter though does it? All one has to do is make statements like this to try to imply he is unethical. I have an enormous suspicion that Sen. Whitehouse beats his wife on a regular basis, has a mistress in the DC suburbs, took bribes from lobbyists and collects child pornography. I have no proof but these are questions that need to be addressed.....I will be asking about these issues to ensure I get face-time on CNN and MSNBC prime time!

HAHAHAHAHA!!!  I love this stuff!  These people are shameless idiots.

2018-07-16 6:48 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS Judge

"Brett Kavanaugh's law school roommate says he used to eat pasta with ketchup"

I'm having second thoughts about this guy....

BTW, when I was in college I once ate Hamburger Helper with no hamburger meat. Once of those nights when you come home after drinking and are hungry and there is nothing much to eat in the cupboards or fridge.
2018-07-16 8:35 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS Judge
Originally posted by Rogillio

BTW, when I was in college I once ate Hamburger Helper with no hamburger meat. Once of those nights when you come home after drinking and are hungry and there is nothing much to eat in the cupboards or fridge.

Ritz crackers, peanut butter with a dill pickle chip on top. It actually tastes pretty good and became a regular snack for us, but we were plenty blotto when we discovered the combo.
2018-07-16 8:38 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS Judge
Originally posted by Left Brain

The best part of last night was seeing that the "protestors" immediately had signs against Kavanaugh.  I guess they must have had signs made for every possible candidate so they could get right at it. LMAO

I was really hoping the Catholic gal with 7 kids would have been appointed.......that would have been more fun.

A good protestor is a prepared protestor! Only question is what do they do with the other signs that were prepared. Do they go to the same place all the shirts and hats of losing teams in championship games go ?
2018-07-16 8:41 AM
in reply to: Goggles Pizzano

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS Judge
Originally posted by Goggles Pizzano

Originally posted by Left Brain

The best part of last night was seeing that the "protestors" immediately had signs against Kavanaugh.  I guess they must have had signs made for every possible candidate so they could get right at it. LMAO

I was really hoping the Catholic gal with 7 kids would have been appointed.......that would have been more fun.

A good protestor is a prepared protestor! Only question is what do they do with the other signs that were prepared. Do they go to the same place all the shirts and hats of losing teams in championship games go ?

I saw an article about how the protestor had left a blank for the nominee's name but then forgot to fill in the name before they started protesting.
2018-07-16 8:47 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS Judge
Originally posted by mdg2003

Originally posted by Rogillio

BTW, when I was in college I once ate Hamburger Helper with no hamburger meat. Once of those nights when you come home after drinking and are hungry and there is nothing much to eat in the cupboards or fridge.

Ritz crackers, peanut butter with a dill pickle chip on top. It actually tastes pretty good and became a regular snack for us, but we were plenty blotto when we discovered the combo.

I ate a lot of eggs. My dad did not provide any financial assistance for my college but I would go back to my hometown once a month for National Guard drill weekends. Every time I would go back my step-mother we give me a couple of cartons of eggs from their chickens. There were many times the only thing in my fridge was eggs and beer....and sometimes only eggs! But the incredible, eatable egg is versatile! You can fry it, you can scramble it, you can poach it, you can boil it.....you can even do like Rocky and drink it! I ate so many eggs in college for a few years after I graduated I refused to eat eggs.

2018-07-16 8:55 AM
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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS Judge

Brown rice......breakfast, cold with sugar and milk (throw in some fresh fruit if you have it), lunch and dinner mixed with veggies,hamburger, whatever....or nothing but butter and salt. I lived on the stuff and have passed it on to my kids.  Make a couple lbs. on Sunday afternoon and you're good for the week.  Costs about 4 bucks for a weeks worth....and if you're a runner loading carbs it's rocket fuel.

Edited by Left Brain 2018-07-16 8:56 AM
2018-07-16 9:49 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS Judge

On a total side note I'm actually quite impressed with how the RNC has neutralized the "protests" of Kavanaugh.
The right immediately filled the memesphere with posts mocking the left for protesting the choice no matter who it was.  Then of course the DNC helped by sending press releases with XX as the name (find/replace fail).
Then twitter was flooded with #stopkavanaugh meme's with stuff like the ketchup spaghetti and all kinds of other silly things he'd done. 
The left just sat there drooling because their two most predictable and effective lines of attack were utterly nuked from existence.

Trump is teaching the Republicans how to win.

2018-07-16 9:52 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS Judge

The left only has "lines of attack" if you pay any attention to them at all.....once you stop doing that it's just silly noise.

2018-07-16 10:11 AM
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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS Judge
Originally posted by Left Brain

The left only has "lines of attack" if you pay any attention to them at all.....once you stop doing that it's just silly noise.

Yeah but ketchup on pasta? I really have to question the man's judgement if not his character. I also read he ran up a huge credit card debt buying season tickets for himself and friends for baseball! Baseball! What could be more un-American that that? Wait, what? He paid off the debt the following year but still, $200k a lot of money to spend on baseball. I also read he taught his girls Catholic school basketball team but was shown in a photo drinking a cold beer. Hypocrite!

OTOH, I always heard, "Wherever there are 4 Catholics, there is a 5th."

Edited by Rogillio 2018-07-16 10:13 AM
2018-07-16 3:06 PM
in reply to: Goggles Pizzano

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS Judge
Originally posted by Goggles Pizzano

Originally posted by Left Brain

The best part of last night was seeing that the "protestors" immediately had signs against Kavanaugh.  I guess they must have had signs made for every possible candidate so they could get right at it. LMAO

I was really hoping the Catholic gal with 7 kids would have been appointed.......that would have been more fun.

A good protestor is a prepared protestor! Only question is what do they do with the other signs that were prepared. Do they go to the same place all the shirts and hats of losing teams in championship games go ?

There's so much outrage, they're using dry erase boards for posters now. Since they're the ones saving the planet too, they can't waste all that paper.

2018-07-18 2:25 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS Judge
"Democrats are so desperate to torpedo Brett Kavanaugh's appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court that they're resorting to scare tactics, telling Americans that his confirmation would put 130 million people at risk of losing their health insurance.

Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., says Democrats can sink Kavanaugh by showing how his appointment will lead to a court majority that "repeals ACA with its protections for pre-existing conditions." It's demagoguery. And it's working, as demagoguery too often does.

Senator Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., a frequent Trump opponent, is already moaning that the SCOTUS appointment will determine if "West Virginians with pre-existing conditions will lose their health care." "
2018-07-18 2:33 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS Judge

Yes, repeals ACA, next problem (solution)?

I want to see absolutely ZERO evidence of the 8 years of a Democrat Presidency......NONE!  That's how sick and tired I am of the non-stop whining crap. 

It's high time the "party of tolerance" got a taste of who they really are.

2018-07-18 3:27 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS Judge

Save the frogs!

Incidentally there are more species gone extinct than there total species in the world today. If a frog cannot adapt in a new environment then it was doomed for extinction anyway. Don’t get me wrong, I like frogs. We have one we call Jeremiah who visits our pool some early mornings. My wife recent said I’ve not seen Jeremiah lately. I told said “Well he is off drinking some mighty fine wine...”. She laughed. Nice to be able to still make your wife laugh. But I digress....

3D7D4747-D0B7-48CE-98F4-D3470CB4002A.jpeg (90KB - 2 downloads)
2018-07-18 3:33 PM
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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS Judge

Do you not realize what this means?  First, no abortions so the population rises exponentially.  Then, the over-population of our planet kills almost all of the frogs and other creatures.  Finally, as new species erupt into an entirely new climate and the seas rise, disease like we have never known begins to kill us all......and we have no damn healthcare!!  This entire scenario could be avoided if we could just get a liberal judge on the bench. 

My god.....the children.....think of the babies!!

Do you think people in Russia will be the only survivors??

Edited by Left Brain 2018-07-18 3:35 PM
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2018-06-22 10:08 AM Rogillio