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2017-08-21 6:32 PM

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Subject: 8 dead 50 wounded...
....over a 13 hour period in Chicago this weekend. Statues of people nobody has thought about for 150 years must go!!!

Edited by Left Brain 2017-08-21 6:35 PM

2017-08-21 7:28 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: 8 dead 50 wounded...
Originally posted by Left Brain

  • ...over a 13 hour period in Chicago this weekend. Statues of people nobody has thought about for 150 years must go!!!

  • The media and our Social Justice Warriors dont care about this, it does not fit the agenda. When there is actual pain, suffering and families torn apart by real actions, the media and SJW's are simply not interested. Now give them a good racial kerfluffle that can be turned into a wildfire, then we are talking about marching for something. What that something is though, is up for debate. Actual people being shot and dying at the hands of another is simply a waste of their time.
    2017-08-21 8:17 PM
    in reply to: hessma

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    Subject: RE: 8 dead 50 wounded...
    Well, I'm just going to hope the politicians keep working to bring down more statues. That seems to be what the marchers want, and they think everyone else is stupid so maybe they're on to something.
    2017-08-21 8:54 PM
    in reply to: hessma

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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: 8 dead 50 wounded...

    Originally posted by hessma
    Originally posted by Left Brain ....over a 13 hour period in Chicago this weekend. Statues of people nobody has thought about for 150 years must go!!!
    The media and our Social Justice Warriors dont care about this, it does not fit the agenda. When there is actual pain, suffering and families torn apart by real actions, the media and SJW's are simply not interested. Now give them a good racial kerfluffle that can be turned into a wildfire, then we are talking about marching for something. What that something is though, is up for debate. Actual people being shot and dying at the hands of another is simply a waste of their time.

    you're totes rite dude. lets give em all more guns so that no one gets hurt.

    2017-08-21 9:04 PM
    in reply to: dmiller5

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    Subject: RE: 8 dead 50 wounded...
    I gotta say, I don't believe giving the statues guns is the way to go. Those statues are perfectly happy just to sit there and let pigeons chit on them. You give them guns and all hell could break loose.
    2017-08-21 10:12 PM
    in reply to: Left Brain

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    Subject: RE: 8 dead 50 wounded...
    Originally posted by Left Brain

    I gotta say, I don't believe giving the statues guns is the way to go. Those statues are perfectly happy just to sit there and let pigeons chit on them. You give them guns and all hell could break loose.


    2017-08-22 7:36 AM
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    Subject: RE: 8 dead 50 wounded...

    9 people shot in Baltimore yesterday, and a Christopher Columbus statue was defaced there in an attempt to put an end to the violence......or something.

    Edited by Left Brain 2017-08-22 7:55 AM
    2017-08-22 8:26 AM
    in reply to: Left Brain

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    Subject: RE: 8 dead 50 wounded...
    Originally posted by Left Brain

    9 people shot in Baltimore yesterday, and a Christopher Columbus statue was defaced there in an attempt to put an end to the violence......or something.

    Now Christopher Columbus is to blame? Who's next....Ponce de Leon? Amerigo Vespucci?
    2017-08-22 8:37 AM
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    Subject: RE: 8 dead 50 wounded...

    Originally posted by hessma
    Originally posted by Left Brain

    9 people shot in Baltimore yesterday, and a Christopher Columbus statue was defaced there in an attempt to put an end to the violence......or something.

    Now Christopher Columbus is to blame? Who's next....Ponce de Leon? Amerigo Vespucci?

    There is a move afoot to replace the Robert E. Lee statue near the capitol in Washington with a statue of Pocahontas.....that will likely solve most of the violence problems there.  I don't know.  I go up through Iowa and Nebraska a bit and notice there are quite a few statues of cows.  There doesn't seem to much violence there compared to other places.  I think I'm going to write my Congressman and recommend they replace Robert E. Lee with a statue of a Holstein....preferably an electronic one who kneels whenever a flag is raised or the Anthem is played.  I'm considering blocking my own driveway until I get it.

    Edited by Left Brain 2017-08-22 8:44 AM
    2017-08-22 1:30 PM
    in reply to: Left Brain

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    Subject: RE: 8 dead 50 wounded...
    Originally posted by Left Brain

    Originally posted by hessma
    Originally posted by Left Brain

    9 people shot in Baltimore yesterday, and a Christopher Columbus statue was defaced there in an attempt to put an end to the violence......or something.

    Now Christopher Columbus is to blame? Who's next....Ponce de Leon? Amerigo Vespucci?

    There is a move afoot to replace the Robert E. Lee statue near the capitol in Washington with a statue of Pocahontas.....that will likely solve most of the violence problems there.  I don't know.  I go up through Iowa and Nebraska a bit and notice there are quite a few statues of cows.  There doesn't seem to much violence there compared to other places.  I think I'm going to write my Congressman and recommend they replace Robert E. Lee with a statue of a Holstein....preferably an electronic one who kneels whenever a flag is raised or the Anthem is played.  I'm considering blocking my own driveway until I get it.

    If you really want to stir up the poo, block access to your fishing boat too.
    2017-08-22 2:07 PM
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    Subject: RE: 8 dead 50 wounded...

    Originally posted by mdg2003
    Originally posted by Left Brain

    Originally posted by hessma
    Originally posted by Left Brain

    9 people shot in Baltimore yesterday, and a Christopher Columbus statue was defaced there in an attempt to put an end to the violence......or something.

    Now Christopher Columbus is to blame? Who's next....Ponce de Leon? Amerigo Vespucci?

    There is a move afoot to replace the Robert E. Lee statue near the capitol in Washington with a statue of Pocahontas.....that will likely solve most of the violence problems there.  I don't know.  I go up through Iowa and Nebraska a bit and notice there are quite a few statues of cows.  There doesn't seem to much violence there compared to other places.  I think I'm going to write my Congressman and recommend they replace Robert E. Lee with a statue of a Holstein....preferably an electronic one who kneels whenever a flag is raised or the Anthem is played.  I'm considering blocking my own driveway until I get it.

    If you really want to stir up the poo, block access to your fishing boat too.

    I swear to god....if I block access to my fishing boat I am tearing down the frog AND the duck statues in my garden.....it'll basically mean revolution.

    Edited by Left Brain 2017-08-22 2:08 PM

    2017-08-22 9:53 PM
    in reply to: Left Brain

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    Subject: RE: 8 dead 50 wounded...
    Originally posted by Left Brain

    Originally posted by mdg2003
    Originally posted by Left Brain

    Originally posted by hessma
    Originally posted by Left Brain

    9 people shot in Baltimore yesterday, and a Christopher Columbus statue was defaced there in an attempt to put an end to the violence......or something.

    Now Christopher Columbus is to blame? Who's next....Ponce de Leon? Amerigo Vespucci?

    There is a move afoot to replace the Robert E. Lee statue near the capitol in Washington with a statue of Pocahontas.....that will likely solve most of the violence problems there.  I don't know.  I go up through Iowa and Nebraska a bit and notice there are quite a few statues of cows.  There doesn't seem to much violence there compared to other places.  I think I'm going to write my Congressman and recommend they replace Robert E. Lee with a statue of a Holstein....preferably an electronic one who kneels whenever a flag is raised or the Anthem is played.  I'm considering blocking my own driveway until I get it.

    If you really want to stir up the poo, block access to your fishing boat too.

    I swear to god....if I block access to my fishing boat I am tearing down the frog AND the duck statues in my garden.....it'll basically mean revolution.

    Just don't chuck the garden gnome. You're apt to tick off the little people.
    2017-08-22 9:55 PM
    in reply to: mdg2003

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    Subject: RE: 8 dead 50 wounded...
    2017-08-22 10:10 PM
    in reply to: mdg2003

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    Subject: RE: 8 dead 50 wounded...
    Originally posted by mdg2003https://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2017/8/22/16187680/robert-lee-espn-virginia-game - the stupidity continues...
    You couldn't make this stuff up.....no chance.
    2017-08-22 11:52 PM
    in reply to: Left Brain

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    Subject: RE: 8 dead 50 wounded...

    The announcer, Robert Lee, is of Asian heritage.   BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!

    I knew it would be hysterical if Trump got elected, but this truly exceeds all expectations.   


    2017-08-23 6:41 AM
    in reply to: Left Brain

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    Subject: RE: 8 dead 50 wounded...
    Originally posted by Left Brain

    The announcer, Robert Lee, is of Asian heritage.   BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!

    I knew it would be hysterical if Trump got elected, but this truly exceeds all expectations.   


    LB - Seriously, I think the solar eclipse pushed us into a realm we never knew existed. Think this through, in an effort not to potentially offend a particular group, ESPN offends another group and liberals call that woke thinking. I guess if you are the comparative majority you can get away with offending another group.

    2017-08-23 7:16 AM
    in reply to: hessma

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    Subject: RE: 8 dead 50 wounded...

    All this dumbness makes me want to run outside, find a big pile of dog chit, and pick it up and rub it in my hair. 

    "Woke".....  hahahahahahahaha!!!!  

    2017-08-23 8:50 AM
    in reply to: Left Brain

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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: 8 dead 50 wounded...

    He requested to be transferred, for what its worth

    2017-08-23 9:03 AM
    in reply to: dmiller5

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    Subject: RE: 8 dead 50 wounded...
    Originally posted by dmiller5

    He requested to be transferred, for what its worth

    Probably a good decision. The left seems to be in a lynching mood.
    2017-08-23 10:05 AM
    in reply to: Left Brain

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    Subject: RE: 8 dead 50 wounded...
    Originally posted by Left Brain

    All this dumbness makes me want to run outside, find a big pile of dog chit, and pick it up and rub it in my hair. 

    "Woke".....  hahahahahahahaha!!!!  

    I've started randomly posting "Stay Woke" on Facebook when I see a post like the Robert Lee news.
    2017-08-23 10:32 AM
    in reply to: dmiller5

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    Subject: RE: 8 dead 50 wounded...

    Originally posted by dmiller5

    He requested to be transferred, for what its worth

    Well that's dumb too.......he'll probably have to change his name.  What I know for sure is that the original media reports said that ESPN decided to remove him from the broadcast.  They should try harder........or maybe they should quit trying so hard.

    2017-08-23 10:37 AM
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    Subject: RE: 8 dead 50 wounded...

    Originally posted by dmiller5

    He requested to be transferred, for what its worth

    I don't know Dave......CNN is still running this.....they wouldn't make it up would they? 

    Perfectly SFW:


    It looks like ESPN's  "subsequent statement" included Mr. Lee (or should I call him Mr. Robert?).......which is pretty smart considering how stupid they look.

    Edited by Left Brain 2017-08-23 10:39 AM
    2017-08-23 11:14 AM
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    Subject: RE: 8 dead 50 wounded...

    This just in! ESPN's latest statement wins the "Even when we're stupid it's not our fault" ESPY AWARD!!!!!!!!

    The network's full statement: “We collectively made the decision with Robert to switch games as the tragic events in Charlottesville were unfolding, simply because of the coincidence of his name. In that moment it felt right to all parties. It's a shame that this is even a topic of conversation and we regret that who calls play-by-play for a football game has become an issue.”

    Let me see.......who made it an issue?  LMAO



    Edited by Left Brain 2017-08-23 11:28 AM
    2017-08-23 6:37 PM
    in reply to: #5226685

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    Subject: RE: 8 dead 50 wounded...
    Imagine how different the world would be if Hillary had won

    - Robert Lee would still be calling the Virginia football game in Sep
    - Confederate statues would still stand sentinel as they had for 100+ years.
    - Neo Nazis would still be considered fringe and people not worthy of time.
    - Antifa would still be considered fringe and a bunch of anarchists.
    - The Russians would have never been involved in the election
    - Robert Muller would still be teaching at Stanford.
    2017-08-23 9:05 PM
    in reply to: Left Brain

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    Subject: RE: 8 dead 50 wounded...
    Originally posted by Left Brain

    All this dumbness makes me want to run outside, find a big pile of dog chit, and pick it up and rub it in my hair. 

    "Woke".....  hahahahahahahaha!!!!  

    https://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/poop-component-extends-life/ - apparently you are on to something.
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