BT Development Mentor Program Archives » We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed Rss Feed  
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2013-12-23 2:34 PM

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

GROUP FOCUS: Newbies and returning group members - all distances.

This is the second season for this group. We had an active group last season with many of our members successfully their first triathlons from sprint distance to an Ironman. I expect that several of last years' members will be back which will add to the richness and experience of the group.

NAME: sundevil87 - but please call me Thom

STORY: I am a 48 year old, recently retired Army Colonel. My last assignment before leaving active duty was with NORAD / US Northern Command. I live in the thin-air of Colorado Springs, CO. I have been involved in the sport of triathlon since 2008 while stationed in Germany. I got my start with Beginner Triathlon using Mike Ricci's training plans and the mentor program. I have completed triathlons at all distances from Sprint to Ironman (IM Arizona) - progressing in an orderly approach as recommended by the pros: sprint/oly my first year; oly/HIM my second; and finally HIM/IM my fourth (I was sent to the Middle East during the third year which put me behind schedule). I began my endurance sport journey many years ago when I first set my sights on completing a 1/2 marathon. I then moved to Marathon and then set a goal to complete an Ironman. I completed all of these goals. In addition to doing triathlons, I also do run endurance events. Last year I completed the Pikes Peak Ascent - which is a 1/2 marathon up the face of Pikes Peak - an elevation change of over 7,000 feet - from 7000' elevation to 14,115'. I also competed in the Ragnar Colorado - a 187 mile relay race from Breckenridge, Colorado to Snow Mass, Colorado.

I am a MOP triathlete - but hope to podium at some point - no matter how long it takes. Maybe by attrition as I plan on competing in the sport as long as I am drawing a breath.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 5 children - two are grown and three still at home 18, 10, and 8.


I train technically with HRM, cadence (bike and run), and power. I primarily use Training Peaks, but also like to post workouts to Map My Ride.

2013 RACES: I completed several great races in 13 including HITS Napa Valley Iron Distance (where I finished first in my age group) and several Ragnar relays. I also competed in the Boulder Tri-Series. Injury caused me to pull out of the HITS Palm Springs

2014 RACES: I have an busy race program this year. I'm competing in the inaugural Boulder IM. I will also do the Boulder HIM and HITS Full Distance Lake Havasu. I have a couple Ragnars on the schedule. I'm sure to throw in some shorter distance B and C races.

WEIGHTLOSS: I don't have any weight loss goals for my tri training other than to get to a new race weight which is about 5-10 pounds less than what I currently weigh. However, in 2010 I lost over 30 pounds competing in triathlon and making life style changes. .


If you are brand new to the sport, or relatively new, I have been where you are and believe I can help to motivate you to get across the finish line - while sharing my experiences picked up along the way. I found that using a mentor when I first started was invaluable and I believe I can provide a similar service to you. Plus - an added bonus is the membership of this group - with all of our combined experiences you can't go wrong.

While I currently have a coach (from D3), in the past I self-coach and did so for my early triathlons. I would recommend that if you are attempting to complete your first Ironman that you seriously consider obtaining a coach. I am by no means an expert - nor a coach - but I have learned a thing or two along the way. I regularly find myself providing training advice to my co-workers and my Ragnar teammates. I can do the same for you.

If nothing else - I have completed every goal that I set for myself - and I have done so relatively injury free (this past year was my first year where I was sidelined by an injury). I think I can help you do the same.

Edited by sundevil87 2014-01-22 4:48 PM

2014-01-07 6:55 AM
in reply to: 0

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2)
NAME: Mountaindan - Dan

STORY: I am 51, I started doing Tri's about 4 years ago. I went and watched a local race and thought that it looked like a fun challenge. I signed up for that race the following year and joined the local club and have been hooked ever since. I am definitely a MOP, but working to get better all the time. I have done only a few races as my work schedule gets crazy during the summer and keeps me from doing as many as I would like. I have done a few sprints, 1 Olympic and 2 HIM's although the first HIM ended up being a Aquabike due to a back injury. I have since had surgery to repair what I as well as my Physical therapist believe was brought on due to poor bike position, I had never been properly fit before that time.
I am also a member of the New Hampshire Air National Guard and have Been a member of the Air National Guard for over 20 years.
I am a transplant from Reno Nevada currently living in Kennebunk Maine.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 4 kids, 2 boys are grown and live on the west coast and twin daughters are in their 1st year of college, My wife and I are finally empty nesters.

For most of the fall I have been pretty sporadic on my training focusing mostly on biking on the trainer using virtual power via TrainerRoad. I am really enjoying trying to become some what of a cyclist as opposed to just a masher!

2013 RACES: I completed only 1 race this season which was the Pumpkinman HIM in September, as well as several mini Tri's that our club holds weekly.

2014 RACES: I am planning on doing a HIM in June, the White Mountain HIM and would like to do some other at least Olympic distances and also a Marathon.

2015 RACES: Goal is to do Ironman Lake Tahoe which will be my first Iron distance and since this is my old back yard I figured I would go home and go big!

WEIGHTLOSS: Definitely! I am currently at about 240 6'3", Damn holidays killed me this year as I have not been running due to PF, but have started working on getting back down to a race weight, I am shooting for 210 preferably by the time I do my HIM, I've been racing at around 228 the last 2 years.

As I mentioned I have been having issues with PF for quite some time, trying to let it heal itself, I haven't run since my HIM in September, but really need to start. I will be breaking down and going to the Doc to see what we can do, I am sure dropping 20 - 30 pounds wouldn't hurt at all.

What will make me a good Mentee: I have a great desire to learn and to get much better in this sport as well as to learn how to stay healthy as I age. I have always believed in any endeavor that I can learn from the newest person as well as the most seasoned and that we all have differing experiences that can help us grow.

Looking forward to a new year and new challenges and experiences!


Edited by Mountaindan 2014-01-07 6:56 AM
2014-01-07 7:00 AM
in reply to: #4917318

Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2)
I'd like to join this group please
2014-01-07 8:50 AM
in reply to: Mountaindan

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2)
Hi Dan,

Welcome back. We're in for a good year I'm sure.

PF sucks. I'm fighting with it now. I've been seeing an Active Release Technique (ART) practitioner - the inventor in fact - and we''re no closer to a solution than when I pulled up lame after Ragnar Vegas. I'm going to keep after it.

Let us know how PT goes.

2014-01-07 8:51 AM
in reply to: I try tris

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2)
Originally posted by I try tris

I'd like to join this group please

Would love to have you. Let us know something about you.

2014-01-07 8:58 AM
in reply to: sundevil87

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2)
Thanks Thom, Glad to be back!

Are you able to run while you are working on it or have you had to give it up for now? I've tried not running at all, but that has not helped a bit, so I am thinking I would start running slowly with pretty low mileage and see what happens?

2014-01-07 2:20 PM
in reply to: Mountaindan

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2)
Dan - I'm running. I tried laying off for six weeks with no noticeable improvement. I'm working all the angles. After running the issue is really no worse. Perhaps it is just age.

2014-01-07 7:13 PM
in reply to: sundevil87

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2)
Good to hear, that is what I am going to do also, We'll see what happens? At this point it can't be much worse.

Wheres the rest of our old crew?
2014-01-07 10:00 PM
in reply to: Mountaindan

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2)
Originally posted by Mountaindan

Good to hear, that is what I am going to do also, We'll see what happens? At this point it can't be much worse.

Wheres the rest of our old crew?

I'm sure, I think, that the regulars will be here soon.
2014-01-08 12:47 PM
in reply to: 0

Simsbury, CT
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2)

NAME: Armando

STORY: I am 47, married and have 3 kids ages 10, 12 and 17 – your typical age grouper I would say. For the most part, I have been active throughout my life, whether running, rock climbing, soccer, biking etc.   I had a goal to do a tri many years ago - 10+. I even bought a bike with clip-on arm rests but never did find a race or the motivation to actually do it. Fast forward to 2011 when my brother calls me to let me know he was doing IM AZ. Watched him finish on Ironman Live and got interested again.   In March of 2012, I signed up for a Sprint Tri training course through Fleet Feet, our local running shop. It culminated with a Sprint race in June. I did 5 more Sprints that year and 1 Olympic.   At some point, my brother calls me up asking me to race IM Texas with him. A little brotherly competition and I signed up for IM TX 2013.   I probably should have gone with a ½ IM first but with the support of this group and resources of BT and other sites, I managed to become an IM. There is plenty to learn still and so I am back for another year with the group. 

CURRENT TRAINING: I am focusing on my biking strength through Trainerroads or Spinning at the local gym. In another 4 weeks, I will start incorporating my running program, delaying swimming until March or April.

2013 RACES: A few Sprints, 1 Olympic, 1 IM, 1 Marathon, a couple of 5k’s.

2014 PLANNED RACES: A few sprints, 1 Olympic, 1 - ½ IM (Mont Treblanc or Syracuse), IM Lake Placid, 2 - ½ marathons, 1 Marathon, Ragnar Cape Cod, a few 5ks.

WEIGHTLOSS: I would like to lose around 10lbs. Currently at 187.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I am not an expert by any stretch of the imagination but have done a bit of research and I am more than happy to pass on what I have learned.   As I mentioned above, I am still learning and would love to have the input and words of encouragement to keep the motivation going during 2014.

Edited by Armandova 2014-01-15 5:07 PM
2014-01-08 5:44 PM
in reply to: Armandova

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2)

Welcome back. Glad to have you again

Look forward to you sharing your experiences from IM TX with the group this year.


2014-01-08 5:46 PM
in reply to: sundevil87

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2)
Looking for a Group? Look no further - we're the place for you.

We were a very active group last year and look to be so again this year. But the added bonus this year is that the group will have a number of members that have a year of experience and can add to the richness of the group.

Throw your hat in the ring - we'd love to meet you and help you achieve your 2014 goals.

2014-01-09 12:10 AM
in reply to: sundevil87

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, California
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN

I would love to join your group


A bit about me.

NAME- MamacitaT - Tara

STORY - I am a 48 yr SAHM who loves her job. Prior to being a mother, I was a fit active person and always considered myself athletic. Over the course of raising my children, I became a spectator and no longer the athlete I once was. Putting my family first, I forgot to take care of myself. This past July 2013, I decided to get back the active person I once was and signed up for my first triathlon October 20, 2013.

I loved training for my first tri which I completed with my family cheering me on - I  am now hooked. I  have lost weight, eat better and have become stronger and healthier but I want to keep improving. I love training outside and live in So. Cal so it is an option almost every day - I don't like the gym. 

FAMILY STATUS - Married 19 years, 2 kids - girl 16, boy 12

WEIGHTLOSS - 10 lbs  have stayed pretty steady but would really like to press for more. 


CURRENT TRAINING - Just getting back after a bad stomach flu - Using BT Sprint Plan

2013 - Completed my first Sprint Triathlon - WASN'T LAST!



- Continue to work on increasing fitness level and improve in all 3 areas of swim/bike/run

-Buy a road bike

- Would like to complete 2-3 Sprint Triathlons and perhaps a HM - maybe Olympic by end of year. 

2014-01-09 1:45 AM
in reply to: sundevil87

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Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN
I would love it if I could join your group.

My name is Marcy/quietquip... I am 27 years old and live in California. I hope those of you who have real seasons where you live are keeping warm. This is my first year training for a triathlon. My boyfriend completed two triathlons a few years ago and got me interested in them. At the time I didn't push myself to try one because I didn't know how to swim and still don't know. I have a lot of challenges ahead of me but have the dedication to push through them.

Family: I have been in a relationship for a little over 4 years and have a little boy.

Training: I have been running a lot lately. I have my swim lessons starting early Feb and am hoping to have my road bike by the end of this month.

Weight loss/gain: Trying to keep my weight up. I am 5'6 and weight 102 but working on bringing it up to 118.

Goal: My primary goal is to learn how to swim. Swim, swim, swim, swim.

2014-01-09 7:48 AM
in reply to: quietquip

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN
OK Thom, Here is your chance to do some mentoring and anyone else who would like to chime in, that's what we're here for.

I have come up with a crazy notion of 2 things I want to do this year, both of which are on my list this year, but the 2 events are pretty close together.
First I am looking at doing a Marathon, I am planning on running for the first time since September tonight. The event I would like to do is May 11th, so the first question is that to aggressive of a goal for my first marathon basically starting from scratch again?
And just to make this even more difficult, I also would like to do a HIM a month later June 8th.
I have a tendency to have much more time to train during the start of the year and know that I would be spending a lot of time training.

Is this a crazy? unreasonable? or just ambitious goal for 2014?
2014-01-09 9:02 AM
in reply to: MamacitaT

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN
Originally posted by MamacitaT

I would love to join your group


A bit about me.

NAME- MamacitaT - Tara

STORY - I am a 48 yr SAHM who loves her job. Prior to being a mother, I was a fit active person and always considered myself athletic. Over the course of raising my children, I became a spectator and no longer the athlete I once was. Putting my family first, I forgot to take care of myself. This past July 2013, I decided to get back the active person I once was and signed up for my first triathlon October 20, 2013.

I loved training for my first tri which I completed with my family cheering me on - I  am now hooked. I  have lost weight, eat better and have become stronger and healthier but I want to keep improving. I love training outside and live in So. Cal so it is an option almost every day - I don't like the gym. 

FAMILY STATUS - Married 19 years, 2 kids - girl 16, boy 12

WEIGHTLOSS - 10 lbs  have stayed pretty steady but would really like to press for more. 


CURRENT TRAINING - Just getting back after a bad stomach flu - Using BT Sprint Plan

2013 - Completed my first Sprint Triathlon - WASN'T LAST!



- Continue to work on increasing fitness level and improve in all 3 areas of swim/bike/run

-Buy a road bike

- Would like to complete 2-3 Sprint Triathlons and perhaps a HM - maybe Olympic by end of year. 


Hi Tara,

Welcome to the group! Glad to see that you have recaptured the fitness/athletic bug. I truly believe you have found the right sport. As we get ramped up here you will find a lot of great advice and motivation.

Your tri goals are all achievable. If you can find a HIM that appeals to you set it as your major goal and A race for the year and use the sprints and olys to build to the HIM. Your location is sure to have lots of great races to choose from. Identifying your major race allows you to set your training schedule. BT has great tools to help you do that. I used BT plans (from Mike Ricci) almost exclusively as I was learning the sport.

Look forward to your tales of accomplishment this year.


2014-01-09 9:13 AM
in reply to: quietquip

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN
Originally posted by quietquip

I would love it if I could join your group.

My name is Marcy/quietquip... I am 27 years old and live in California. I hope those of you who have real seasons where you live are keeping warm. This is my first year training for a triathlon. My boyfriend completed two triathlons a few years ago and got me interested in them. At the time I didn't push myself to try one because I didn't know how to swim and still don't know. I have a lot of challenges ahead of me but have the dedication to push through them.

Family: I have been in a relationship for a little over 4 years and have a little boy.

Training: I have been running a lot lately. I have my swim lessons starting early Feb and am hoping to have my road bike by the end of this month.

Weight loss/gain: Trying to keep my weight up. I am 5'6 and weight 102 but working on bringing it up to 118.

Goal: My primary goal is to learn how to swim. Swim, swim, swim, swim.

Hi Marcy,

Welcome to the group!

Congratulations on your decision to learn to swim and to take on triathlon. Starting your swim lessons in February will give you plenty of time to learn that part of the sport and to develop the skills and conditioning to compete in a Tri in the late spring / summer time.

Do you have any particular race goals in mind? Look for a local race - a sprint distance race would work great - and mark it on the calendar. Circle it in a big red circle. Let your friends and family know your goal. I found that after a couple of starts and stops on my first marathon that by telling folks I made myself accountable to them and that by placing it on the calendar I made myself accountable to myself.

Check back with the group often. You'll get a lot of great advice and more importantly you'll get a ton of support.

2014-01-09 9:28 AM
in reply to: Mountaindan

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN
Originally posted by Mountaindan

OK Thom, Here is your chance to do some mentoring and anyone else who would like to chime in, that's what we're here for.

The event I would like to do is May 11th, so the first question is that to aggressive of a goal for my first marathon basically starting from scratch again?
And just to make this even more difficult, I also would like to do a HIM a month later June 8th.
I have a tendency to have much more time to train during the start of the year and know that I would be spending a lot of time training.

Is this a crazy? unreasonable? or just ambitious goal for 2014?


You can do this. You have time to prepare for the marathon. Many of the marathon plans that I've seen run anywhere from 18 - 22 weeks. The important thing will be to build your run volume steadily and consistently. Avoid doing the three killers - too far, too fast, too soon. The general consensus is not to build volume or distance more than 10% week-to-week.

The marathon volume training volume will set you up nicely for the run portion of your HIM. Take a run rest period after the marathon. You can continue to work the other sports.

I'm not sure which training tools you're using but Training Peaks coaching wizard will take into account your race events and set your weekly training goals accordingly. I think the BT Gold plan does similar.

2014-01-09 9:46 AM
in reply to: sundevil87

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN
Here is who I have in group so far:

sundevil87 (Thom) - Colorado
Mountaindan (Dan)- Maine
Armandova (Armando) - Connecticut
Mamacitat (Tara) - California
ITryThis (?) - ?
quietquip(Marcy) - California

We are building a good group with a lot of diversity (location, backgrounds, athletic/triathlon experience).

Please go out of your way to encourage each other (in this thread, as well as on their individual training log pages).

A couple of general items as we get going in the thread:

- I'll try to respond to questions and update this thread promptly. I tend to be on just about everyday - though some days I may lag.

- If the content may be helpful to other members of the group, I will post it here. If there is a question, or some detail that you would prefer not be part of this thread, you can email or PM me directly. I prefer email, but either are OK.

- If you have a burning question or issue, you could phone me directly. PM me for the #.

- If your questions, feedback, or anything else would be helpful to the group, please consider using this thread as an ongoing "discussion place".

- If you have not already "subscribed" to updates on this discussion thread, please consider doing so (Toggle Email Alerts at the bottom of the page). You will then be automatically notified when there is a change to this thread. It will keep you more tied into the conversation, and will keep the thread more active as a result.

- Encourage each other on your individual training logs.

- The biggest challenge will be to stay consistent in your training. If you have a lapse, don't sweat it, jump right back in. That includes participation in this thread also. It is intended to be an interchange back and forth between all of us, not just me providing input (although I plan to swamp you with info/resources).

- A caveat...I'm not a professional coach, just an enthusiast. I'll try to answer all questions, and help any way I can. If I don't know the answer, I will tell you so, and then help you find the answer.

- My plan for each person is:

- assess goals
- create race calendar (if needed).
- answer all questions
- encourage each of you as you pursue your goals.
- provide some accountability in your training (and mine as well).
- be your biggest fan/supporter.

In return, I just ask that you do the following:

- Have fun. If nothing else comes out of it, triathlon is supposed to be fun. You are hereby ordered to enjoy yourself !!!!!!

We have room for 6-8 more athletes - so if you are perusing looking for a group come on in.

2014-01-09 10:31 AM
in reply to: sundevil87

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN
Thanks Thom!
I use BT for all of my training so I will probably go that route this time also. I guess now that I have said it I will have to set the plan in motion!
Let's just hope that the foot holds out. I will definitely be taking it easy and starting slow, I just want to finish the marathon in preparation for doing a IM in 2015.

Welcome to the rest of the group. Looking forward to the new season and learning from all as well as giving what I can back to the group. It is a great way to stay motivated and learn from others mistakes. I post most of my workouts here and will be happy to share with anyone.
I do ask that those of you from California to think about those of us stuck in the northern freeze of Maine when sharing how nice your run was in 60-70 degree weather, I'll be heading out tonight after work with a projected temp of 16, but that is better than a few days ago so I will take it.

Good luck all!
2014-01-09 3:22 PM
in reply to: sundevil87

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, California
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN

Thanks for the welcome. This site has kept me motivated to keep moving and I am looking forward to being part of a group this year.


Thom - Will you be participating in HITS Napa Valley this year? That is penciled in on my race list this year. I just need to clear my husbands/kids calendar and am seriously considering it.  I think I am going to work up to an OLY in Palm Springs next December and leave the HIM for next year. I turn the big 50 and it will be a big goal for me to work on in 2015. I need many more miles of training before I think I will be ready for HIM.


Dan - I have mad respect for those of you bundling up in cold weather gear, head lamps etc and hitting the road to train. I was reading a thread the other day "10 degress -10 windchill, fun run!!" where everyone was posting the temp in which they ran and I was completely awestruck. I grew up in Eastern Washington ( similar weather to Montana) and lived in New York for 11 years so I am very familiar with cold weather; however, I will make no promises not to give someone a ribbing now and then - all in good fun of course


Stay warm!


2014-01-09 3:52 PM
in reply to: MamacitaT

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN
Originally posted by MamacitaT

Thanks for the welcome. This site has kept me motivated to keep moving and I am looking forward to being part of a group this year.


Thom - Will you be participating in HITS Napa Valley this year? That is penciled in on my race list this year. I just need to clear my husbands/kids calendar and am seriously considering it.  I think I am going to work up to an OLY in Palm Springs next December and leave the HIM for next year. I turn the big 50 and it will be a big goal for me to work on in 2015. I need many more miles of training before I think I will be ready for HIM.


Tara - I'm not planning on coming out to Napa this year. Last year's race was no kidding tough and I'm in no hurry to relive the experience. Traveling that far for a race of less than HIM or IM distance isn't something that would be cost effective for me. I love HITS races though. I think they are well set up and well run. They are getting more popular each year. The Napa race is a nice course - but definitely challenging.

I was going to be out in Palm Springs last year but had to withdraw due to ongoing heel issues that have been bothering me. I moved my registration to Lake Havasu this year. That is a benefit of HITS - you can move your race registration one time if you can't make a race date for whatever reason. IM doesn't let you do that. Plus, HITS is much less expensive than IM branded races.

2014-01-09 5:31 PM
in reply to: #4917318

Simsbury, CT
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN

I was commenting to a friend of my at work how mummy it is to think of 14 degrees as warm! Negative numbers and a little wind definitely makes 14 and no wind seem warm.

I agree with Thom - plenty of time to train for a marathon in May. I would suggest you use 3-4 weeks to build a base and then run a 5k trial to help you find a training pace. Once you find out what that is you can dial in your training and race paces.

Looking forward to seeing your progress.
2014-01-09 5:33 PM
in reply to: #4928142

Simsbury, CT
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN
Tara and Marcy - welcome to the group.
2014-01-09 5:39 PM
in reply to: Armandova

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN
Thanks Armando, sounds like good advice. I am so looking forward to going running tonight it will be 8;30 or so before I can, but since I haven't run for so long I'm excited, hopefully i will still have that when I get back? only planning on 2 miles tonight to see how the foot does and to not aggravate it too much.
Glad to have you back in the group, I know you have a wealth of knowledge for us all.
Don't laugh too much when you see how slow I am tonight!

Tara, you can give me all the ribbing you want, I actually would rather run in sub zero rather than anything over 70, especially if there is any humidity involved!
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The off-season is the best time to fine tune your skills and prepare yourself for the next season. It is also time for you to gain some strength and get a little rest after a long season of training.
date : October 12, 2004
author : robinskj
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A busy, fat lady gets hooked on Tri's. You can too!
date : September 2, 2004
author : Michael
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If you develop a strategy for the off-season, you can go into the next season stronger than you ended the past season.