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2008-12-22 11:57 AM

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Subject: suffer78's Group - CLOSED

NAME: suffer78 / Brian
STORY: I just turned 30 this year and have been doing triathlon off and on for the past 3 years. I've really refocused my training as of this year and completed my first Ironman (Florida last month). I work as a network engineer, so I have access to BT daily to give advise and help others along with their training.
FAMILY STATUS: I'm currently single, so I have plenty of time for training.
CURRENT TRAINING: I'm starting to get a more structure training regime in place. I took a couple weeks off after IMFL and am ready to get back into the regular training mode.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: This year I only did one race, Ironman Florida. It was an awesome training experience and an even better race experience. It showed me that I need to really structure my workouts in order to achieve the results i'm looking for. That's why I want to be a mentor. I get motivated by motivating others and helping them meet their goals.
2009 RACES:  Currently, my only commited race is Ironman Wisconsin. I looking at doing my first ultramarathon in May as well as some local sprint, olympic and half iron races to prepare for IMWI.
WEIGHTLOSS: I don't have any weightloss goals. I just try to eat healthy so that I can train properly and feel good doing it. 
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I think I'd be a good mentor because I love helping people meet their goals. BT helped me acheive me goal of finishing an Ironman race and I want to give back to the site. I'm not a coach, so any advice that I provide is just that. I will do my best to help our new BT'ers along and finish that first tri or improve!!

Edited by suffer78 2009-01-02 1:19 PM

2008-12-31 1:23 AM
in reply to: #1867540

Subject: RE: suffer78's Group - Open
I'm in!
2008-12-31 8:52 AM
in reply to: #1879168

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: suffer78's Group - Open
awesome! glad to have you
2008-12-31 11:06 AM
in reply to: #1867540

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Houston, TX
Subject: RE: suffer78's Group - Open

Hey Brian, I'd like to join your group!

I'm 33, male, and married.  I have not completed any races but am starting training for a sprint tri in May and a couple of 10Ks before then.  Depending on how things go with the sprint, I would really like to complete an Oly by Fall '09.  I'm looking forward to a great year in '09!

2008-12-31 11:16 AM
in reply to: #1879774

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: suffer78's Group - Open
awesome!! You're in the right place to get started. Welcome aboard!
2008-12-31 11:19 AM
in reply to: #1867540

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Subject: RE: suffer78's Group - Open

Hi Brian!

 My name is Jen and I'd like to join your group.  I'm 28 and just recently started training for my first triathlon which is on April 4.  I had a little bit of a set back in November because I had to have my appendix removed.  I was not able to exercise for about a month and had to miss the first 5K I've every signed up for.  It was a little disappointing but I'm ready to go now!  I'm sure with your help I'll achieve my goal of finishing my first triathlon.




2008-12-31 12:10 PM
in reply to: #1879800

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: suffer78's Group - Open

Hi jen!

 Glad to hear that you're fully recovered from your surgery. I think we'll all have a great time this upcoming season. Go Seminoles!!

2008-12-31 3:09 PM
in reply to: #1867540

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Subject: RE: suffer78's Group - Open


Brian, I would like to join your group. 

NAME: pasman/Perry
STORY: About a year ago I was sick and tired of being overweight (235lbs) and tired all the time. I have 2 little girls they kept me hopping and I always seemed to be tired and climbing the stairs left me gasping. I decided it was time to do something. Signed up for an Oly tri for this past Aug, hired a personal trainer and signed up here at BT and joined a group. I sit at a desk all day as I am an IT Manager for a natural gas exploration company in Calgary Alberta Canada. 

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 4 years and we have two beautiful girls Avery at 4.5 year and Jordyn at 2 years old. 

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently nothing. My last race was in the end of September and I haven't done too much since then except eat and play playstation (evil little box). I started back into training just before Christmas but then we went away and now we are back so I have to start going. Running is my major weakness so I have to concentrate on that. I realized this last year that I need to have a goal and a plan to get there in order to be successful. I tried the free plans and other plans but I felt that I need to have more details especially when it came to swimming. I am going to start the 20 week plan leading into the HIM and am looking for something to get me in shape before that starts. I want to do a IM in 2010 so I need to make sure when I finish this year I continue training and do not take such a long break.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I did 4 Races this year, a sprint, an Oly, a 5k run, and was in a team of 2 for an 8 hour mtb endurance race. First year of any type of racing so i was all new to me. I used a BT plan for the Oly and used the sprint as a warm up get the know the sport type of race. I actaully finished 5th in my age group and 16th overall. Found out that I was a FOP vs the BOP I thought I was. I had some issues with my knee last summer and wasn't able to run for 6 weeks prior to my Oly so that hurt me huge. finished 93rd but should have been in the 50s.

2009 RACES:  Right now only signed up for an HIM on Aug 2nd but want to do the Sprint and Oly I did last year to see if I can beat my times.  I need to do some major running work this year and get back up to snuff on swimming and biking. Biking is my strong event with swimming next (3 days a week for 5 months really helped).

WEIGHTLOSS: I Well since I stopped training I gain about 20 of the 40lbs I lost last season. I know Iknow it always come on fast then off. Right now I am at 220 and would like to dropt down to 190. I was under 200 this past summer for the first time in 16 years and I want to get back there. It will be hard work but I am ready for it.

All for now, I hope you all have had a great holiday as I have had and I am totally pumped to get back into it in the New Year. 2009 is going to be awesome. 


Edited by Pasman 2008-12-31 3:42 PM
2008-12-31 4:08 PM
in reply to: #1867540

Subject: RE: suffer78's Group - Open
NAME: coldheat/Sarah
STORY: I'm 20 years old and did my first triathlon two seasons ago, however this past season was my first full season. I'm a div. 3 varsity college swimmer and will be in Curacao for winter swim training for the first week and a half of the year. My major in college is Sports Physiology with a concentrated interest in Biomechanics. I'm a USA swimming level 1 coach. I'm also on a multi-sport team out of New Jersey called Team Echelon!
FAMILY STATUS: I'm currently single, so I have plenty of time for training.
CURRENT TRAINING: This week starts week 1 of my 24 week training plan I developed and reviewed by my coach.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: This year I did a lot of sprint relays with my team, a sprint, and Musselman HIM.
2009 RACES: Eagleman Ironman 70.3 is my goal race. I'd like to place in the top 3 of my AG so I can be in the lotery for a slot at either Clearwater or Kona. I'm also in for two sprints, two olympics, a century ride, and a half marathon during the season. Add in any last minute sprint relays with the team
WEIGHTLOSS: I've never been overweight, but I'm looking to lean up a little bit this season...maybe 5-6 pounds for Metropolitan Championships for swim team and Eagleman. Nothing major.
2009-01-02 10:50 AM
in reply to: #1867540

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: suffer78's Group - Open
Sign me up! I could use the extra motivation!

NAME: Parkerr815/ Russell

STORY: I'm 27 years old and did my first tri last August. I stay pretty active playing softball and tennis regularly, as well as the occasional, basketball, flag football, etc. Swimming is my weakest as I've been running on and off 9-10 years since I was in the army, and biking reguarly for about 5 years. I prefer mountain biking so I only have a mountain bike . However for the last 5 years I put slicks on it and have done the MS150 from San Antonio to Corpus Christi and Tour de Cure from San Antonio to Austin.

FAMILY STATUS: I'm married with no kids yet. My wife is supportive and has done two tri's herself. She will be training for the same 2 this year.

CURRENT TRAINING: Right now, I have shifted the focus to my strength training and will begin mixing in a brick or two in the next week or so. Every Saturday I do my own triathlon in the gym swimming 400m, biking 9-10mi, and running 2-3mi. Every Sunday morning I play tennis for about 2 hours.

THIS YEAR'S RACES (2008): Copied and pasted from my log page:
March 29......Race for the Cure (5K).........DONE (23:10)
April 5 ......Run for Cover (5K).............DONE (22:35) 1st Overall!
May 17-18.....Tour de Cure...................DONE
August 16.....Dam 09' Triathlon..............DONE (1:05:44)
September 12..Zoo Run Relay..................DONE (14:17 Split)
October 4-5...MS150 Bike to the Beach........DONE
November 8 ...USAA 5K Run....................DONE (22:14)

2009 RACES: I plan on doing everything above again, plus another tri and/or du, possibly a relay marathon, and then the San Antono Rock n Roll marathon in November. I would like to do a HIM and IM in the next 3-5 years.

WEIGHTLOSS: Not really looking for weight loss, but if I drop a few LBs I wouldn't mind

Edited by Parkerr815 2009-01-02 12:24 PM
2009-01-02 1:22 PM
in reply to: #1867540

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: suffer78's Group - CLOSED

Well, looks like we've got a good group of people to help motivate each other over the next few months. I've added everyone as friends on my log and you guys should do the same. That way, you can look at each others logs, leave inspiration and comments to give everyone that extra push to keep up the great work!

I hope everyone had a great new year and is ready to get down and dirty with some fun training!!

2009-01-02 3:25 PM
in reply to: #1867540

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Subject: RE: suffer78's Group - CLOSED

Ya, I have friends now!!! I hope you all had a great holiday. first workout today in long time and man did it hurt but feels great. I just hope it all comes back quickly.

Well it is a balmy -24C (-11F) here -37C with the wind chill (-34.6) so I am just trying to stay warm. the tem makes it hard to train out doors so thread mills and trainers for me the next couple of months.

 Anyone do anything exciting for the Holidays? I was at the in laws for a week. it was actually nice and relaxing, they looked after the kids for the most part and did all the cooking. It weas a nice break.

2009-01-02 9:41 PM
in reply to: #1883070

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Houston, TX
Subject: RE: suffer78's Group - CLOSED

Ouch!  That's some nasty cold weather you have up there!  It's 67(F) here in Houston at the moment.  Although, I wouldn't mind living near a nice big mountain covered with snow.  I love to snow ski!!

I'm glad you had a nice holiday.  I didn't do anything too terribly exciting.  My in-laws travelled to our place for Christmas this year.  It was nice having everyone here.  The only problem was that my mother in law baked way too many cookies and pies.  I think I had 4 pieces of pie on Christmas Day!  I only ate that many b/c I didn't want to hurt her feelings.  Yeah... that's my excuse.  Smile  I did 5 miles that morning and played football in the afternoon, so I didn't gain any weight from all the wonderful things I ate.

2009-01-02 11:42 PM
in reply to: #1867540

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: suffer78's Group - CLOSED

Is it too late to join?

 I see that you just closed.  My name is David here in Chicago.  I am 33 years young and have played soccer my whole life up until 4 years ago.  I have always enjoyed running and biking and in the second half of '08 decided I would start to look into triathlons.  I have been working with a personal trainer that has helped me build core strength and upper torso mass in order to start training for triathlons.  I have always been a good runner and this summer would run an average of 25 miles a week. I started swimming in the last few months and worked my way up to a mile swim on Christmas Eve.  I know I lack a true "tri" structure to my workouts and diet.  I believe I am on the right track, but realize I know nothing.  I have read a lot and I am completely self motivated, I just started checking out this website and the entry blog to the Mentor forums stated you were still open.  This seemed to me to be the right group for me, but I totally understand if it is closed.  My initial goal is to participate in the Olympic size Tri in Tempe, AZ May 17th and take it form there.

 Please let me know if it is possible to still join you or not...thanks and best wishes to all!


2009-01-03 12:15 AM
in reply to: #1867540

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: suffer78's Group - CLOSED
Hey all! Nothing too exciting over the holidays for me as well. Just family and food!

The high today here in San Antonio was about 80 degrees, so I can only imagine how cold it is...

Happy Training,

2009-01-03 8:02 AM
in reply to: #1883765

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: suffer78's Group - CLOSED
Hey David (gone) We've always got room for one more! Welcome to our group. It sounds like you've got a solid foundation for the swim and the run. We'll get you on the right track with some structured training so you can accomplish your goal of an olympic triathlon in May. I'll add you as a friend to my blog, and as I mentioned to the others, go ahead and add everyone as friends so you can look at their logs and inspire them.. they in turn, will inspire you as well!!

2009-01-04 9:20 PM
in reply to: #1867540

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Subject: RE: suffer78's Group - CLOSED

Forth from last in the thread list. Can't let that happen. How was everyone's weekend? did anyone do anything exicting. It was still pretty cold here yesterday so just hung around home moving my office downstairs and then took my oldest to the science center. This morning went sledding in the front yard with my youngest and took my oldest skiing at the local hill this afternoon. Not too much training went on this weekend but the real program starts tomorrow. Maybe I'll throw on a movie an do some a core workout.

2009-01-05 7:07 PM
in reply to: #1886000

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Houston, TX
Subject: RE: suffer78's Group - CLOSED

Looks like you had a good weekend with your kids. 

 I didn't do much besides workout a little, watch some football, and take down Christmas decorations.  Oh, and I ordered a HR monitor yesterday afternoon off Amazon.  I can't wait for my new toy to come in!

2009-01-05 8:48 PM
in reply to: #1867540

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: suffer78's Group - CLOSED
Nice job on getting the HRM!! It's going to help your training for sure. My weekend was pretty good. Spent some time with my friends I hadn't seen in a few weeks. Did some nice relaxing on Sunday. 
2009-01-06 10:14 AM
in reply to: #1867540

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Subject: RE: suffer78's Group - CLOSED

Jen what are you taking in school?

Looks like there are a few of us IT people in the group. Brian, how long have you been a network engineer for? Who are you working for? I have been in the IT industry for 11 years this June. The last 4 have been as an IT manager for a small group of guys running a company network. Before that I was a consultant. I still try to get my hands dirty when I can as that is what I realy enjoy. Now a days most of my time is in meetings or doing budget analysis or SOX compliancy and governance.



2009-01-06 9:02 PM
in reply to: #1867540

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: suffer78's Group - CLOSED
I've been in IT since '97. Started with basic network admin stuff in the Marines and got my current job a few years ago. It's a banking software company and I configure and setup routers for our customers. It's a good gig, very challenging at times. 

2009-01-07 9:38 AM
in reply to: #1891074

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Houston, TX
Subject: RE: suffer78's Group - CLOSED
Hey, coldheat and gone, I noticed you haven't made any entries to your logs yet, so I wanted to see how things are going.
2009-01-07 1:24 PM
in reply to: #1867540

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: suffer78's Group - CLOSED
I got a Garmin Forerunner 305 last night! I can't wait to use it!
2009-01-07 1:34 PM
in reply to: #1892656

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Houston, TX
Subject: RE: suffer78's Group - CLOSED

Parkerr815 - 2009-01-07 1:24 PM I got a Garmin Forerunner 305 last night! I can't wait to use it!

 Sweet!  That one is getting really good reviews.  I hope you enjoy it!

2009-01-07 1:37 PM
in reply to: #1892688

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Houston, TX
Subject: RE: suffer78's Group - CLOSED

A friend of mine sent me this link about Team Hoyt.  You all may already know their story, but it is my first time reading about them.  I think it's a great story and highly motivational.

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