General Discussion Triathlon Talk » IMKY taper thought de jour Rss Feed  
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2008-08-21 1:07 PM

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Subject: IMKY taper thought de jour

The real 'challange of an ironman' is the training.  The race is actually the reward...payday.  We're gonna have fun in Louisville...because we've earned it.

We paid our dues.  We've spent countless hours on the bike.  We've swum endless laps in the pool staring at hairballs and a black line.  We're run more miles than Forrest Gump. We've had to pass on 'beers after work' and 'lunch at Pizza the Hut' so we could get our mileage in.  We've spend so much time at our local bike shop everyone there knows us by name.  We went to bed shortly after the sun went down and gotten back up before the sun rose again.

We've done all we can do (and remain semi-sane).  Now it is time to reap the rewards of our hard work.  Louisville is gonna be fun.  We are going there to do an ironman!  How cool is that!?!

CYA soon!


2008-08-21 1:11 PM
in reply to: #1619176

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Subject: RE: IMKY taper thought de jour
Yeah! ! !  Yeah! ! !    What he said! ! ! !
2008-08-21 1:31 PM
in reply to: #1619176

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Mooretown, Ontario Canada
Subject: RE: IMKY taper thought de jour
Here I thought it was just my pool that had those cool looking hair balls to keep my mind entertained.

I'm looking nervously forward to Payday. Although I'm feeling tired and lethargic. Usual tapers for me are more an excess of energy. I hope I get to that point soon.

2008-08-21 1:43 PM
in reply to: #1619254

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Findlay, OH
Subject: RE: IMKY taper thought de jour
FishHog - 2008-08-21 2:31 PM

Here I thought it was just my pool that had those cool looking hair balls to keep my mind entertained.

I'm looking nervously forward to Payday. Although I'm feeling tired and lethargic. Usual tapers for me are more an excess of energy. I hope I get to that point soon.


That is SO true about the nast hair balls in the pool!! About puke when one comes to the surface and gets stuck to my google! lol

Good luck to everyone!! Ill bet on raceday we wont think of it as a "reward"

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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » IMKY taper thought de jour Rss Feed