Subject: Hello... again... from Japan Hello everyone, I'm not exactly new to BT, or these forums but I've been away from triathlon for a while now. I've been moving around and gotten sucked into the bad habit of "I'm too busy" routine. This past weekend I was cleaning out my storage area and I was planing to get my bike out to clean it up. I have a friend who was interested in buying it and since I hadn't ridden it in over a year I couldn't stand to let it rot anymore. Then something amazing happened!!! Okay, not really amazing, but I was standing there looking at it and it was calling to me. "Ride me and you will see..." So I took it for a spin around the block and sure enough, I caught the triathlon bug again. When I got home I told my wife that I was going to start training again for triathlons. She has been after me to get into better shape anyway so it wasn't hard to convince her. Now I'm back, baby! Back to BT and I can't wait to get started again. I'm starting off with the couch-to-sprint plan to ease back into things and see where my triathlon fitness is. I went to the pool for my first workout last night and I found out that I've got a long way to go to get back to the shape I was in during my last tri, but I'm in it to go the distance and achieve my goal of finishing an ironman!! Looking forward to talking to you all again soon, Mike Edited by mmakaryk 2010-10-18 3:29 PM