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2003-09-21 4:08 PM

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2003-09-25 8:02 AM
in reply to: #909

Rutland Ohio (South Eastern Ohio)
Subject: Coach and cost of the sport.

I have only been doing tri for less than 1 year, but I was wondering the same thing. I doubt if I could ever make it olympic, but I fantasize about the potential of becoming an elite athlete. I have seen price ranges for a tri coach range from 120+ per month, which is one of the reasons I haven't persued it further. I have also contemplated checking into becoming a team member, which recieves coaching, but at a more general level.

I have only participated in 2 tri's (and one duathlon), but I can see that the race registration alone will get a bit costly (usually $45+ per event from my experience), let alone the cost of travel and lodging. If I participate in the 10+ events that I would like to next year I could end up laying out over $1200 in travel, lodging and race registration. Does anyone have any suggestions on cheaper ways to race?

2003-09-25 7:27 PM
in reply to: #909

Central Louisiana
Subject: RE: how about a coach
I have personally had a coach since June and it has helped me. When you go to look for a coach determine what you want out of a coach. Do you want a lot of personal attention or do you just want to correspond by email. I would suggest that you talk to and find a coach that has a personality that you like and is a person you can work with. Most tri coaches have different levels of coaching. You may just need email contact and then on the other had you may need a coach to actually be with you when you are working out. The more you see your coach usually the more expensive it is. Coaching can range from 30 dollars per month and it climbs from there.

Still Tri'n
2003-10-11 2:14 PM
in reply to: #909

Lakewood, CO
Subject: I am one
I do coaching on the side for people. I am a certified personal trainer with ACE, a long term runner and a triathlete for teh last 3 seasons.
In November I will start writing articles in the RUN section of this website.
You can take a look at my website at: and click on my FITNESS PAGE link.

good luck in your search,

Enrico in CO
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » how about a coach Rss Feed