General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Results on a wonderful tri Rss Feed  
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2003-10-04 1:40 PM

Subject: Results on a wonderful tri
This was my 2nd tri. With only 3 weeks notice I felt really unprepared. I only wanted to beat my time from last year and well..honestly wanted to win. Well my determination got me far. I ended up being the first peron out of the pool (staggered start) and back from the bike and first back from the run. I cut off 12 mintues from last year and came in first in the women's division and even beat out the times in the men's division. The only people that beat me on time were the teams doing it. But I can't count those. So I am feeling really good about myself and knowing that I can share it all on this great site!

We all have the power to amaze ourselves,

2003-10-04 2:43 PM
in reply to: #1075

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Central Louisiana
Subject: RE: Results on a wonderful tri
Congrats on a great race! Keep up the good work!

Still Tri'n
2003-10-04 5:20 PM
in reply to: #1075

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Gold member
Subject: keep smokin 'em!
2003-10-08 9:36 PM
in reply to: #1075

East TN
Subject: RE: Results on a wonderful tri
great job, by the way, what did you eat the night before the race, (in reference to your post on 10/3/03).
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Results on a wonderful tri Rss Feed