Subject: Q on the strength training menus I'm new to the gym, and just went through an orientation with an instructor. There are a few exercises that we did that I want to add to my blogs, but I'm not sure what the selection would be in the blog's pulldown menus. I'll try to describe the exercises as best I can. One was called "Rear Delts" where you sit on a bench, press your chest against a bumper, and grab 2 handles in front of your chest. The handles and arms of the machine swing outward, so that your arms go from being straight in front of you to straight and open to the side (your upper body forms a T shape). The other was called "Lat Raise" where you again sit on a bench and press your chest against a bumper. You put your arms in the machine, where there are 2 bumpers on your outer upper arm and your hands grab handles just in front. You then raise and lower your arms, sort of like a wing flapping motion. I want to fill out my blogs as accurately as possible, so any help is appreciated! |