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2003-11-11 6:12 AM

SW Michigan
Subject: The 10% Rule
I have heard of the 10% rule in which you increase the distance of your long run by ten percent for three consecutive weeks and the fourth week is "easy." I think that this is a great idea, but I have two questions about the actual implementation of it.

1. How easy should and easy week be? Do I run half of my previous distance? I've also heard 30% for an easy week. I'm not sure if that means to decrease by 30% or only run 30% of the distance.

2. What do I do on week 5? Do I increase 10% on what I did week 3, or do I do the same that I did on week 3?


2003-11-11 9:57 AM
in reply to: #1687

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Gold member
Subject: RE: The 10% Rule
  • just decrease distance OR duration - should be about the same regardless.  say your running 7mile, 7mile and 10mile (long run) for your 3rd week.  on your 4rth week 'ez week' if your doing a 30% decrease, multiply those miles by 70% (or subtract 30% off) to get 4.9, 4.9 and 7miles. (alternatively go by minutes) - figure out what amount of intensity decrease is good for u.  if 50% decrease makes u come back stronger the following week over the 30%, than go for it...some people will need more rest to progress and some will lose some ground at the 50% decrease. 

on week 5, go back up to your levels before the ez week, then 2weeks of 10% increase, then another ez week.


  • week 1 - go back to your week before ez week levels
  • week 2 - increase 10%
  • week 3 - increase 10%
  • week 4- ez week - 30-50% decrease.

these r just a guideline...but it makes u fit needed rests regularly in your routine while building up conservatively.

2003-11-12 5:17 AM
in reply to: #1687

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Pittsburgh, PA
Subject: RE: The 10% Rule
Remember also to back off on the intensity of training, not just distance. I try to stick with workouts at about 60-65% of my maximum heart rate. Definately nothing over 70% during a rest week. I've found myself reaping huge rewards by teaching myself how & when to take it easy.
2003-11-13 12:12 PM
in reply to: #1687

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: The 10% Rule
I am currently training for a half marathon and used Jeff Galloways aproach (book). I do increasing long runs every two weeks with shorter runs in between. But the 2nd easy week is 30% less and the 4th week is 50% less. For example:

long runs
week 1 : 10
week 2 : 7
week 3 : 12
week 4 : 6

This has really helped me recover since I am fairly new to running. Many other programs for runners cut back every third week. You need to experiment and see what works best for you. I also only run 3 days a week and cross train 3 days a week.
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » The 10% Rule Rss Feed