General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Interested in a tri-sprint Rss Feed  
Moderators: IndoIronYanti, k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2016-08-21 4:03 PM


, New York
Subject: Interested in a tri-sprint

I'm interested in trying a Tri sprint- but there's so much to know its overwhelming! I workout 5x/ week - pretty much do at least 1 leg of the Tri each workout.

Where do I start?



2016-08-21 7:18 PM
in reply to: Pcamilo

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Interested in a tri-sprint
Hi there!

i have a beginner 12 week training plan. If your interested in it I'll set it up for you for free, just shoot me a note!
2016-08-23 1:44 PM
in reply to: Pcamilo

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Interested in a tri-sprint
This is a great place to start! Get on a plan and just focus on getting the workouts done. There is so much info out there it can be a little overwhelming, but a simple plan to get started is a great thing. Don't worry about all the little details to start out, just focus on having fun and staying healthy... then you'll "get bit" and I'm sure you'll dive into all the fun nitty gritty info that we all like to debate around here

Welcome to the forum and the Tri world!
2016-08-23 2:00 PM
in reply to: Pcamilo

Subject: RE: Interested in a tri-sprint
Sounds like you've got more than enough fitness.

Folks here will answer any questions. You can search for old topics too.
Google will yield an abundance of answers.
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General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Interested in a tri-sprint Rss Feed  

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