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2020-01-04 12:15 PM

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: Any BRIDGE players here?
Long shot, but we were playing last night and got into a long discussion, almost a fight over these cards. The implications were:
- one of the players was used to a differnet system, and olayed with us for the first time
- the three of us have not have such hands before

We went through multiple scenarious using the rules we are familiar with, as well as the system our 4th friend was using. I am anxious to see what experiendced players think (hoping I can find those among BT members )


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2020-01-13 6:53 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Any BRIDGE players here?
My plan go double and rebid S here - confirming a strong hand

Possible development:
(1C) - X - (/) - 1D
(/) - 1S - //

Edited by miklcct 2020-01-13 6:57 AM
2020-01-13 12:35 PM
in reply to: miklcct

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Any BRIDGE players here?
Originally posted by miklcct

My plan go double and rebid S here - confirming a strong hand

Possible development:
(1C) - X - (/) - 1D
(/) - 1S - //

Thank you!
After doing some research, we found the "strong double", which we were not familiar with, because we've never had such situation. It makes so much sense, it was great learning experience.

Thanks so much for your feedback!
2020-03-29 11:14 AM
in reply to: marysia83


Subject: RE: Any BRIDGE players here?
Yes it's the strong double !
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Other Resources My Cup of Joe » Any BRIDGE players here? Rss Feed