General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Michigan Titanium or Titan race Rss Feed  
Moderators: k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2022-10-20 7:44 PM

Subject: Michigan Titanium or Titan race
Hi all.

Was wondering if anyone can give me any guidance on the Michigan Titanium race held every year in Grand Rapids. I am looking to do the 140.6 race for a few reasons. Close to home (Chicago) and the price. From what I've read so far it looks like a well run race. Anyone here participate recently? Is the swim tough? How are the hills during the bike? Is it a looped run or out and back? I have a 70.3 under my belt and recently completed my 2nd marathon. Need to notch it up and want to get 140.6 under my belt. Any response is greatly appreciated.

Thank you

2022-10-22 10:18 PM
in reply to: jdwyer02

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Subject: RE: Michigan Titanium or Titan race
Michigan Titanium is hands down the best race I've ever done! I did the HIM in 2019 and the 140.6 in 2022. Tri4Health is a fantastic company to race for--they really care about the athlete experience and every single detail is considered and decisions are made with the athlete AND SPECTATOR experience in mind. I could gush all day, but I won't--they are amazing and I encourage everyone to do the race (and the GR tri in June too--same company, similar experience--although I'll say the T1 run is a bit much on the GR tri).

Swim--glassy lake with little to no chop ever, at least not when I've been in it. It is so clear you can see the bottom in the middle at times. It is a clean lake, with no motor boats allowed. For the full, it is two loops around a triangular course that takes up most of the lake.

Bike--hilly depends on your definition of hills. They call the course rolling hills. I called it hilly. I'm from Illinois. There is only one hill that is pretty short and steep. The rest are relatively okay, with one long one. The first seven-ish miles are uphill mostly (some small downhills, but the net is uphill). It is brutal going out, but so much fun on the way in. The 140.6 is two trips along an out and back.

Run--four trips along an out and back, mostly flat, but a couple of small "hills"--again, depends on what you think of as hilly. The run was the best I've ever seen organized. I'm a back of the packer, but they didn't run out of anything at any aid station, which is RARE for a race. They were well stocked and the volunteers were amazing, even at 11pm when I was still running. Complete energy and kept you going.

I'll close with another DOOOOOO IIIIITTTTTTT!!!! MiTi is amazing and I can't say enough about the race. It is awesome, from the RDs to the race staff to the volunteers everywhere (not just the run) to the post-race activities--everything is designed to make the athlete the priority and ensure they have an amazing race day. 2023 is the Ultra Distance National Championship, so you have extra incentive to go fast and finish--invitations to Team USA and the World Championship is on the line.
2022-10-23 4:24 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

Subject: RE: Michigan Titanium or Titan race
Thank you so much for the info. I think I'm gonna do it!!
2022-10-24 8:06 AM
in reply to: jdwyer02

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Subject: RE: Michigan Titanium or Titan race
Originally posted by jdwyer02

Thank you so much for the info. I think I'm gonna do it!!

You will NOT regret it!
2022-12-09 8:41 AM
in reply to: jdwyer02


Subject: RE: Michigan Titanium or Titan race
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