Subject: RE: Question...What defines a person as a Tri-Athlete?That is a good question! I used to worry that if I didn't run as fast somebody else if I was really running. But the definition of a runner is someone who runs, not someone who runs fast or really really fast, it is just someone who runs. I trained for about six months specifically for a short little sprint triathlon that was a 150 yard swim, 10 mile bike and 1.5 mile run. When I crossed the finish line, the other triathletes welcomed me to their world. I never really thought I was a triathlete until I did my first event, but if you haven't completed an event, and you call yourself a triathlete, that's fine with me.
My opinion really comes down to this, you call yourself what your comfortable with and if that is a triathlete, that is fine with me. I am not going to become unfocused because of a definition of a triathlete. Whether your wanting to be a triathlete or if you are one, you are welcome in this sport.
Still Tri'n,
Michael |