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Philadelphia Distance Run (2004) - Run

View Member's Race Log
Philadelphia, PA
United States
Jefferson Hospital
65F / 18C
Total Time = 1h 41m 27s
Overall Rank = 1605/7298
Age Group = M 25-29
Age Group Rank = 178/499
Pre-race routine:

Saturday - 1 day until race day. A very relaxing day. Walk to the expo ( about 1/2 mile) in the heavy rain and winds. Jenn Rhimes is there and is scheduled to speak. For those not familiar with her, Jenn finished 34th in the Olympic Marathon. An All-American distance runner @ Villanova. Last year she ran this race and finished 2nd. Then she moved on and did the NYC marathon and then the Olmpic Qualifier Marathon.

She was recently featured in Runner's World so I was able to recognize her. I went up to her and asked her if I could get my picture taken. She of course said yes. My girlfriend was very suprised when I pulled my camera out and handed it to her. As luck would have it, the batteries died and the opportunity lost and I had some explaining to do. ( side note : Jenn is very attractive)

Race day

Up @ 5:30

7.5 hours sleep

Short walk to 7-11 for mandatory coffee. BRRR, it's cold outside ( 49 degrees)

Have coffee, then eat hard boiled egg, then wash it down w/ a banana smoothie.

Pop 2 advil and get gear on.

Was watching the news for the weather and notice that part of the course is under water as a result of the heavy rains from the night before. I then gp to the race's web site to confirm that the course has been altered.

Event warmup:

Sipping cytomax all morning right up to race start.

Walk to the race start ( about 1/2 mile ) with my sister. Drop off bags at the check and go for a 2 mile run to get the blood flowing. Arrive @ starting line with 4 minutes to the start. I get in between the 7 and 8 minute pace signs as I plan on running at a 7:45 pace. The sun is so bright that I have to use my hand to shield my eyes so I can see where I am going. ( Sunglasses would have helped but I just can't run with them.)

Last minute change - the river has receded and the course is back to the original route.
The National Anthem is played and local Olympian Jen Rhines starts the race.
  • 1h 41m 27s
  • 13.2 miles
  • 07m 41s  min/mile

Genaral note : I am posting this report in several places so some of the names might not be familiar.

This is a B race for me and a checkpoint for my training for the NYC Marathon. My goal was 1:41:36 ( a 7:45 pace). I have a habit of starting off too fast ( don't we all) so I had to make sure I went slower than my body wanted to. I hit mile 1 @ 8:15 and was very happy. For the next 3 miles, I ran through the streets of Philly and just enjoyed the atmosphere. The weather ( other than than the headwind) was ideal, and the crowd support was great. I kept telling myself that this was no different than my normal Sunday Run. Along the way, I saw several of my friends and running mates. Kevin was the 1st I saw and he reminded me that I still ahve to pick up my Philly Runners Shirt. Ian was next, right at mile marker 4 like he said he would be and we exchanged our normal high 5's as we always seem to be going in opposite directions. My girlfriend and my sister's boyfriend were all over the course and I saw them several times.

I hit the 1/2 @ 52:40

My sister also had some support who drove almost 2 hours to cheer her on and I was suprised when strangers were cheering for me ( they knew who I was but I had no clue who they were)

My left knee ( ACL reconstruction in 98 ) started to bother me from mile 5 on. My left hip ( dislocated in 94) started to bother me at mile 9.

Neither were of much concern but I figured I better document it somewhere.

The big concern was my cramping @ mile 9. My nutrition for the race was carboom gel and cytomax. I also used the water on the course. Was my intake not enough? I thought so, until I started burping @ mile 10 and realized it was indigestion, perhaps from too much gel and cytomax.

Laura B, the 1/2 Ironwoman was right at the top of the last hill around mile 12 and she startled me. I was struggling up the hill unitl I saw her and she inspired me to kick it in. Finally the home stretch, I sped up up and it looked like I would come in right @ my goal pace. About 500 yards from the finish I heard a large group cheering me on. It was the Philly Runners again. I saw Kevin and Raymond but couldn't see who else was there. I put in my spinal kick, in all out sprint mode and finished 9 seconds ahead of my goal.
What would you do differently?:

Still experimenting w/ Cytomax and gel.
Post race
Warm down:

Took off my chip, got my medal and jogged up to about 1/4 mile before the finish to cheer on my sister and the rest of my friends who were behind me.

Got changed, immediately drank endurox R4 and followed that with a Carboom Recovery gel and headed to the BEER GARDEN ! Also had an energy bar, a banana, a pretzel, a muffin, ice cream and everything else I could get my hands on.

Went out for brunch w/ a big group of friends / family afterwards.

About 7 hours post race, I went out for a nice easy 6 mile run. ( still training for NYC)

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Nothing. I planned my race and raced my plan excatly the way I wanted too.

Less than 7 weeks to NYC and I am right on track.

Event comments:

Special thanks to Philly Runners and everyone else who has been a part of my training. And to all the people on BT, who keep me motivated along the way.

Along with the Braod Street Run ( 10 miler) and the Philly Marathon, the PDR makes Philly a great city to run in w/ options for 3 different distance runs that are among the most popular in the US.

Profile Album

Last updated: 2004-09-20 12:00 AM
01:41:27 | 13.2 miles | 07m 41s  min/mile
Age Group: 178/499
Overall: 1605/7298
Performance: Average
Resting heart rate - 44 During Race Minumum HR - 152 Maximum HR - 177 Average HR - 172
Course: Down through the center of the city to the water's edge ( bottleneck), around and back up through the city and out onto West River Drive, over the Falls Bridge and back down Kelly Drive ( full of mud from the overflow) past the Art Museum ( Rocky steps) and back down the Parkway to the finish.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2004-09-20 10:03 AM

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Philadelphia, PA
Subject: Philadelphia Distance Run (2004)

2004-09-20 10:40 AM
in reply to: #64028

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Subject: RE: Philadelphia Distance Run (2004)
excellent! good for you.

i would've looked for you but (1) i actually have no idea what you look like and (2) it's kind of hard in a crowd of 7000+

rick was on the course on the bike, but he was with me most of the time and i was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy behind you.
2004-09-20 10:44 AM
in reply to: #64042

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Philadelphia, PA
Subject: RE: Philadelphia Distance Run (2004)
Congrats to you as well deb. How did you do? More importantly, did you have fun? How cool that Rick was right along side of you the whole way.

BTW, I have just posted pics in the albums section of this site.
2004-09-20 10:50 AM
in reply to: #64028

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Subject: RE: Philadelphia Distance Run (2004)
my recap is down the page a bit. for my first, and for not being a runner, i ended up about where i thought i'd be. but i was so hopeful in the beginning - my first half was a good 10-11 minutes faster than my second. i was pretty comfortable until about mile 7-8. i really didn't have enough distance training under my belt. but i finished. my first one. i can only get better from here.

and it's nice to put a face to the name.
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