BT Development Mentor Program Archives » bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session) Rss Feed  
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2011-12-22 11:42 AM

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)

NAME: Ben/bcagle25
STORY: I always feel like I am in AA when I answer this question! Been involved in the sport now for 3 full seasons. Got into triathlon after I started biking to stay in shape upon finishing college. Biking lead to an obsession and since I swam when I was young and my mother can do a triathlon I might as well give it a go. One year later and I finished my first triathlon (HIM) and since up for my first IM the next day. So to say that I dove head first into this sport I think would fit me well. Since I started this sport I have found a whole new appreciation for so much, like my fitness! I am competitive in nature but participate in this sport for the pure happiness and enjoyment I get out of it.
FAMILY STATUS: Living with G/F 
CURRENT TRAINING: Just signed up for my first coach so I think a lot of my training will change over the next year.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: Went a bit shorter in races this year, 1 Olympic, 2 HIM, race in the first TriStar 111 in the U.S.! 
2012 RACES:  Ironman Wisconsin for right now, still planning out the rest of the season
WEIGHTLOSS: No weightloss goals for me, but I would like to increase my strength this year 
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I have now been involved in triathlon for three years and on this site for equally as long. I have a real passion for this sport that has brought me back to school to study fitness, and then grad school in Human Performance, so this mentor group in a lot of ways directly reflects my studies in school and what I am very interested in.

I participated in two mentor groups last year and took a lot away from it, both from a knowledge level and a motivational level as well, made a few friends along the way. I feel that I want to give back and have my try at motivating others, promoting discussion and helping everyone achieve their goals.I will say right now that it is up to everyone to discussion, ask questions, critique, etc. for the success of this group. Just because I am the mentor does not mean I answer the questions, I feel more like the director of this group and welcome everyone to participate equally.

I check in on the site daily both AM/PM so I can get back fairly well to responses. I am very curious so I love to stimulate discussion by asking lots of questions too. I feel that BT is a great resource for triathletes of ALL levels and having a group with that diversity and great participation can lead to a great outcome!

I would live to point out that I have raced mostly on the HIM/IM distance portion and I would like to focus my group to that distance, but anyone and everyone is welcome. I take this sport very seriously and have some big goals, but the first rule is to have fun with the journey.

Who wants to become an Endurance Ninja!?


Edited by bcagle25 2012-01-04 11:35 AM

2011-12-30 9:08 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open

I've been seriously considering joining up in a new MG for this year, and just being able to have the title "endurance ninja" has pretty much sold me on yours.

Can I play?  I can post my info later today, but wanted to get a spot while I can.

2011-12-30 10:05 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open
Just went live this morning so plenty of room is available Welcome!
2011-12-30 11:30 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open
Count me in guys!

Will update more bio later - UK based Triathlete just about to start my 3rd season.
2011-12-30 12:08 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open

Allright, info on me below. 

NAME: Nicole/Nicole83 (creative right?)

STORY: Been doing tri's on an off since 2007.  I'm really great at picking a key race for the season, training for it, and then not doing pretty much anything else for the rest of the year.  Consistency is my biggest area for imporovement for certain.

Last year I did FL 70.3 and a handful of half marathons, and then moved, started a new job, and pretty much turned my entire life upside down.  8 months later of working 60 hour days, I've gained weight and havne't had much time for anything, espeically training.

2012 my goal is work/life balance, and trying to regain at least a small bit of my sanity before I end up in one of those shiny white rooms where they don't allow you sharp objects.

FAMILY STATUS: Married and haven't killed him yet

CURRENT TRAINING: 12 oz curls most every weekend.  Will be back to SBR (and logging those workouts) immediately.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: FL 70.3, Iron Girl Half Mary, Gasparilla Half Mary

2012 RACES:  ??? At least a half mary and the Rev 3 HIM late season, but will plan some spring races as well.

WEIGHTLOSS: 20 lbs minimum, which for me is easy.  Just need to invest in some duct tape and a gym  membership.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME THE MOST AWESOME MENTEE ON THE PLANET: Well first off, who doesn't want to be a ninja?  I will absolutely live up to that title.

I've particpated in some great groups in the past and love getting to "know" new people, and learn new things.  I also love a good butt-kicking, and will be appreciative of any and all stalking to my logs to make sure I'm doing what I should be.  I will happily return the favor.

2011-12-31 8:17 AM
in reply to: #3962201

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open

Nicole I love you bio! Yes, consistency is really key when it comes to workouts and improving over time, plus it gives you lots of momentum and keeps the fire burning. I myself as well, am trying to work on balancing life and triathlon this year too. Time management is something I have always been very poor at, too much wasted time.

Looking forward to hearing your bio Andrew, we have an international group now!

2011-12-31 11:29 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open

If you'll have me please count me in.


NAME: Tom/Marvintpa

STORY: Entering my second year of tris. Learned a great deal last season, the main thing being I need to train (re: run) more. To that end I purchased a used treadmill a few days ago and once I learned it displays in imperial and not metric I was much happier with (my performance on) it.

I'm decidedly un-fast. I'm a decent cyclist, BOP swimmer, BOP runner, but that last one is going to change.

When not working I spend most of my time playing hockey as a rent-a-goalie, which is very time consuming (driving to and from games all over hell's half acre) but keeps me outta trouble for the most part. This doesn't usually help much with tri training, but is a good workout.

By day I'm a desk bound computer geek. This is fitness cryptonite.


CURRENT TRAINING: Taking some time off from swimming to deal with a shoulder injury. Took three months off running to let a badly twisted ankle heal, so am just starting back. Hope on the trainer when the spirit moves me, no set plan and never worry about the bike.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Started the season with a tri-a-try (what most call a super sprint, I believe) and then four sprints (inluding one 750m-30km-8km by accident). I met or exceeded my (very modest) goals in each one, only barely.

2012 RACES:  Haven`t signed up for anything yet and need to pick at least one Oly to get me committed and motivated.

WEIGHTLOSS: 50 lbs. My New Year`s resolution resolve has been good for 40 lbs each of the last two years, which I usually manage to recoop just in time to start over again. This year wasn`t so bad, so hitting 200 lbs is the goal.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME THE MOST AWESOME MENTEE ON THE PLANET: I have the ability to understand a fair bit when it comes to training, stress, and injuries. I`ve broken both ankles, clavicle, three knees operations, dislocated elbow, plantar fasciitus, shoulder injury, turned ankles and the usual fingers and toes, mostly playing sports and training. I know what set-backs can do to a body and motivation. I`ve learmed that tri`s (for me) are not about racing, they`re about attitude, dedication, and enjoying the process with a smile while encouraging others so we can ALL win. In my very first event I was fortunate to have someone say with a smile as she passed me on the run, ``Looking good. Competle, not compete, that`s why we`re here.`` Wish I had been able to thank her for that.

2011-12-31 12:39 PM
in reply to: #3963649

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open
Welcome Tom! Your going to be a great addition to the group I love the bio. Keep rest on the shoulder and stay away from swimming for awhile. Coming back too early can really set you back. I have always believed that goalies are insane so you must have very strong mental toughness!
2011-12-31 7:15 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open

I'd like to join too...I'm definitely a BT newb and semi tri newb.

NAME: Jess

STORY: Ran track in high school and thought anything more than a mile was way too long - I refused to run cross-country.  Fast forward to college where I lost someone really close to me.  After 9 months of wallowing in my sorrows I decided I needed to do something for myself, I signed up for a half marathon.  Remember, I said a mile was too long...Combine that with graduating, final exams, moving home, etc. training was lacking and drinking the day before didn't help.  Well, I got through the race...somehow.  This was in 2006 and I was hooked or delirious.  In 2008, I trained for my first marathon - Chicago.  I ended up finishing an hour off my projected time with a torn labrum in my left hip, ITBand, and piriformis issues.  I've spent the last 3 years recovering and training for a other road races but always struggling with injury (trained for Huntington Beach Marathon 2010-2011 but got a stress fracture in my right foot on NYE - 5 weeks before the race).  I decided to try triathlons in 2010 with a sprint and oly and again was hooked. I am definitely injury prone and really do try to take extreme precautions but it doesn't seem to matter. Tris have really helped to keep endurance up but out of running so much and forced cross training.  My goal is to be a an ironman ironwoman!  This year I'll start with completing my first HIM.

FAMILY STATUS: Just married in Sept!

CURRENT TRAINING: Mostly running with lifting, cycling, and pilates in the mix.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Huntington Beach Marathon (watched), Cherry Blossom 10 Miler, Columbia Sprint Tri, Culpepper International Tri, Reston Oly Tri, Philly Half Marathon, Hot Chocolate 15k.

2012 RACES:  National Half Marathon in March, Kinetic HIM in May, and then depends on how I survive HIM training...probably more tris through the summer and road races in the fall/winter.

WEIGHTLOSS: None, more interested in not getting injured.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME THE MOST AWESOME MENTEE ON THE PLANET: I'm dedicated.  I've had many injuries (currently battling plantar and lingering hip issues) but I've learned to listen to my body.  I'm competitive with only myself and am so eager to continue learning and building in this sport.  I want to be here for the long haul and I want to continue to improve.

2012-01-01 10:18 AM
in reply to: #3964233

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open

Jess welcome to the group! I think you have had your fill of injuries so 2012 is going to be good to you!

We have 4 of us now, and I will accept more as people waltz in, but its a new year so lets get things going now! I think I will ask questions once a week to stimulate conversation, some easy, some lengthy, some to get you thinking, etc. Of course feel free to ask anything along the way.

First question I am posting to everyone is what is your first workout that is planned for 2012? A group of friends and me are starting a new tradition and swimming 100x100's tomorrow morning, can't wait to see how this feels.

Edited by bcagle25 2012-01-01 10:18 AM
2012-01-01 4:49 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Brooklyn, Michigan
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open

Edited by Twinsmomma.Erin 2012-01-01 9:02 PM

2012-01-01 5:40 PM
in reply to: #3964710

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Brooklyn, Michigan
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open

Edited by Twinsmomma.Erin 2012-01-01 9:01 PM
2012-01-01 6:47 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open

Ben, I can't imagine how long that will take you.  I'm meeting some friends for a 5-6 mile trail run followed by hot chocolate!

I'm in week 2 of a 20 week HIM plan (Monday-Sunday is my week), and my schedule says:

  • Monday (R) 4.5 miles
  • Tuesday (S) 1,000 yds
  • Wednesday (B) 20 miles
  • Thursday (R) 3.5 miles
  • Friday (S) 1,000 yds
  • Saturday (R) 12 miles
  • Sunday Off

Since I'm trying to PR in a half marathon in March, I'm focusing the first half of my training on running and then the last half more on swimming and cycling, primarily cycling.  I'm also building mileage in January and taking February to focus on speed.

2012-01-01 8:14 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Brooklyn, Michigan
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open
You know I seemed to miss the last bit on your profile Ben where you wanted people that were into longer distances.  I'm not up to that yet, not sure I ever will be.  I think I should switch groups.

Edited by Twinsmomma.Erin 2012-01-01 9:00 PM
2012-01-01 11:04 PM
in reply to: #3949904

New user

Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open

Hi Ben!  I'm interested in joining your group ( the group name)!  A bit about me:

Name: Alex

Story: I'm 39 (turning 40 in Sept.).  Have always been active (soccer, tennis, golf, jogging, etc.).  Completed my one and only Marathon (Chicago) in 2000 (4 hours, 16 minutes).  I have always been interested in doing a triathlon and it is one of my bucket list items! lol  I am picked this year to start for a couple of reasons: 1. hitting 40 this year and would like to have a triathlon (even a half ironman) under my belt; and 2. my brother-in-law completed a half ironman back in Sept. and intends to do the half ironman in June and asked me to do it with him (he has committed to the sport 150% - has a coach and all; truthfully, I'd like to not only do it with him but beat; he doesn't yet know that I plan to do it).

Family Status: Married 12 years with 2 kids (both under 10)

Current Training: It's winter up here in Toronto so not a lot of biking going to be happening for a while (unless I join a gym and go on a stationary bike).  Have been focused on running that last 4 weeks (did 21 miles this past week) and am going to start swimming tomorrow.

2012 Races: Interested in the half ironman (70.3) in Mont Tremblant, Quebec in June

Weightloss: No weightloss goals for me

What will make me a good mentee: I'm a good student.  When I put my mind to doing something I commit 110%!  Plus, I have a goal!


My biggest questions at the moment are around training (what to do when, and for how long), and nutrition.




2012-01-01 11:24 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open

Ok, the name "Endurance Ninja's" has got me sold!

Name: Erica (or when playing Ultimate Frisbee, Ninja Girl Laughing)

Story: I'm not really a beginner but I'd love to be a part of this group! I started off running for a team in a sprint tri in 6th grade, and then a couple of Olympic tri's during Jr. High. I did my first individual sprint my freshmen year of high school and my first Olympic the next year, and up until last year I've done up to 4 tri's per spring. As a junior engineering student I'm looking to get back into training to keep me sane and fit! 

Current Training: I'm just trying to get back into the swing of things, so I'm going to build my mileage for a bit and then pick a plan accordingly. 

This Year's Races: 

Bloomsday (12k run beginning of May)

Sprint Tri mid-May

Olympic Tri end of May, tentatively

***After May I drop off-grid to work in the woods of Northern Idaho for the summer

Weightloss: Would like to put a few pounds of fat back into muscle

Why I want to be a part of this group: I've been in a few mentor groups before, so I know how awesome it is to be a part of a group like this and have someone to be accountable to. It's really motivated me the past to keep up with my training plan. I'm looking forward to supporting and being supported by others.

Also, I'm interested in moving up to the HIM distance when I can devote the time to training, so I'm eager to see what other people are doing. 

Edited by IronCowgirl 2012-01-01 11:25 PM

2012-01-02 8:46 PM
in reply to: #3965745

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open
IronCowgirl - 2012-01-01 11:24 PM

Ok, the name "Endurance Ninja's" has got me sold!

Name: Erica (or when playing Ultimate Frisbee, Ninja Girl Laughing)

Story: I'm not really a beginner but I'd love to be a part of this group! I started off running for a team in a sprint tri in 6th grade, and then a couple of Olympic tri's during Jr. High. I did my first individual sprint my freshmen year of high school and my first Olympic the next year, and up until last year I've done up to 4 tri's per spring. As a junior engineering student I'm looking to get back into training to keep me sane and fit! 

Current Training: I'm just trying to get back into the swing of things, so I'm going to build my mileage for a bit and then pick a plan accordingly. 

This Year's Races: 

Bloomsday (12k run beginning of May)

Sprint Tri mid-May

Olympic Tri end of May, tentatively

***After May I drop off-grid to work in the woods of Northern Idaho for the summer

Weightloss: Would like to put a few pounds of fat back into muscle

Why I want to be a part of this group: I've been in a few mentor groups before, so I know how awesome it is to be a part of a group like this and have someone to be accountable to. It's really motivated me the past to keep up with my training plan. I'm looking forward to supporting and being supported by others.

Also, I'm interested in moving up to the HIM distance when I can devote the time to training, so I'm eager to see what other people are doing. 


Erica welcome to the group! Glad to see your ambition in moving up distances, always a fun challenge!

2012-01-02 8:49 PM
in reply to: #3965727

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open
aavella - 2012-01-01 11:04 PM

Hi Ben!  I'm interested in joining your group ( the group name)!  A bit about me:

Name: Alex

Story: I'm 39 (turning 40 in Sept.).  Have always been active (soccer, tennis, golf, jogging, etc.).  Completed my one and only Marathon (Chicago) in 2000 (4 hours, 16 minutes).  I have always been interested in doing a triathlon and it is one of my bucket list items! lol  I am picked this year to start for a couple of reasons: 1. hitting 40 this year and would like to have a triathlon (even a half ironman) under my belt; and 2. my brother-in-law completed a half ironman back in Sept. and intends to do the half ironman in June and asked me to do it with him (he has committed to the sport 150% - has a coach and all; truthfully, I'd like to not only do it with him but beat; he doesn't yet know that I plan to do it).

Family Status: Married 12 years with 2 kids (both under 10)

Current Training: It's winter up here in Toronto so not a lot of biking going to be happening for a while (unless I join a gym and go on a stationary bike).  Have been focused on running that last 4 weeks (did 21 miles this past week) and am going to start swimming tomorrow.

2012 Races: Interested in the half ironman (70.3) in Mont Tremblant, Quebec in June

Weightloss: No weightloss goals for me

What will make me a good mentee: I'm a good student.  When I put my mind to doing something I commit 110%!  Plus, I have a goal!


My biggest questions at the moment are around training (what to do when, and for how long), and nutrition.




Alex welcome as well! You seem to be very committed to triathlon and I think a June HIM is completely within reach for yourself (your marathon time is great!), and the competition within family can really bring out the best in you. Ask any questions you have and I will be happy to pass on what I have learned and what I think works. 

Have you thought about buying a bike trainer? I live in Wisconsin and that was one of my best purchases I have made in triathlon, best bang for your buck!

2012-01-02 8:54 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open

I will get back to everyone else tomorrow and toss up some general ideas and pose some questions as well , but I have a long ride home tonight so I am calling it quits early. Hope everyone is enjoying 2012 so far, and getting some training in. Below is the big swim set that me and some friends did today before the Rose Bowl...was a huge mental workout more then anything! 

Make sure to add in everyone as friends in your training logs too! Make sure to drop messages, inspire, and encourage all of us to reach our goals! I will make a master copy of names when the group closes after a couple more join in. 

10x100 warmup 
10x100 pick it up 
5x100 50 free/50 back 
5x100 50 kick/50 swim 
20x100 toys paddles/buoys/bands/snorkel 
15x 100 anything goes 
10x100 25 sprint/75 Cruz 
10x100 kick w/fins 
5x100 IM 
5x100 negative split 
5x100 cool down 


2012-01-03 7:16 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open
Hello!...Room for another Ninja?

Name: Justin

Story: 29 year old, from the frozen north, I work shift work in the Aviation industry. Really looking to just get healthy and have some good competitive fun while doing so. I have always carried around 40-50lbs extra weight and I have decided that this needs to change! This year I turn 30 and I feel like I have to get serious about exercise and nutrition, and really make a comittment to myself, my family and our future! ( a little deep there..) But something I have always wanted to do it compete in long distance triathlons. I haven't actully done a triathlon at all yet, so I feel this in a ambitious Goal, but I also feel that with enough hard work it is achievable.

Family Status: Married since June 2011 no kids....yet....just a dog and a cat.

Current Training: Took a big break over Christmas and am ready to dive back in. Love Swimming and looking at joining my local masters class. Running is something I have got into in the past few years and I really enjoy it. I commute to work in the summer on my bike, but this is going to be the year that I really get serious with it. Currently looking for a used tri bike to put in the stable and going to start with some weekly spin classes at the local gym because it is way too friggin cold here for biking outside!

2011 Races: Did a 10 K and a 5 K and really enjoyed both!

2012 Races: May - 1/2 Marathon, possibly the Goodlife 1/2 in Toronto
June- Olympic distance
July - Heart of Gold sprint try
August- possible another 1/2
Sept 9th - Muskoka 70.3.....

Weightloss: need to drop about 40 lbs

What will make me a good mentee: I really enjoy the online community and sense of comraderie that comes with being part of a training group. I really like the motivation and help keeping myself honest.
2012-01-03 8:08 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open

Hi everyone! 

Once we close the group, will we eventually have a "master list" of usernames and real names that I can post in my TL so that I can keep everyone straight?


In other news, no workouts for me yet this year.   I would feel like a total slacker, if I wasn't running a low grade fever and generally sounding like a 90 year old smoker.  Gotta love the flu.

Hope everyone had a happy New Year!

2012-01-03 8:26 AM
in reply to: #3967560

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open

justinfss - 2012-01-03 7:16 AM Hello!...Room for another Ninja? Name: Justin Story: 29 year old, from the frozen north, I work shift work in the Aviation industry. Really looking to just get healthy and have some good competitive fun while doing so. I have always carried around 40-50lbs extra weight and I have decided that this needs to change! This year I turn 30 and I feel like I have to get serious about exercise and nutrition, and really make a comittment to myself, my family and our future! ( a little deep there..) But something I have always wanted to do it compete in long distance triathlons. I haven't actully done a triathlon at all yet, so I feel this in a ambitious Goal, but I also feel that with enough hard work it is achievable. Family Status: Married since June 2011 no kids....yet....just a dog and a cat. Current Training: Took a big break over Christmas and am ready to dive back in. Love Swimming and looking at joining my local masters class. Running is something I have got into in the past few years and I really enjoy it. I commute to work in the summer on my bike, but this is going to be the year that I really get serious with it. Currently looking for a used tri bike to put in the stable and going to start with some weekly spin classes at the local gym because it is way too friggin cold here for biking outside! 2011 Races: Did a 10 K and a 5 K and really enjoyed both! 2012 Races: May - 1/2 Marathon, possibly the Goodlife 1/2 in Toronto June- Olympic distance July - Heart of Gold sprint try August- possible another 1/2 Sept 9th - Muskoka 70.3..... Weightloss: need to drop about 40 lbs What will make me a good mentee: I really enjoy the online community and sense of comraderie that comes with being part of a training group. I really like the motivation and help keeping myself honest.

Justin welcome to the group! You are working in the aviation industry doing what? I had a friend that is a pilot and another that was a stewardess (however it's spelled), they seemed to have a lot of trouble with keeping a good sleep routine if any, but the perks were great!

I myself completed my first triathlon in a HIM and a year later was at the start line for IMWI, so it can be done! It's a great ambitious goal to strive for. I cannot speak enough for Master's. I did it last year and even with the small class I learned a lot, and dropped over 3 minutes off my HIM swim time.

2012-01-03 8:27 AM
in reply to: #3967656

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open
Nicole83 - 2012-01-03 8:08 AM

Hi everyone! 

Once we close the group, will we eventually have a "master list" of usernames and real names that I can post in my TL so that I can keep everyone straight?


In other news, no workouts for me yet this year.   I would feel like a total slacker, if I wasn't running a low grade fever and generally sounding like a 90 year old smoker.  Gotta love the flu.

Hope everyone had a happy New Year!

Get well and rest up! The easier you take it now, the harder you can hit it in training later!

I just want to remind everyone to log your workouts if you can. It is a great way for everyone else to watch your training and what you are doing, and for yourself to slowly watch the progress that you make over the coming days, weeks, months.

2012-01-03 8:41 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open

Alright guys I just want to post some links of a great running program that I am in the middle of doing and has worked out great for me. The key with this program for myself is not to get faster, but stronger (both mentally and physically) over these 3 months. I have been a consistent 20/mi a week, 3-4x a week runner forever now need to increase that drastically for IMWI. In 2 months so far I have risen to 30/mi a week and a consistent 6x a week runner with some weeks at 5x.

The BarryP program has a good history and has recieved great feedback from others. It works on the principle of a ratio 3:2:1, with your distance/time following that raio. 3 short runs, 2 middle runs, 1 long run, all starting out at a very easy pace and short distance and increasing from there. Here are the links below, if you have some free time this week check it out and tell me what you think. If you are looking to do a run focus this is a great was to build volume, or for some early season base work.;search_string=barryp%20part%201;#2548394;search_string=barryp%20part%202;#2554186;search_string=barryp%20part%203;#2564153

2012-01-03 8:49 AM
in reply to: #3965349

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Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open
jeslin - 2012-01-01 7:47 PM

I'm in week 2 of a 20 week HIM plan (Monday-Sunday is my week), and my schedule says:

  • Monday (R) 4.5 miles
  • Tuesday (S) 1,000 yds
  • Wednesday (B) 20 miles
  • Thursday (R) 3.5 miles
  • Friday (S) 1,000 yds
  • Saturday (R) 12 miles
  • Sunday Off

Since I'm trying to PR in a half marathon in March, I'm focusing the first half of my training on running and then the last half more on swimming and cycling, primarily cycling.  I'm also building mileage in January and taking February to focus on speed.

I'm having issues uploading my .csv training plan to my account here so until I can figure it out, I'll post my weekly goals and then manually enter my daily workouts.

So far - 
Monday - (R) 6.1 miles
Tuesday - (S) 1500 yds ( 10x50, 4x250)
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