General Discussion Triathlon Talk » USAT National Challenge Competition - Sign Up now! Rss Feed  
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2008-11-12 1:20 PM

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Berkley, MI
Subject: USAT National Challenge Competition - Sign Up now!

Are  you looking for motivation on this off season? If so look no further - your motivation awaits as the USAT is hosting it's 3rd annual National Challenge Competition (NCC)! 

This challenge is simple.

 Step 1 - register as a solo athlete here:

Step 2 - log your miles.

Step 3. - Sit back and watch your rankings soar as you plow past all those other people!  or.. not.

The NCC will last for three months (December 2008 through February 2009) and is composed of three separate month-long sessions.  Each session will focus on one of the three disciplines of a triathlon and will have a benchmark for each club to reach. In December the focus is swimming, in January it is cycling and in February it is running.  While those are the focus miles, all miles earned will move your rankings up because at the end of the challenge, they go by TOTAL miles swam, rode, or ran. 

USAT recognized triathlon clubs compete in this for prizes for their clubs, but the scoring is on an individual basis, so you can enter in you rmiles without club affiliation.

The only requirement - you MUST be a USAT annual member in good standing, so have your USAT membership # and expiration date handy for registration.

 The cost is NOTHING - the reward is SOMETHING , so your ROI is only limited to what you put in! 


This challenge is what got me my base level and excitement towards the 2008 season.  I am using this challenge as the kick off for my HIM training.  It is a good time!  I highly suggest you sign up as an individual, or if you are a USAT recognized tri club member, talk to your club president about getting involved with the challenge on a club level. 

Oh, and for any F.A.S.T. members on here - Lana (llamahope here on BT) is the NCC score keeper this year, and we start registration soon, so keep your eyes peeled for the NCC news! 



2008-11-12 1:36 PM
in reply to: #1804290

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: USAT National Challenge Competition - Sign Up now!

2 questions....

1) Do I need a USAT membership for both 2008 and 2009?  In that case I would need to buy two memberships....not cool.


2) Could Michigan BT'ers call ourselves a "club" and in doing so compete against the other clubs?

2008-11-12 9:55 PM
in reply to: #1804290

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Rochester Hills, Michigan
Gold member
Subject: RE: USAT National Challenge Competition - Sign Up now!

Id rather do a BT challenge.

Same motivation, or more, less hassle.

2008-11-13 10:52 AM
in reply to: #1804354

New user
Shelby TWP, Michigan
Subject: RE: USAT National Challenge Competition - Sign Up now!
m-mcclain - 2008-11-12 1:36 PM

2 questions....

1) Do I need a USAT membership for both 2008 and 2009?  In that case I would need to buy two memberships....not cool.


2) Could Michigan BT'ers call ourselves a "club" and in doing so compete against the other clubs?

One of the few good things about USAT is your membership lasts one year from when you get it. So if you get it now you have til this time next year.
I think the up side to doing it on their website is that there is an easy form already set up to enter and track your stuff (not that you can't find that at many other places on the net for free). It also is fun to compare your numbers to other people (again plenty of other options out there). I would have to see how it's set up before I use it. Like how easy would it be to compare with other people, can I search by name or do I have to go through a list?
2008-11-13 1:38 PM
in reply to: #1804290

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Berkley, MI
Subject: RE: USAT National Challenge Competition - Sign Up now!

I was the F.A.S.T. Triathlon Club  NCC Chairperson last year so I can help you out there. 

 It was super easy to enter in data.  You have to enter in everything in MILES through - so make sure to consider your swimming and convert from meters to miles or yards to miles. 

Other people will catch on REAL quick if there is a mistake as some teams get pretty competitive!  

 Let's put it this way - I had to enter in data for 150 people on an individual per name basis.  Daily.  It was tough due to the fact that there were 150 seperate entries I made each day - but for 1 person to track their own miles... EASY! 

It is really easy to see how you compare to others - you can look at the top , 10, 20, 50 .... etc. people, OR you can search by name.  If you kow your place, then you can just look at the group around you to see how far you are off from the next.

Also - if you see any room for improvements on the site, Jeff over at racetracker is a complete tri nerd and has spent the past 3 years working on improving it - so never fear contacting him!  He helped me out quite a bit last session.


So in short - this is a fun competition that the USAT puts on for free to keep people motivated and to help spread the word about the sport of triathlon.

Last year during the biking session, Alaska's tri club had a HUGE write up in a newspaper about what they were doing - out there in AK they have tris all year long, summer (swim) and winter (ski).  They have grown to large numbers due to their involvement with the USAT challenges. 

Edited by })i({RunnerGirl 2008-11-13 1:40 PM
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