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2003-10-27 12:35 PM


Subject: After the Flu
I was out sick from with a bad flu virus for two weeks, third week, back to work, but only 2 miles run, still coughing. Suggestions/recommendations on how to return to training (tri). Was swimming 1,000 yds, longest run 5 miles and longest bike 25 miles prior to flu.



2003-10-27 3:00 PM
in reply to: #1444

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Gold member
Subject: RE: After the Flu

well, when off more than a week u WILL lose endurance so don't try to start up at your before flu levels.  i am afraid if u train to much u will have that 'lingering' cough - which is no good and can only hold u back later.  so when the coughing ceases to become a problem, start back at say...30-50% of your prior levels and see how u feel THEN start building up again.  keep it easy going.  stop if the coughing erupts.  stay hydrated, eat well and GET LOTS OF SLEEP!

that's what i would do.  patience and nip it in the bud now or it will come back to haunt u.

2003-10-27 8:14 PM
in reply to: #1444

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Central Louisiana
Subject: RE: After the Flu
I agree with Ron, I pushed it and raced before I was totally well recently. All this seemed to do is cause me to relapse and it seems to be worse. Rest is important, so don't push to hard to quick.

Still Tri'n
2003-11-07 9:24 AM
in reply to: #1444


Subject: RE: After the Flu

I am having the same problem and am still sick with the flu and trying to make myself run and swim. It simply does not work. I find myself feeling worse, coughing, dehydrated and unable to go any distances comparable to pre-illness.

So, as my fellow trainees have mentioned-we need to take it easy. I have been so worried that I won't make it back to my pre-illness times/distances, but I hear it is nothing to fear. I have instead focused on weight training and stretching.

:-)Wendy from Tampa
2003-11-10 11:48 AM
in reply to: #1450

New user

Melbourne, East Central Florida
Subject: RE: After the Flu
I had a mystery virus from hell that cost me two tris and a century ride and basically laid me low for a month. I contracted it three days before I was to do a relay (bike) in Olympic-distance event and a week and a few days before my first full event (sprint). It took four weeks for me to recover and was set back a few times by trying to ride before I was fully recovered. Now I am recovering from a corneal transplant which means a full four to six weeks out of the water and at least a couple of more weeks off the bike. I am walking however to keep the blood flowing. Total down time will be two months or more but the season really doesn't start up again until early 2004 so I don't have to rush anything. I'm confident the base I built over the last year will help me once I do get back at it and since I have no choice with the eye recuperation it has surely cleared my mind of any alternatives other than to ride it out.


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