Subject: season endwell got one more event the Silver Strand 1/2 marathon (11-16-03 ) then its time to just exercise with-out a training regimen.
i like to take about 2 months off and just work-out for the sake of working out. No speed work,No specific training method. I fine this helps rejuvenate my body and mind, gets me ready to the following season which will starts Middle Jan.
I wont use a heart rate monitor or even time myself. I just run ride or swim at what ever pace i want. I may even walk for an hour. or run/walk. My bike ride will be scenic no specific training method just enjoy the time outside.
So i hope a lot of you can do the same thing. Sometimes big breaks are just as important as the small ones you do during the training.
I find im ready to get back at it and excited for what ive got scheduled in the coming months.
During this so called big break i exercise in a manner that i maintain the condition that i worked so hard for during the previous "Season". Except i have No special routine i just do what i want, when i want, and as long and far is i want.
Sometimes training becomes job like. Because of the intensity, discipline, and focus. it can be not only physically draining but also mentally, especially in the longer endurance events.
So again to continue to enjoy and have "Fun" in whatever event your into take time to "smell the Roses"
Take a exercise break and exercise just for the sake of exercise