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2017-02-02 8:07 AM

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Subject: Iran
I was flipping channels last night and hear Chris Mathews say about the US "putting Iran on notice" that he doesn't even know what that mean. Couldn't help but think, that is by design! You don't announce your plans!! Let them try to figure out what that means. Does it mean economic sanctions? Military action?

Years ago I was in Morocco and a local guy in the casbah told me to give him money or we were gonna fight. I said ok, we will fight. I took a stance and then kinda pulled up my jeans by the knees. He said, "Do you know karate?" I said he was just gonna have to find out. Then he put his hand in his pocket. I figured he had a knife. So I put my hand in my jacket pocket too. I had a camera in my pocket! But he saw me do that and decided to move on to find someone else to rob. Fortunately I did not have to pull my camera on this guy!

2017-02-02 10:40 AM
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Subject: RE: Iran
I think Iran has been the destabilizing force in the ME since the mullahs took over. I still believe that if the US had gone in during the hostage situation and cleaned house, the ME would be more stable and terrorism aimed at Western civilization would be much less of a factor today. I also believe the world community would have given us their blessing to do so. Sadly, the religious left is running Iran into the dirt.

The Iranians I know aren't backwards Islamic cavemen like the fellows that are in control of Iran. They are vibrant outgoing people that would like nothing more than to bring Iran into the current century and peacefully practice their religion without all the bloodshed the Mullahs demand. I hope the new administration can bring these neanderthals into line, because we know diplomacy does not work with them. We know we can't trust them to do anything they promise because their skewed version of Islam gives them an out. If you believe that Allah will be happy with you for jacking with and murdering infidels, you've pretty much got the moral high ground to do as you please. At least in their minds they do. Having said that, i don't think a peaceful diplomatic solution is available to stop the mullahs from being such a destructive force in the world today.

So being put "on notice" from a western government is the equivalent of btich slapping the mullahs on the world stage. I expect them to strike back in some horrific capacity.

Edited by mdg2003 2017-02-02 10:43 AM
2017-02-02 10:51 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Iran
Originally posted by mdg2003

I think Iran has been the destabilizing force in the ME since the mullahs took over. I still believe that if the US had gone in during the hostage situation and cleaned house, the ME would be more stable and terrorism aimed at Western civilization would be much less of a factor today. I also believe the world community would have given us their blessing to do so. Sadly, the religious left is running Iran into the dirt.

The Iranians I know aren't backwards Islamic cavemen like the fellows that are in control of Iran. They are vibrant outgoing people that would like nothing more than to bring Iran into the current century and peacefully practice their religion without all the bloodshed the Mullahs demand. I hope the new administration can bring these neanderthals into line, because we know diplomacy does not work with them. We know we can't trust them to do anything they promise because their skewed version of Islam gives them an out. If you believe that Allah will be happy with you for jacking with and murdering infidels, you've pretty much got the moral high ground to do as you please. At least in their minds they do. Having said that, i don't think a peaceful diplomatic solution is available to stop the mullahs from being such a destructive force in the world today.

So being put "on notice" from a western government is the equivalent of btich slapping the mullahs on the world stage. I expect them to strike back in some horrific capacity.

I agree. We should have carpet bombed them back into the stone age (set them back 50 years) back in 1980. That is exactly what Regan would have done had the not released the hostages prior to him taking office. They knew Carter was not going to retaliate militarily....RR was a wild card and they feared him.

I've worked with a few Iranians over the years. They all tell the story they called the 'dumbing down' of Iran. The country got rid of 100% of the people who had PHDs. They either left the country, were executed or thrown in jail. Evidently they were viewed as a threat to Islamic rule.

The Iranians are on very thin ice IMO.

2017-02-02 5:05 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Iran

I feel Iran would have a better chance of a "regime change" than someplace like Iraq or Afghanistan because the people want to be free and "progressive".  When we whacked Saddam in Iraq the population was given the chance to be a "democracy" but they voted in religious nut jobs. 

No matter what, I don't think they want to be ticking off the Trumpster.  I mean, he's insecure and has a big red button and all.  :-D 

2017-02-06 8:53 PM
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Subject: RE: Iran


Possibly not SFW.......no cursing, etc ("arse" is used but not offensively).....but turn your volume down.  This is a parody from the Iran Hostage Crisis.....and, just as I remembered it from that time,  funny as hell.

Edited by Left Brain 2017-02-06 8:57 PM
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