General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » I hate running but hooked on tri's Rss Feed  
Moderators: IndoIronYanti, k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2017-06-06 3:08 PM


Subject: I hate running but hooked on tri's
Well as it says, I don't like to run, I am too fat to run, but love tri's!

I have completed several sprints and have this insane thought that I want to finish a full IM. Been reading the forums for a while during random searches, so figured I would sign up and become a dysfunctional member!

2017-06-07 2:54 AM
in reply to: Sleepyluke

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Subject: RE: I hate running but hooked on tri's
That's similar to my story. I started three years ago and do mostly sprints. I also do relays for the camaraderie with friends, coworkers, etc., and the oly and longer distances is what I do with these relays.

The thing I want to say is that losing a bit of weight has really helped my running. I'm down about 10 pounds and my 5k times have really improved. Related to this, I set a pr cycling up the mountain next to my house when I wasn't really trying (it was supposed to be a slow/easy ride). Four months of no mountains, some weight loss, and then the pr.

Back to the running, I recently started interval training on the track and now I'm determined to get my times down to something halfway respectable. I highly recommend it.
2017-06-09 11:25 AM
in reply to: Sleepyluke

Subject: RE: I hate running but hooked on tri's
Originally posted by Sleepyluke

Well as it says, I don't like to run, I am too fat to run, but love tri's!

I have completed several sprints and have this insane thought that I want to finish a full IM. Been reading the forums for a while during random searches, so figured I would sign up and become a dysfunctional member!

I'm still a fat guy. It's like AA. My name is J, and I'm a fat guy.
Yah, 5 years ago I started losing an lost a 100 not technically fat....but I'm still a fat guy in spirit. Give me 3 months and I could easily be one in body.
I couldn't run (because I hated it and couldn't because I was still sorta a fat guy in body not just spirit) when I signed up for my first one.
A year later and I was able to get through some Olympics. And about 3 years in, I did a half.

I may or may not have signed up for a full IM this year.

And I started at age 41.

I've loved every second of it. Even when I didn't love getting up early or working out when I wasn't feeling it. When I actually made myself do it and half-arsed my way through a run or something...I felt even better than if I set a PR.
2017-06-11 7:51 PM
in reply to: jhaack39

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Subject: RE: I hate running but hooked on tri's
Hat's off to you guys/gals that are dealing with weight issues and are trying to do something about it. I always think something along the lines of "well, good for him" when I see somebody that's a bit on the heavy side at the races. I'm sure others have similar thoughts.
2017-06-12 11:56 AM
in reply to: Trilogy

Subject: RE: I hate running but hooked on tri's
Originally posted by Trilogy

Hat's off to you guys/gals that are dealing with weight issues and are trying to do something about it. I always think something along the lines of "well, good for him" when I see somebody that's a bit on the heavy side at the races. I'm sure others have similar thoughts.

While I'm not exactly svelte at 6', 190....I'm pretty happy where I'm at.
I always think hats off too....except when a bigger guy or gal pass me on the run....which for me is not uncommon. Then I think other things!

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