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2009-01-12 6:37 AM

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: Tri/tbay group closed
NAME: Tri/tbay-Roy

STORY: I started Triathlon two years ago not so much for me personally but to help encourage my youngest daughter to find something to continue her swimming after HS. She had already made the decision not to swim in college, but I felt that you put in all this effort there has to be something that can keep you in the water. So it began, but I have found a real passion for the sport and turning 50 this past year, I wish I had looked into this when I was younger. Golf has always been my sport, but not so much now. I intend to keep doing triathlon, I'm healthy(thank you LORD) and I would like to do an Ironman with my daughter maybe next year. Its kind of up to her as she will be entering college later this year. So we'll see how that it goes.

FAMILY: Married 26 years, two girls

CURRENT TRAINING: 08 was a solid year for me. My "A" race was a HIM for my 50th birthday. I really enjoyed it cant' wait to do it again. Other races were several sprints and a couple of Olympic distances.

2009: Currently training for Gasparilla Half Marathon, Escape from Ft. Desoto in April, I'll do several more sprints and probably two Olympic distances. I'll work on more bike and run distance as I begin to test the waters on doing an IM.

WEIGHT LOSS: I have trimmed down a bit, I have never had a weight loss issue.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I feel in my profession as a golf course superintendent I have been mentoring young people for nearly 25 years. In the hopes that they will continue in their career pursuits. I utilize the sport as eduction for me personally and as a coach. I have for the past 8 years been an age group swim coach ASCA level II, which offers mentoring opportunities on a weekly basis if not daily. I and the other coaches are always wanting the best from our athletes, and the reward of seeing them be at their best. I have assisted several local triathletes in their swimming efforts, and helped develop one of them for IMAZ 08 in November.

Edited by tri/tbay 2009-01-23 2:16 PM

2009-01-18 7:22 PM
in reply to: #1901752

New user

Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group OPEN

My story: I am a 43 1/2 yr old, slightly over weight male, who did my first sprint last September in New York.  Was part of a work team that had several members interested in getting a bit more healthier and competitive. Enjoyed the sprint so much, am planning on doing more this year and trying to do much better than the first sprint.  Looking for better training and better goals.  I have joined a gym to really work on my swimming and running as well as get in better shape.  Now really just need the motivation to keep it up and also some direction to be more competitive.  

 Goals: 2009- do 3 sprints and in Sept. do a olympic distance, 2010- like to be ready to do a half iron man, 2011- a full iron man


2009-01-19 8:31 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group OPEN
Thanks for writing, I would enjoy helping you acheive your goals. It sounds like we are are on similar paths toward doing IM. And joining the gym is a crucial element in starting down the path. As you have found out Triathlon is a wonderful sport, great people and a lot of fun. I like your comment about wanting to be more competitive, because this will become much of your basis for staying motivated to train. And as you probably have noticed your age group is a very competitive bunch!!! But none the less we should all inspire to do the best we can and it sounds like you are committed to do so. Get back with me with some more details and any questions you might have I'll write later today. I am currently in California so some time delay in response but I'll write back later.

Have a great day.
2009-01-21 1:26 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group OPEN

Name: aesophs/ Steven 

34 year old fairly athletic male just getting into triathlons this year.  I was a college track athlete and have been road and  MTB cycling (about 2500+ miles a year) the last two years.  I need to be challenged to keep motivated.  Goals for 2009 are 3 sprint tris and at least one Olympic, with an 18 month goal to complete a full IM (summer 2010).  I live in ND so my outdoor season is limited to April to October at best with very few races in my back yard. 

I have begun the 20 week free Olympic training plan downloaded from this site last week.  My questions are more along the lines of the technical aspect of racing, ie do you wear your wet swim trunks the rest of the race, do you swim in your bike shorts, etc?  I guess I just need a sounding board for some basic understanding of the sport. 

2009-01-21 3:27 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group OPEN

I'd like to join your group--sounds like the perfect way to keep me focused and motivated!


Personal:  47 year old male, active distance runner, living just south of Houston, TX.

Sports background:  I ran x-country in high school, but got bored with running other than just basic fitness until 2004.  Ran my first marathon in 2005, and have run 4 more since then, adding 2 this year.  Have also run a number of halfs (PR is 1:41).  I wanted to start cross-training to keep from getting burned out with running last year, and did my first (only) tri, a sprint, last summer--it was awesome!  Last year, I just added some swim and bike workouts into my running regimen, some bricks, etc, but this year I want to get serious about my training, so could sure use some advice.

The swim is definitely my Achilles tendon, having never swam competitively.  I've done endurance bike events in years past (MS 150 a couple of times), but never swimming.  So I know where I need to focus.

The first tri I want to do this year, a sprint, is in April, so I have a bit under 3 months to get my water legs under me and get back on the bike, but I believe it is doable, as my conditioning level is quite good from the running season.

I am actively searching for a good 12 week training curriculum, biased towards swimming would be a plus, so all advice there is appreciated!



2009-01-22 6:33 AM
in reply to: #1920554

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group OPEN
Hello Steven and thanks for writing, sounds like you have your goals pretty well in place and are prepared to get going.
Since it seems like you probably have a pretty good base of running and biking the first segment of the 20 week plan may seem a bit to easy. So if you are already doing more distance thats OK it certainly won't set you back. Its cold here in Florida so I know its cold where you are. Do you have a stationary trainer? Member of local Y or fitness center?
As to your initial questions you will won't to invest in a triathlon specific short, these will have a minimal pad, for quick drying and will be worn for the entire event. You can wear a normal bike short, but be warned the thicker pad will feel a bit strange soaking wet. You can certainly do this to start but you will soon discover the tri short is the way to go. And being so far in the North I'm certain that most of your events will be wetsuit legal, you can rent them for an event if you are not wanting to purchase. You wear your event clothing underneath, once the swim is complete and your out of the wetsuit your ready for the remainder of the day.

Its a great sport, your running and biking background will serve you well. You didn't mention swimming, have or do you do much in this area? I'll look forward to helping you with your seasons goals.


Edited by tri/tbay 2009-01-22 7:00 AM

2009-01-22 6:58 AM
in reply to: #1920822

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group OPEN
Welcome Wildcat83/Mike, I would enjoy helping you get going in the sport. I lived in Houston about 16 years ago, Spring actually. Friends and cousin still there.

Awesome is a good phrase, most feel the same way about there first events I know I certainly did. We can certainly develop a plan to get you ready for the seasons first event. Where are you now in terms of training amounts? THis will help in planning and at what level to start with. Since you already have an extensive background in running, and have done MS distance bike events, sprint distances probably will be pretty comfortable for you. You are not alone where swimming is the challenge. What are you currently doing in regards to swimming and have you had any formal help? With most sprints distance swims being 1/4 to 1/2 mile swims you don't need to do a tremendous amout of yardage, so we'll emphasize good form, getting comfortable and being confident. Confidence is where I see a lot of people struggle. Let me know what your current workouts are and we'll begin to address swim needs while building in a plan to get you ready for your first event. In searching for your training plan, and the fact you would like to work more on swimming we'll probably substitute some run/bike workouts to add a swim. What is the distance of your first event?

I'll look forward to working with you.


2009-01-22 9:37 AM
in reply to: #1921894

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group OPEN


I swam competitively in the summers on my local swim team from age 5 to 17, so I do have a background, albeit several years ago.  I love swimming for distance and have completed several sessions recently of 45 mins+ continuous just jumping in and going.  Following the 20 week program I feel will help me with my tendency toward over training.  With the 4th week of each month essentially being rest workouts it forces me to tone it back a bit.  I just started swimming with a partner to change things up a bit and keep myself honest (an hour of swimming is an hour, not 55 minutes).  This has helped a lot as it gives me a gauge of speed and fitness at least compared to that one person.  I am looking for races to plan for this summer in a three state area.  Hopefully I will be able to find what I need to complete my goals.



2009-01-22 10:58 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group OPEN

Hi!  A newbie to BT and would like to join your group if there's room. 

I am a 47yr old female, married with 2 children (11 & 13).  Work for a law firm so my days are spent sitting in a chair -- ugh!  Since I hate being so inactive during my work hours, I stay active every chance I get.  I have been a runner since H.S. and took up cycling about 5 years ago after being side-lined from running with a stress fracture.  Am great at running and very good at cycling (my 2 favorite sports).  As for past race experience, I have done only mud runs, 5ks and 10ks.  Spent time swimming in college and swim workouts at rec pool.  Am a strong swimmer, but never really became a fast swimmer.  Side-lined again from all activity about 2 years ago after having a separated muscle (ab) repaired.  (Brutal!)

After nearly a 2 year hiatus from my normally consistent physcial activity, I have spent the last year training in the gym working on strength-training (weights) and endurance training (spinning and running) just to get back in good physical shape.  I just added a swim workout this week.

Current training until Spring: MON a.m. spin; p.m second spin/TUES a.m. run; p.m. full body weight-training/WED a.m. spin; p.m. second spin/THU a.m. run; p.m. full body weight-training/FRI a.m. spin; p.m Tai Chi/SAT a.m. swim only/SUN a.m. long run.  My schedule doesn't allow me to do any outdoor rides right now until Spring when I will probably trade the p.m. spins for outdoor rides. 

Goals:  Want to get my running mileage and consistency back up and want to become not only a strong swimmer, but one with a respectable time (at least in the pool).  Need some guidance on my swimming and how to build that up and what techniques will help me the most for a tri swim.  Need motivation and feedback on my training so that I can make the transitions at each stage.  I want to be able to finish my first tri.  I am disciplined and do well when given guidance and structure.  I like being held accountable, and being part of a mentored group will help keep my eye on the prize.  I am currently looking at tri sprint schedules in my area for 2009 to give myself a short-term race goal.  However, my ultimate goal is to do an IM on my 50th birthday. 

Thanks, Andrea

2009-01-22 12:38 PM
in reply to: #1922421

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group OPEN
Hello Andrea, and welcome. I like the 50th BD gift to yourself, similar to my 50th BD. Simply didn't not have enough time to do anything more than a HIM.
As with the others who have joined into the group everyone seems to have a good run/bike base which is excellent, and if we can improve the swim segment you should do well. As you know Triathlon is a great sport and a very gratifying sport, you can really see the results of your work. Your first event coming up is in April or so I would guess. So there is plenty of time to get the swim work taken care of and continue your run/bike work as well. If you would let me know what kind of swim workouts you have been doing it will help as we go forward. As I wrote to Mike confidence in the swim is crucial and it is one of my main focal points I like to work on. Makes for a better day.

Glad to have you in the group.

2009-01-22 12:54 PM
in reply to: #1922190

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group OPEN

Well with your swim background even though it was during your early years, you will get the feel of it pretty quickly. What would be your current 100 time or what times have you been going in your swim sessions. It is a huge advantage to have the confidence to swim at the front no matter what the distance, and since you have been running and cycling the past few years it would seem that your in a good place. Following a plan is very helpful, and as you state it keeps things in persepective and prepares you in the proper phases of development. They are great guidelines and even if can't follow them perfectly you can still see where you can make up time of just move ahead. Have you been surprised with your swimming either good or bad?

Let me know about your times if you have something to guage from.


2009-01-23 12:07 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group OPEN

I would like to join your group. I'm a 48 year old male, father of two girls, married 25 years and fairly active. Problem is right now I weight train almost exclusively and really need to up my cardio for health/lifestyle reasons.

Background: Have done 3 sprints and have enjoyed them immensely. I have never been a huge 'racer' but have quite a bit of experience with running (pikes peak marathon) and biking (seveal centuries) for recreational purposes; I learned how to swim 'distance' to get through my sprints. I can struggle through the swim portion but really need to get better at swimming.

I tend to do either weight training or cardio and have a hard time balancing these efforts.

I moved to weight training after I blew out my second ACL skiing. Weight training and biking were key parts of rehab. The positive results from weightlifting distracted me from biking and I haven't gotten back on the bike in a serious manner for 6 years or so. I have since gradually gained weight and come in around 210, and 20 years ago I was 175.

I'm still developing my goals for the year and years to follow but would appreciate working with you if you still have room. At the very least I will do two sprints this year, and since my daughter is on the CU Triathlon club I wouldn't mind planning to do more with her over the next several years. I have a ton of questions about how to use this site, equipment, training, etc.



Edited by buckinfuffs 2009-01-23 12:13 AM
2009-01-23 6:41 AM
in reply to: #1924190

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group OPEN
Good Morning Brian,

Yes there is room for you. I flew back from California through Denver on Tuesday, I was surprised that there wasn't even a bit a snow down in Denver, looked like even the snow cover in the Mountains was a bit light? It was also going to be about 70 degrees in Denver that day.

As you will find in moving ahead with Triathlons you will need to make some more time allocation for your specific training, which will most likely be at the expense of your weight training. But since you are used to doing weights you will most likely just trim your work down to more specific and targeted efforts. You will find a lot of varied opinions about weight work during the season or at all, I for one like to try to maintain some effort all year long, but it ismostly tri related work. Legs and swim specific movements. And the more you race your time allocations will work out where they need to be spent.

Its kind of fun to race with a family member and challenge yourself to try to one up the kid. I to have one of my daughters competing and we talk a little smack leading up the event.

Welcome to the group.

2009-01-23 8:17 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group OPEN

Hi Roy

Name: Olman Castro, Residence: Lithia, FL (not too far from you)

FAMILY STORY:I'm turning 40 this yr, been married for 14 with 2 children (6 and 10), and working upwards of 60hrs while traveling quite a bit.  

PERSONAL STORY: I started training for triathlons back in 1986 (yes, 22 yrs ago), but have never really been an athletic person, meaning that sports were not in my 1ary interests, so I would quickly drift, this happenned more than a few times.  AFter college I moved to FL and started again, I think one huge hurdle for my lack of progress has been the fact that I've always trained solo w/o any coaching, etc. A quick move to MI made me give it up again. The last 8 yrs have been (5) in PRico and (3) in FL, but with tons of work, stayed inactive and gaining weight - up to 225 LB at 1/1/09, lost 10LBS so far these last 22 days.

CURRENT TRAINING: I got back on the bandwagon last yr as a N Yr resolution, and have stuck with it for the most part.  Started jogging 2 miles and am up to a long run of 8 mi. My usuaal bike ride is 24 mi, but can handle a longer ride close to 50 mi. Swimming, well, there's that other sport...   Been training following bits of info, main focus during training has been to extend my distance or decrease my time, nothing formal.  Running pace: about 10 min/mi  Bike speed: can maintain 18mph but hills are a killer, like dropping an anchor onthe road. Swim: what? there's swimming involved on this?

2008 RACES: I completed my first and only race is years.  Publix/Ft DeSoto Sprint, goal was 1:30, finished in 1:27

2009 GOALS: To run a couple of 10Ks (first one has been completed), at least 2 Sprints and 1-2 OLYs late in the season.  Commit to a formal training program/schedule.  Get swimming.

 LONGER TERM GOAL: I plan to continue improving my fitness and ability to race and complete a HIM in 2011. 

WEIGHT:  AFter many yrs of unaccountable eating habits I ballooned up to a high of 225 (I actually think it was 230). My goal is 185 which was achieved back in 2001.  This weight will allow me to tri faster as I continue training.

The main reasons I want to join this group:  1. accountability  2. training partners, both online and around East Tampa (H'Boro county).  I don't foresee any podium spots for me, but am all for improving speed (my dad ran a 45 min 10K on his 50th BDay), that's something for me to look for.

Roy - I truly hope you're as commited as the rest of us signing up under your "wing".  Im a little concerned that I don't see you've logged a whole lot.  I want to get the best out of this too.  I hope you understand my concerns... want to stay as long as there's a mutual commitment.

Edited by TrkHilo2k 2009-01-23 9:34 AM
2009-01-23 9:22 AM
in reply to: #1921905

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group OPEN

Thanks Roy, for helping me out.


As for my current non-running workouts, pretty simple:  swim-0; bike-just got started this week.  Did 35 minutes at 16 mph, no sweat (I'm also reahabbing a hip injury from all the pounding on city streets), and plan on doing 20-30 miles tomorrow at about the same pace.

 My goal on the first tri (a sprint-600m swim, 20K bike, 5K run) is to survive the swim, avg. 20 mph on the bike (last year, with minimal training, I averaged 17.8 mph), and sub-8:00 per mile on the run. 

The run is no sweat, other than getting in some bricks.  The bike is well within reach given over two months before the tri.  The swim will be my biggest challenge so I like the thought of focusing there.  I am about to join a 24 hr fitness nearby with an indoor lap pool so as to get into some workouts starting next week...I just need some help in planning the workouts as, even though I can swim (and I have done a bit of studying on proper stroke technique), I've never done swim workouts before so don't know how to tackle that.  If there are any good You Tube videos on proper form, drills, etc. that you would recommend, I'm all eyes.

It would also be good to have something a bit more structured to get me to my goal on the bike.

I belong to a local multisport club, so will have the opportunity to swim in open water once a month or so with a group (leader is the swim coach at local high school), so that will help also.

Now for a kind of goofy/newbie question:  weather for the bike ride tomorrow morning is supposed to be pretty brisk (low 40s, windy and overcast)--I have running tights that would probably feel good on my legs, but would I wear them over, under? my biking shorts?


2009-01-23 9:37 AM
in reply to: #1922421

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group OPEN

Geez Andrea, I just read your current workout schedule...I thought you said you WORKED for a living??! :-

 Although I am a newbie triathlete, I have been running for 4-5 years now, and here's just something you might want to think about (or discard completely, either way is fine!)--your body needs some time to rest and recover from the workouts, at least one day a week, probably two, interspersed between your workouts.  I think it helps you to stay fresh and injury free, as well as helping to prevent your immune system from becoming overworked repairing minor muscle tears thus leaving you vulnerable to illness.

 Just my two cents--other than that, man, way to go!


2009-01-23 10:23 AM
in reply to: #1924642

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group OPEN

Thanks Mike.  You're right and that totally makes good sense.  Now that I am adding swimming back into the mix, I realize that I will need to balance out my training a bit more.  I want to continue my cycling, running, and weight-training, but now I have to add in swim work outs too (and more than just one a week).  Any ideas on balancing out a training schedule to incorporate four activities and days for rest?  I like splitting my workouts (a.m. and p.m.) because my time is limited.  Maybe I should just train MWF (a.m. & p.m.); rest T, TH and do just one training session on Saturday?  Ugh! 

2009-01-23 10:42 AM
in reply to: #1922709

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group OPEN

Hi Roy,

Thanks for replying.  Unforutnately right now my swim workout is not very exciting.  It's warm-up of 50m, 2x100, 2x100 pull, 2x100, and 50 cool down.  I try to work on stroke and breathing.  It's slow and deliberate.  Boy swimming is tough!  This is by far my weakest link.  I need to figure out a more balanced training schedule.  And just like Mike pointed out...a schedule that also includes rest.  (Okay, if I gotta rest...I guess. LOL)  Thanks, Andrea 

2009-01-23 10:57 AM
in reply to: #1924778

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group OPEN

Well, it probably makes more sense to plan your rest days to follow your more intense workouts--like a hard weight training session, or a long run.  Those take more out of your body than a shorter tempo run, or a spinning class.  You could perhaps move your tai chi class to your rest day, as the little I know of this makes me think it is a very low stress activity, more of a stretching/relaxing this correct?

 You know, as I think about this, while some strengthening workouts with weights is a good idea, (and certainly core strengthening workouts is recommended), hard weight training workouts for big muscle groups is probably not recommended from what I know.  A lot of research shows that these workouts, and the muscle development that results, don't improve your performance in events like running.  So you might be able to get your swim workouts in by swapping out your full body weight training workouts.  Instead, you might do some core strengthening exercises as a cool down after your spin or run workouts--that's what we do as a cool down after our Sat. morning long runs.

Also, (remember I'm a newbie), it looks like you are putting a lot into your spin workouts (five per week by my count), that could probably be balanced out better with swim or run workouts...just a thought.


2009-01-23 1:39 PM
in reply to: #1924399

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group OPEN
Good Day and Welcome TrkHilo2K,

Yes you are close to me, and glad you are going to forge ahead with something that got started at an earlier date. No time like the present!!!
I'll start with your last paragraph. I just got back from a week of golf at Pebble Beach, it was a tournament. I haven't put a whole lot of time into my golf game and felt I better make sure I know where the club face is. So that is the reason for little or no activity. If you look at 2008 totals I put in some good training, and I'm about to get going for this year. One thing to note, and you will to come to know this. After a couple of years of training your base conditioning will not suffer much from some periods of relative in-activity, so as it appears I haven't done much, my intensities when I have trained tell me that I am ready to increase to normal levels without any planned setbacks. Great observation and Yes I'm definitely committed to helping the entire group.

Welcome to the group.


Edited by tri/tbay 2009-01-23 1:58 PM
2009-01-23 1:55 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group CLOSED
Ok gang the group is now closed. I look forward to helping you all for the next few months. Its an exciting time and also a time that brings about concerns over whether you really can do this, but the answer is YES!!! you can and we'll do it together. Its been crazy day for me, I'll write some more tonight and address some thoughts as we begin to move forward.

Hopefully your weather this weekend is good, let me know how it goes.
The thing to do now is for all of us to add each other to our friends list in our control panel in our log. That way we can view the workouts from this section. And I'm sure we'll all get very versed on using the log features.


Edited by tri/tbay 2009-01-23 2:14 PM

2009-01-23 2:09 PM
in reply to: #1924597

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Good Afternoon Mike,

Sounds like your making the right decisions towards making your training and racing schedules as obtainable as possible. If it were me I would wear the tight over the bike shorts might prove to be a bit more comfortable I guess you can experiment with it both ways. I wear a running pant, not a tight over mine and all is well. No seem discomfort or restriction. If it is going to be that cool starting out I would recommend socks if you don't normally wear them, and remember to wiggle your toes form time to time to get some circulation. Cold feet are never fun. And also bike helmets are designed to vent I wear a little dew rag(spelling) on cold rides and that really helps maintain some body heat. And when temps get to the point I'm comfortable I'll take it off and finish the ride. Do you guys swim in Galveston or Clear Lake or elsewhere.

Be patient with your injury, you've got the time to get it healed. So biking as long as there is no discomfort is still an adequate way to work of your lower body fitness.

Edited by tri/tbay 2009-01-23 2:17 PM
2009-01-23 2:50 PM
in reply to: #1925563

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed


 Good thought re: covering up the head under a bike helmet--I hadn't thought of that but any headwind added to a 15+ mph forward motion could sure move a lof cold air through the helmet vents!

There are two old quarries within 10 miles or so of us that we can do open water swims in (I live in Pearland, work in Clear Lake).  Folks do a lot of SCUBA certification in them, but the owners allow swim groups to train in them as well.  I'm going to have to get a wetsuit if I'm going to do these, as water temp is stil in the mid to upper 50s (I know, I know--beats the heck out of it being ICE as in some parts of the country), still too cold to function for long without protection.  Any things I need to think about when buying one to swim in?

Copy all on rehabbing the hip--I've hurried injuries in the past...never worked yet.


2009-01-23 3:05 PM
in reply to: #1925456

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Thanks for allowing me to join here on the last minute.

I am looking forward to this sooo much! 


I am trying to follow the Olympic Distance 2 x / week of each sport - meaning, I have to find a pool ASAP.  Next is my running.  Forecast for Tampa is a frigid 70+ weekend.  I am taking the kids for Gasparilla Jr Parade tomorrow - it becomes a day long event so I am going to have to figure out how to incorporate a run or a ride into the day.  Sunday will have to be my long day with rest on Monday.


Edited by TrkHilo2k 2009-01-23 3:11 PM
2009-01-23 5:47 PM
in reply to: #1924913

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group OPEN

Thanks Mike.  Core training after my runs sounds like a good plan!

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