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Moderators: k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2003-09-04 11:28 AM

East TN
Subject: getting seasick
I am a beginner swimmer. I've swam since I was young, but never for distance or lap swimming. The last 3 months since I started training for a tri, I've found that I often get very dizzy and nauseous after swimming. Does anyone else have this happen, what can I do?

2003-09-04 1:15 PM
in reply to: #659

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Central Louisiana
Subject: RE: getting seasick
What time of the day do you swim? Do you swim at the same time everyday?
I was getting sick at my stomach when I first started because I would swim early in the morning and my sugar levels were to low. I found that if I drank a cup of juice before I went swimming this helped. Another possibility is that you are not getting good breaths when you swim and this could be causing you to feel dizzy, but I don't know if that would cause you to feel nauseous. If you keep having problems, you might want to go to your general physician and make sure it is not a sign of some other problem.

Still Tri'n
2003-09-04 8:59 PM
in reply to: #659

East TN
Subject: RE: getting seasick
Thanks, I'll try your advice and I'll try breathing better. I've talked with my physician and he says I'm fine, no heart or respiratory problems. I tend to get very motion sick in a car, boat, etc. Believe it or not I spent 12 years in the Navy on submarines, (I puked a lot). I usually swim at lunch time but I'll try the juice.
2003-09-05 4:47 AM
in reply to: #659

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Central Louisiana
Subject: RE: getting seasick
You might try taking an over the counter product for motion sickness. If it sits on your stomach and you don't get sick, it might not be a bad idea to try.

Good luck and Still Tri'n,
2003-09-09 12:10 PM
in reply to: #670

East TN
Subject: RE: getting seasick
It appears what I'm suffering from is allergies. I tend to have sinus problems during the pollen flows and I think that's what causing the problem. I don't have much dizziness in the morning or evenings when the air is heavy, so I'm swimming at those times and its much better.
2003-09-09 2:07 PM
in reply to: #659

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Central Louisiana
Subject: RE: getting seasick
Glad to hear you figured it out.

Still Tri'n

Edited by Michael 2003-09-09 2:08 PM

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