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2003-09-24 11:02 AM


Subject: recovery
I am about 5 weeks into training for my first tri. I swam for the first time this am and have a long ways to go, but now have a schedule that includes all three disciplines. My question is, how often should I do a recovery week. Right now I'm hitting all three twice a week for about 45 minutes each time. I am going to add weights as soon as I can. I know you can overtrain and I don't want that, the problem is I am enjoying the new found fit feeling so much I hate to slow down. The tri is not until next June.

2003-09-24 1:11 PM
in reply to: #943

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Gold member
Subject: one needs recovery

get one in at least one week a month where u go down by 30-50% min or miles.

and if your feeling 'weak' or worn-out, best to do a recovery week then.  beleive me, u don't want to get injured by working through little things and always building, u need that rest or decrease to get all possible injuries in check and to then build up more.

i would go against doing all 3 disciplines at once (if i understand u right)...u will hit that wall pretty quick.

2003-09-24 1:57 PM
in reply to: #943


Subject: RE: recovery
Thanks for the reply!!
Actually, no I am not doing all three at once. I bought a log and have scheduled all three sports twice a week. I have one day that is doubled up am/pm for now. I am shooting to do my first tri in June of next year. It will be a sprint that swims in the pool. I hope to base train until 13 weeks prior, increasing by 10% every week or two and then use your 13 week program. My goal is to do 3 sprint tris next summer and then maybe try and do a longer one. I have been tossing around the idea of setting a goal of an Ironman at sometime in the future. 5 years or so. My concern is time to train. It's hard to get it in with family and work. I do have to say, though, that I haven't even done a tri yet and I feel better than I ever have and am hooked.
2003-09-24 2:04 PM
in reply to: #945


Subject: RE: one needs recovery
Actually I am not doing all three back to back. I bought a log to help me keep track, and right now I am doing each sport twice a week and have one doubled up day. I sometimes will add a 6th day. I hope to base train until 13 weeks before my first tri which will be in June 04, and add 10% to my distances every week or two. I am not fast, but am working on my endurance right now. Then I will use your sprint training program. I am not concerned right now with winning or placing, I just want to compete and finish. I haven't even done my first tri and already I feel better than I ever have and am hooked. Thanks!!
2003-09-24 3:36 PM
in reply to: #947

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Gold member
Subject: it sounds like...

u have a smart plan and a goal that is distant enough to build up conservatively and safe.  as far as time to train, for me i just get it done before anybody wakes up.  i'm at the gym at 5am to lift/swim/run and then only a FEW days after work do i do trail runs or bike...that leaves lots of time for family.  i think it is far better for me to train and get it out of the way very early...if i didn't and trained for lifting and tris after work, i would get home late OR if something came up and i had to go straight home and miss a sucks and i feel bad BUT that doesn't happen if u have the chance to to it really early.  ps, i have a wife, 6mo old, 8-5job, and grad school.  U WILL FIND TIME THAT WON'T TAKE AWAY FROM YOUR FAMILY!  just make sure u discuss your future plans with them so they understand and r more supportive if u NEED to get that 1.5 hour bike in. 

2003-09-24 8:11 PM
in reply to: #950

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Central Louisiana
Subject: RE: it sounds like...
I tried to push a little to hard when I first started training and didn't let my body rest enough. We sometimes don't think that rest and recovery are important in training, but they are very important.

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