Subject: RE: New to this in snowy NEWelcome to BT!!! I was in your spot 6 months ago (out of shape and starting from scratch) and am now 5.5 weeks away from my first Triathlon! (a sprint, too) I started with the "couch to 5k" program here and am now in the middle of the 12 week HR based Sprint plan. I've dropped 15 lbs, raced in 4 5k's and already feel ready for my first Tri. Use the logs here - they are great for tracking your progress and letting others help encourage you and follow your progress. Just start slow and build up with a plan. You have plenty of time for your tri. As for outdoors down south? I'm in Charlotte and I do about half of my bike/run indoors now since I need to train in the mornings before work and its too dark (and cold). However my wife does most of her training indoors since she has to use the Y or our treadmill/trainer at home with the kids (stay at home mom). She gets in some great workouts so don't worry about performance. However, she does feel a difference when she gets outdoors, so make sure you get out when you can to get used to the road, etc. If your race is in June you'll be doing lots of base building so its all about building up that endurance. You can do that on a treadmill/trainer with no problem. |