Subject: RE: T1 + prosthesis = I am a wuzz Yeah, I have that show on DVD and ride my trainer to it sometimes. Not just Sarah (bummer she missed the T2 cutoff by 15 minutes ) but all those people they show that are missing arms and legs really gives me a kick in the pants, since I'm blessed with pretty good health all around.
A couple of years ago I saw a video clip about the Hoyt family (the father who towed his son through the race 'coz he's got cerebal palsy or something like that ). They DNF'ed in '04, but have finished it before. HUGELY inspiring piece.
I always wonder... do the folks in the "handcrank" category have to switch to a more standard racing wheelchair for the marathon, or do they just use thier handcrank bikes for 138.2 miles?
It's SOOOO easy for those of us with four functioning limbs and no significant health problems to lose perspective on these things...