Canadian Triathlon Forum Alberta » Training for my first IronMan : Ca 2011. Need help in SW Calgary area Rss Feed  
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2010-09-03 3:32 PM


Subject: Training for my first IronMan : Ca 2011. Need help in SW Calgary area
Hi TRialhletes, Runners, Bikers, Swimmers, all ;
I am a new arrival in Calgary (arrived here mid May) and I have somehow miraculously managed to get a slot in IronMan Canada 2011. I sat at my PC at 12 noon Penticton time and somehow got in.
I have done one 70.3 and this will be my first Iron Man. I am terrified but determined.
I will be 50 years old in 2011 so needed to do something outrageous...hence..IronMan Ca 2011 BRING IT ON!
However, I need help, all the help I can get. As a newcomer to Calgary and indeed, to Canada; i don't really know where to begin with finding like minded souls and others in the 'same self inflicted boat'! 
I've been running with Running Room off Glenmore Landing and I have 2 Half Marathons scheduled for Sept and Oct. I've been biking with Elbow Vally Cycle Club and have had a few good rides learning the local routes.
I need to swim swim and swim through the winter. My best area is definitely the run as I have a few marathons under my belt and feel I know what to expect. Its the bike that scares meSurprised...these Canadian Hills are something else! I also need to find a pool...looking at Talisman...might as well spend some more money, eh? The entry fee ($603) is just the tip of an IronMan Iceberg!
Anyway, enough blether.
I'd love to find some folks to train with or a Tri club.
I am VERY fortunate not to be working so have a very flexible program.
I am committed to training for this event for the next 12 months. 
Please do contact me and/or respond with any advice for me,

2010-09-06 11:07 AM
in reply to: #3081228

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2010-09-07 8:29 PM
in reply to: #3081228


Subject: RE: Training for my first IronMan : Ca 2011. Need help in SW Calgary area

Great to get some feedback. I also got an e mail from 'Stroppy'.
Headed to Talisman today and met with Jack Van Dyk, the coordinator of the Tri Club within Talisman. Nice lad. I Signed up and threw out the credit card (yet will be well used by the end of this quest :-)
I will begin swimming tomorrow.
To join the tri club, you have to add 2 programs, I opted for a swim class and a bike class. This takes me up until end of December....and then it all begins again in January.
With this membership of the Tri Club, I can also use all the facilities and go to the classes etc at Talisman so i figured it would be OK.
I live in SW area but the WestSide Gym is disappointing in the swimming area...only 4 swim lanes...more family and kids orientated.
I am excited about Talisman and hope to meet other triathletes. I have a few options to access Open Water Swims for the summer 2011 so get with me if you want some OWS practise next summer.
Yes, I am looking at Oskoyos Triathlon...apparantly its a great practise for the BIGGIE...and also calgary. Won't do both 70.3s but will need to decide soon. I will defo go to Okanagan next year to ride, swim and run the area before the big day. i need all the confidance I can get.
Any advise on accommodation at Penticton. i was SHOCKED Surprised at the hotel prices and am looking at RV rentals for the event...ideas/suggestion/advice appreciated here.

Stopped at Crave CupCakes on the way home...whats wrong with THAT picture then Kiss.
ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

2010-09-10 4:47 PM
in reply to: #3081228

New user

Subject: RE: Training for my first IronMan : Ca 2011. Need help in SW Calgary area
   Gwen, a few thoughts:

1) You've already joined EVCC.  Head out for Saturday's ride.  Although the hills are short on the "road to Nepal", you'll get a great workout as they are steep enough.

2) Join the Calgary Outdoor Club (COC), they have hikes, rides, runs, pretty well what ever you want.  Same kind of online calendar as EVCC so easy to see what is upcoming.

3) Yes, it is pricy to stay in Penticton (I used to live there).   If you widen your search for room outside of Pentiction prices will drop.  For example, I volunteered at this years Ironman (not crazy enough to compete yet) and stayed at the "Pine Bluff Motel" which is about 1/2 an hour or so south, just North of Osoyoos.  Cost was under $100 per night with 2 queens and a small kitchenette.  It was only a place to crash but is on the bike route and is very close to OK Falls so as long as you have transportation it is easy to get to Penticton.

4) Next Spring make sure you do the "Golden Triangle" with the EVCC, only 100Km per day but the climbs on day 1 and 3 will help you out.

5) A great training route is to drive to Castle Mountain and head South (same way you'll go on the Golden Triangle), climb up Storm Mountain, then up the pass to "Olive Lake" just before Radium.  Turn around and head back to Castle MOuntain.  It is 180Km.  If you want a bit more for training, drop into Radium, get resupplied and head back to Castle Mountain.

6) For earlier shorter rides, head out to Banff, drive to the start of the Bow Valley Pathway (BVP) and get your bike to Lake Louise - make sure you climb up to Lake Louise to get some hill action in, then turn around and come back.  On the way back climb up to Storm Mountain for some longer hill work, then back to the car.  Distance will only be around 120Km or so but you go through some pretty nice country with great roads.  You could extend down the backside of Storm Mountain to bring your distance up if you wanted.

   Good Luck.  Hopefully the weather in Penticton is a bit warmer for 2011 and I DON'T see you in the Medical Tent.
2010-09-10 4:53 PM
in reply to: #3086420

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2010-09-14 4:31 PM
in reply to: #3081228


Subject: RE: Training for my first IronMan : Ca 2011. Need help in SW Calgary area
I just LOVE getting your gives me such encouragement and hope.  Thankyou to you all for the great advice.  The rides suggested by BCDon are great pointers and YES, I will do them ALL! I will defo look at EVCC Golden Triangle BUT I think it's hard to get accommodation for that too, eh?
Ajt: great advice on accommodation/tri clubs etc. I am now also hoping like crazy to get into The Calgary Masers Swim Class....they have a waiting list but I did receive an e mail form the head guy and he seemed quite positive. I'll know by end of Sept.  Fingers crossed for me...I NEED this...BADLY.
I was at Talisman yesterday doing a few lengths, counting each miserable one. Some great swimmers arrived as I was finished and I watched them from above....realized I have a LONG LONG way to go. They make it look so easy. I cannot even do the bilateral breathing. Siggghhhhh.
I'm definitely going to look into The Calgary Outdoor Club..thanks for that pointer, BC Don.  I love trail running and would enjoy a group to run with. Hiking would be great too. I AM new to Calgary (and Canada) so it's  great to get the suggestions and pointers.
I find I work best with company and with the group activities work well for me.
My son has a lot of contacts in the trade (he is an Ultra Man twice over and has done many IronMans) and he is doing IMCA too...but he is based in Ireland (where I am from). He is getting me fixed up with a new and better bike...carbon all over etc.....should be great.
Keep the advice coming...I need YOU!

2010-09-14 8:33 PM
in reply to: #3081228

Subject: RE: Training for my first IronMan : Ca 2011. Need help in SW Calgary area

Hi there. Enjoy the ride!! i signed for 2011 as well. I volunteered this year, and got a hotel on the beach for next year.
 I'm from calgary as well. If you need some local help, go see the folks at Tri-It on memorial drive. there are many different teams and groups to join in calgary....Join a group at the university or mount royal. Or teams where you can getting coaching....critical Speed, teacm tri life, etc.

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