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2016-11-21 2:23 PM

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Subject: Better than politics....

Just got home from a 3 day hunting trip with a couple of buddies and my 10 year old lab, Rainy.  She's just 3 weeks out from surgery to remove some cancerous lumps from her mammary glands. (hence the shaved spot on her right leg from the IV) She was, as always, intently on the lookout for ducks and the chance to do what she was born and bred for.  I wish I could say I can't wait for the next 10 years with her but, of course, I'm getting closer to having to say goodbye to her.  She's been a dandy and I thought I'd share a pic of her.



4rivers.jpg (167KB - 2 downloads)

2016-11-21 2:48 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Better than politics....
She is a find looking dog!

I lost my heart dog a few years ago. Jake was Golden Retriever and trained me thru two ironman races. He love to run! He's see me putting on my running shoes and go nuts!! I miss him. I think I cried more I lost him than I did when I lost my dad. Don't get me wrong, I loved my dad but Jake was best friend.

I went duck hunting when I was a kid but never got one.

My son and his friend and I are going to a skeet range this Friday. 15 stations, 100 shots total. The last time I went my granddaddy's antique Remington 12 ga auto jammed. I had a back up 12 ga pump in my truck that they gave me free when I bought my truck (it's good to live in Alabama) so I used that. I'd like to double barrel over/under maybe.
2016-11-21 3:25 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

, California
Subject: RE: Better than politics....

I grew up with a golden lab.  My mom who is a pretty serious runner used to do track workouts early in the morning.  Birds would always be walking in the middle of the field, so she'd just turn the dog off leash while she ran laps.  That dog LOVED chasing birds.  And they need that exercise too otherwise they are unmanageable at home.

2016-11-22 10:14 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Better than politics....

Now that's a good looking dog!

Our dog just turned 11 and its tough to think that there may only be a few more years left. 

We were living in a condo when we got him and so we went with a smaller breed (Boston Terrier), but I was seriously considering a chocolate lab. 

I've heard they're full of energy during the puppy years, but you can't beat their temperament once they get older.  

2016-11-23 8:30 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Better than politics....
That's a great picture, and Rainy is a good looking girl! It really is special when you get to see a dog work at a job, especially the one that was bred into its DNA. It's awesome that Rainy still gets to do that at 10.

My girl is all nose (she appears to be part weim). She'd be a terrible retriever, but it's a thing of beauty when she gets locked in & focused on a scent trail. The funniest thing to me is Winnie never lifts her head to look for what is leaving that scent. Case in point is this short video I took last year when a duck jumped onto the trail a few yards in front of us: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjfGzt5z0yE
2016-11-23 9:56 AM
in reply to: Boilermaker

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Subject: RE: Better than politics....

Originally posted by Boilermaker That's a great picture, and Rainy is a good looking girl! It really is special when you get to see a dog work at a job, especially the one that was bred into its DNA. It's awesome that Rainy still gets to do that at 10. My girl is all nose (she appears to be part weim). She'd be a terrible retriever, but it's a thing of beauty when she gets locked in & focused on a scent trail. The funniest thing to me is Winnie never lifts her head to look for what is leaving that scent. Case in point is this short video I took last year when a duck jumped onto the trail a few yards in front of us: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjfGzt5z0yE

  Thanks for that!! 

2016-11-23 10:09 AM
in reply to: Boilermaker

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Better than politics....

Originally posted by Boilermaker That's a great picture, and Rainy is a good looking girl! It really is special when you get to see a dog work at a job, especially the one that was bred into its DNA. It's awesome that Rainy still gets to do that at 10. My girl is all nose (she appears to be part weim). She'd be a terrible retriever, but it's a thing of beauty when she gets locked in & focused on a scent trail. The funniest thing to me is Winnie never lifts her head to look for what is leaving that scent. Case in point is this short video I took last year when a duck jumped onto the trail a few yards in front of us: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjfGzt5z0yE

For what it's worth, I'm pretty sure she's 100% weim. And yeah, for being such a smart breed they can be really stupid. LOL

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