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2010-04-07 5:39 AM

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
NAME: username: jsnowash, real name: Jenny

STORY: My story in a nutshell -- I'm a stay-at-home mom in my mid-40's. Several years ago, as my kids were getting past toddler-hood, I found myself overweight and out of shape. In my younger years I had always been active and fit, so I found this somewhat disturbing... I decided that having a goal to work toward would help me stay motivated to stick to an exercise routine, so I decided to give triathlon a try. That was 5 years ago, and I've never looked back! It's been a great sport for me, and I would love to help other folks get started in the world of triathlon!

FAMILY STATUS: Married, stay-at-home mom to 8, 11, & 13 year olds.

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm still kind of in "off-season" mode right now, and not following a specific training plan at the moment. I've been pretty run-focused during the last year, and will continue to mainly focus on running until I complete a couple of running races in late April/early May (a 1/2 marathon and a 10-miler). I'm maintaining about 30 miles per week running right now, and trying to fit in 2 bike and 2 swim sessions per week, but those are not very focused training sessions at the moment.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2009 Races were-

Eagleman 1/2 Ironman
Patriots Sprint Triathlon (PA)
DQ Marlton Lakes Sprint triathlon
Nation's Tri (Olympic)
Philadelphia 1/2 Marathon
(plus a few stand-alone running races, and there may be a couple of others I'm forgetting....)

2010 RACES: Ummm..... still trying to sort of work out my race schedule for the summer..... I typically try to do one race per month from May through September/October. Scheduled races at the moment: 1/2 Marathon April 25, 10 Mile running race May 2, Sprint Triathlon May 22. Still trying to pick my races for June, July, & August - these will likely be sprint or olympic distance triathlons.

I did early season half-ironman races in 2008 & 2009, and am hoping to do a late season HIM this year, but will have to see if I am able to keep my training volume up over the summer while the kids are home....

WEIGHTLOSS: I've lost about 30 lbs since starting triathlons. This puts me at a pretty healthy weight for my height, but still a few pounds heavier that my ideal weight. I would really like to shed another 5 - 10 lbs....

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I really enjoy working with and helping others in training. I'm a certified spinning instructor, working on a personal trainer certification, and thinking seriously about attending a USAT coaching certification course later this summer. I have gained a fair amount of knowledge about training SMART over the past several years, and hopefully I can help others do the same.

Edited by jsnowash 2010-04-19 5:30 AM

2010-04-10 4:05 PM
in reply to: #2773064

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group
Woo-hoo! I'm up!! Looking forward to a mentoring!!
2010-04-11 3:26 PM
in reply to: #2773064

Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group
Hi Jenny-
I would love to join your group!  My name is Marla.  This is my first year of triathlon!  Similar story -41 year old busy mom, not paying attention to exercise, weight kept creeping up.  I am pretty goal oriented, so rather than just exercising for the sake of exercising, I signed up for my first sprint in July `10. 

I work FT, and have a PT business, plus church, PTA, baseball etc. --  all of those other things that keep parents busy.  My training is primarily on my lunch hour at work and then wherever I can squeeze it in on the wknds.  Did two 5K races this month (albeit very slowly, LOL!) and will probably add two more this summer.  I have a mini tri scheduled in May to get a feel for it (and use my wetsuit!)  and then the big event in July.

Running and biking are under control and I am working on the swimming.  Took adult swim lessons this winter and am now learning Total Immersion.  I am sort of in swim limbo, but I will get there. 

Started all this to lose weight which really has not happened, numbers-wise.  I can feel and see my body changing though.  Also got an activity monitor a few weeks ago that logs everything, and it has made me more aware of when I am moving and when I am not.  Finally starting to see some downward weight movement with that.  That's it for me!
2010-04-11 4:24 PM
in reply to: #2773064

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group
Hi Marla! Welcome! Sounds like you're off to a great start!

I see you're signed up for the NJ State Sprint triathlon. I'm considering doing the Olympic distance race this summer, but haven't signed up yet....

Are you following any kind of training plan at this point?

Looking forward to getting to know you!
2010-04-11 7:31 PM
in reply to: #2773064

Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group
I do have a BT training plan that I downloaded that I use as a guide.  Honestly, I can't always dedicate the time that the training plan calls for, but I do find it helpful.

My main focus is really swimming right now.  I am in the middle of TI, so I am mostly doing drills right now and working toward whole stroke.  Run is under control.  I have at least one 5K race scheduled each month through the summer (not in my race log yet.)  Bike-wise, I do need some time in the saddle to get used to my road bike.  I generally ride a mountain bike on paths, so I know I need to get used to being on roads with cars, and with my feet in cages. 
2010-04-12 6:29 AM
in reply to: #2773064

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group

I hear ya - it can definitely be hard to stick to a plan 100%.... When I first started out, I actually found the training plans here to be pretty challenging. It sounds like you're in good shape for the tri's your targeting this summer, though. Running some 5K races before-hand is a great idea!

Just curious, are you doing TI on your own, or did you take one of the clinics? I did some self-coaching using some of the TI materials a couple years ago, and I think it really helped me, at least in terms of getting a better body position in the water. I'm never really going to be a "fast" swimmer, but my swimming is good enough now that it usually puts me somewhere in the top 30% in my age group in most triathlons I do, which is really good enough for me!

If you haven't found it yet, you might want to check out the "Tri-ing for Weight Loss" forum here on BT. Lots of really supportive and knowledgeable folks over there. I need to get back on the ball and put some more effort into shedding some more weight. I always tend to creep up a few pounds over the winter -- all that comfort food, LOL!!

2010-04-12 10:37 AM
in reply to: #2773064

Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group
Thanks for the tip on the Tri/Weight Loss Forum!  I will check it out. 

I am doing the TI on my own, using both the DVDs and the book.  I find it really helpful.  The only down side is that it is so different from what I just learned in my basic beginner swim class.  So I don't really have a freestyle stroke at the moment.  My plan is to really focus on technique for the next 5 weeks or so, and then focus more on endurance.  I may not end up doing my whole tri distance in freestyle, but I will get it done.  Any tips from having done TI yourself?  It's the breathing I am struggling with.  He always looks so calm in the water and I am very sputtery. 
2010-04-12 12:01 PM
in reply to: #2773064

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group
Hi Jenny,

I'm very new to this and it looks like your group is still open. I've been training for my first tri sprint since January. I'm 49 and with 2 kids in college and 1 in high school, I decided I needed a challenge and could benefit from some weight loss (have lost 35 over the past year, could stand to lose another 10-15 easy). My brother has been training me as he is a seasoned tri guy but has been unable to be as involved due to illness, but he gives me lots of invaluable advice. I'm planning to do the NJ Sprint Tri in July, Danskin in Sept (?) and possibly another one. I try to work out at least 5x week in some capacity, mostly after work.

I have been following the 20 2x week program on BT since January. It's been great to be able to get outside to work out. I just got a new road bike and, after a few mishaps, have been getting up to speed. I am looking into getting clip-in pedals instead of the baskets I now have. I have a swimming background (albeit 35 years ago) and am trying to make the adjustment to distance vs speed. My brother took many workshops (including TI) and has been really helpful. I really enjoy swimming and previously was the type to not get her hair wet...

I have the most trouble with the run. My heart rate skyrockets and it's always a struggle for me. Have done a couple 5ks last year. I did 3 mi on Sunday but it took me about 36 min.

Any suggestions gratefully accepted!

Thanks for any help!

Edited by Keiren 2010-04-12 1:05 PM
2010-04-12 5:18 PM
in reply to: #2773064

Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group
Hey Keiren! 
You and I have a lot of similarities - especially the running "speed!"  I ran a 5K this past weekend with my 9 year old son.  I ran a 36:26, he ran a 27:51.  It was his second race, and needless to say, he doesn't exactly train. 

I am also signed up for the NJ State Tri in July.  I also added in a small fitness Tri in May, so I can get used to all the activity that goes on in that kind of event. It is the Cheap and Easy Tri in Seaside. 

Looking forward to getting to know you!
2010-04-12 5:54 PM
in reply to: #2785143

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group
mmgoldenb - 2010-04-12 11:37 AM

Thanks for the tip on the Tri/Weight Loss Forum!  I will check it out. 

I am doing the TI on my own, using both the DVDs and the book.  I find it really helpful.  The only down side is that it is so different from what I just learned in my basic beginner swim class.  So I don't really have a freestyle stroke at the moment.  My plan is to really focus on technique for the next 5 weeks or so, and then focus more on endurance.  I may not end up doing my whole tri distance in freestyle, but I will get it done.  Any tips from having done TI yourself?  It's the breathing I am struggling with.  He always looks so calm in the water and I am very sputtery. 

No real advice.... I did the same thing as you - followed the TI program using the book & DVD. I basically stopped swimming as I worked my way through the techniques and drills of the TI program. You'll put it all together into a complete stroke by the end

Have you ever done any swimming, or is it brand new to you? It's a tricky thing to start as an adult, but I think TI is very good for that. I know there's a TI certified instructor who posts on BT (Suzanne - BT username AdventureBear). If you post questions about TI in the Tri-Talk forum, I bet she would offer some advice....

What drills are you working on now??
2010-04-12 6:08 PM
in reply to: #2785486

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group
Keiren - 2010-04-12 1:01 PM

Hi Jenny,

I'm very new to this and it looks like your group is still open. I've been training for my first tri sprint since January. I'm 49 and with 2 kids in college and 1 in high school, I decided I needed a challenge and could benefit from some weight loss (have lost 35 over the past year, could stand to lose another 10-15 easy). My brother has been training me as he is a seasoned tri guy but has been unable to be as involved due to illness, but he gives me lots of invaluable advice. I'm planning to do the NJ Sprint Tri in July, Danskin in Sept (?) and possibly another one. I try to work out at least 5x week in some capacity, mostly after work.

I have been following the 20 2x week program on BT since January. It's been great to be able to get outside to work out. I just got a new road bike and, after a few mishaps, have been getting up to speed. I am looking into getting clip-in pedals instead of the baskets I now have. I have a swimming background (albeit 35 years ago) and am trying to make the adjustment to distance vs speed. My brother took many workshops (including TI) and has been really helpful. I really enjoy swimming and previously was the type to not get her hair wet...

I have the most trouble with the run. My heart rate skyrockets and it's always a struggle for me. Have done a couple 5ks last year. I did 3 mi on Sunday but it took me about 36 min.

Any suggestions gratefully accepted!

Thanks for any help!

Hi Keiren, and welcome! Congrats on the weight loss!!

It's nice that you've been able to train with your brother some! That's awesome!

Hang in there with the running. I think that's the part that takes the longest to see gains - but if you train consistently, improvement will come.... It's my weakest leg too, by the way, but it's getting better!

It might be nice if you would add me as one of your BT "friends" so I can see your training logs. That way I might be able to offer some specific advice - AND send you some inspires from time to time!

Thanks for joining the group, looking forward to getting to know you!

2010-04-12 7:33 PM
in reply to: #2786463

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group
Hi Marla,
I am thinking of the Seaside Fitness Tri in May as well. I will be needing a wetsuit though! It would be good practice. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who struggles with the run! I'm sure my 16 year old daughter can run circles around me! I also heard about the American Cancer Society bike ride this summer. I'm glad to be on board! 
2010-04-12 7:41 PM
in reply to: #2773064

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group
Hi Jenny,
Can you see my training log yet?
2010-04-12 9:08 PM
in reply to: #2786741

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group
Yep - I can see it now!

Looks like you've been doing some good, consistent training! Keep up the good work!

Edited by jsnowash 2010-04-12 9:08 PM
2010-04-12 9:24 PM
in reply to: #2773064

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group
Glad you can "see" me, still trying to figure out these boards. I'm looking forward to being on board. Looks like we are all from the same area. I'm in South Jersey (Mt. Laurel).
2010-04-12 9:36 PM
in reply to: #2773064

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group
Hi Jenny-
I am interested in joining your group.

NAME: Lovey

STORY: 2 years ago in 2008 I got tired of being fat. I decided I was going to do train for a triathlon because the training will help me lose weight. I never ran, never learned to ride a bike as a kid and could barely swim. Learning to ride as an adult is not fun. I run/walked 5Ks and a 10K my first year plus a mini-tri (250 yard swim, 4 mile bike, 2 mile run) to test myself. Last year I attempted a sprint triathlon (Iron Girl) and it was a humiliating disastrous day that ended in tears, more tears, cutting half my hair off and being depressed for days. The swim was my downfall. I exceeded the time with 200 yards to go and had to exit, chip taken and instructed that I couldn't finish the race. I am doing this race again this year and one 2 months before as a confidence booster. I am a slow biker but I know I can make it even if I have to walk hills. The run is no concern, if I am seriously tired, I will run/walk. I just need to know and prove I can do it especially that race.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 7 & 11 year olds and work full time plus kids swimming, lacrosse, martial arts, church and anything everything else.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am mostly in running mode right now as I have a half marathon in 2 weeks. I run 3x a week, swim 2x a week and will start biking once or twice a week within the next week. I did spin classes in the winter up until 6 weeks ago. I train early mornings when everyone is still asleep and during some of my kids activities. My running is slow but its good and I enjoy it. I’ve gotten up to running 10 miles with no stopping. Swimming is like my kryptonite. I need to add more swimming days but can’t seem to find the time in my busy schedule. My 2x a week swimming is a coached training class that has been a huge help.

2010 RACES (keeps me motivated):
Jan – Cloud Snapple Half Marathon (in the snowstorm!!)
Feb - xxx
Mar – Baltimore Shamrock 5K
Apr – Clyde’s 10K
May – Frederick Half Marathon (A race) plus a Women’s Distance Festival 5K
Jun – DC Sprint Tri plus a Women’s Distance Festival 5K (my training tri)
Jul – Women’s Distance Festival 5K
Aug – Iron Girl Sprint Tri (MY NEMESIS is my A race), plus a Women’s Distance Festival 5K
Sep – easy / rest
Oct – Marine Corp 10K (A race) and maybe a half marathon
Nov - ??
Dec – Celtic Solstice 5 miler

The Women’s Distance Festival 5K races is a series of 12 races throughout the summer in MD/DC/VA area each hosted by a local running club. Do at least 4 and get a nice award. Last year was a fleece jacket. I do these as fun races for the prize and with friends especially the one hosted by my running club. Doing a race each month keeps me on track but I dont go all out each one only on the A races.

WEIGHTLOSS: I want to get toned as I train and hopefully lose more weight. I've lost about 20 lbs since starting 2 years ago and dropped from an 18/20 to a size 14. I would like to get to a size 8 or 10.

2010-04-12 10:03 PM
in reply to: #2787019

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group
Hi Lovey,
I just read your post and wanted to tell you that I'm so impressed with your dedication to finishing the Iron Girl sprint tri this year. That's really impressive. Looks like you have a full schedule of races planned over the year. I can't imagine learning how to swim as an adult. I swam competitively as a kid (long time ago) and it is still difficult. I just started biking outside (something else I haven't done in about 30 years). My kryptonite is the run-I struggle with 3 miles!  
2010-04-13 3:45 AM
in reply to: #2773064

Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group
Hey Jenny!

My name is Catherine (aka, Cat).  I'm 38 and live in Texas.  I have 2 boys 10 and 12 who are very active and have demanding schedules (Scouts, baseball, 7on7 football, swim team, JR High Band, and now spring training for JR high football: they also have to eat and got to school and do homework). I work a freaky schedule at the hospital near my house. 9pm to 7 am 7 days on 7 days off.  So, my training is great every other week!  I'm trying to get some method to workout on my days on, but I only get about 4-5 hrs sleep those days and I'm not really up for anything.

I'm 6' tall and pushing 200 right now; my heaviest was 285 after I had my second child.  I got down to 165 about 4 years ago and had someone ask me if I had AIDS, so I guess I was too thin.  But I've managed to pack it back on and have to do something.

I did a sprint last october and loved it.  My oldest and I walked the Houston Half Marathon in January and finished in about 3:30.  I've always been active, but I want to step it up now!

here are the races i have this year so far:
4/23 lone star sprint
5/1 cb&i sprint
5/29 combat sprint

I really want to do a 70.3 next spring! 

My weakest leg is the bike.  I don't think bike seats are made for big girls.  I've tried at least 5 and they all stink!  Any ideas?

My goal is to improve with each race. If I beat my last race then I have won!

I look forwart to hearing from you!


Edited by catroberts 2010-04-13 4:20 AM
2010-04-13 5:39 AM
in reply to: #2787019

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group
Lovey - 2010-04-12 10:36 PM

Hi Jenny-
I am interested in joining your group.

NAME: Lovey

Hi Lovey! Welcome to the group!

I'm also really impressed with your story! I admire your dedication, drive, and willingness to "get back on the horse" after what sounds like a disheartening first triathlon experience. I just took a quick peak at your logs, and it looks like you're doing a great job with your training!

Like you, I'm mainly in run mode right now... I have a half-marathon coming up in 2 weeks, too!

How do you feel like your swimming is going for you now? Has the coached swimming class helped?

Thanks for joining our group - I hope you find it helpful!

2010-04-13 5:50 AM
in reply to: #2787273

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group
catroberts - 2010-04-13 4:45 AM

Hey Jenny!

My name is Catherine (aka, Cat). 

Hi Cat! Welcome to you, too!

Wow, your work schedule sounds tough.... I can't imagine how you would fit any training in on days where you only get 4 or 5 hours of sleep!! I LOVE my sleep - LOL!! What's your schedule like otherwise on your work days? Do you think you could fit in short workouts a couple times per week sometime during the day while your kids are at school on those days? I think if you could manage to do something, even if it was just one short workout in each sport during those weeks it might help maintain some training momentum....

What kind of bike do you ride, and what kind of saddle are you using? It's possible that the problem might not be the saddle itself, but your position on the bike. If you can get someone to take a picture of you on your bike (from the side while you're riding) I might be able to offer some suggestions. I don't know how feasible that is given your busy life... but if you feel like posting a picture, I'd be happy to offer my (free, and worth what you pay for it ) advice!
2010-04-13 5:56 AM
in reply to: #2773064

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group
I just wanted to say to all of you how impressed I am with all of you busy working women finding the time to train for triathlons! I feel like I am SO BLESSED to be able to be a stay at home mom.... I'm able to fit most of my training in during the day while my kids are at school. If I had to fit it in around a full-time job, plus kids' and community activities - I'm not sure it would happen! Hats off to all of you!!!

2010-04-13 7:34 AM
in reply to: #2787273

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group
Hi Cat,
Welcome! Sounds like you have a hectic schedule! My boys are both in college and I miss them so much and almost miss all the crazy running around. My daughter is 16 so I still have my clutches in her. My work schedule is nice, 8am to 4:30pm so I try to work out right after work. Not sure if I could have done it 5 years ago. So congrats to you for making the time to train. I can't help with the bike as I am 5'4. I bought my bike (Masi Alare) from a friend who rode it a handful of times. I was amazed at the difference after I got it "fit". Some saddle and post adjustments made all the difference. I hope you find something that works for you. Welcome to the group!
2010-04-13 10:16 AM
in reply to: #2773064

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group
I had decided to start with one sport at a time beginning with the one I thought I was the hardest and I would like the least. I started running (run/walk) with the Couch to 5K program. It’s beginners program that gets you off the couch and running 30 minutes straight in 9 weeks. Needless to say, I was running 30 mins but not 3 miles, about 2 and it took me 11 weeks but it worked. And I enjoyed it.

Begging the local bike clubs to teach me to ride was low but I was desperate. I fired my hubby the first day he tried. The bike club member turned out to be great and I even did their beginning bike rides with them. They were very supportive. She had me riding in one afternoon even though I crashed at the end but I still got up and rode the half mile to my car with a smile on my face. I was riding a donated mountain bike that I had no idea what the knobs were suppose to do. I have a Cannondale Quick 6 hybrid and I love it.

Swimming is so hard for me. The class is a huge plus. When I started and we did the kickboard drill, I would go backwards. Yes, backwards! Now I go forward albeit super, super slow. The class focuses on stroke technique (freestyle), drills and intervals. Towards the end of each 7 week session, we add in longer swims like 500s. However, with all the improvement I have seen in myself in this class, I still struggle a lot trying to do that 500 yard swim. My endurance is not where I feel confident to do a triathlon yet.

It doesn’t matter how many tri’s I do, I have to do the one I failed otherwise I won’t feel like I “got back on the horse”.

Fitting in all the training is a job in itself. I was a stay-at-home mom for like 6 months. If I had gotten on the fitness trail then, I would have stay at home.


2010-04-13 10:59 AM
in reply to: #2786525

Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group
jsnowash - 2010-04-11 6:54 PM
mmgoldenb - 2010-04-12 11:37 AM Thanks for the tip on the Tri/Weight Loss Forum!  I will check it out. 

IHave you ever done any swimming, or is it brand new to you? It's a tricky thing to start as an adult, but I think TI is very good for that. I know there's a TI certified instructor who posts on BT (Suzanne - BT username AdventureBear). If you post questions about TI in the Tri-Talk forum, I bet she would offer some advice.... What drills are you working on now??

It's kind of funny because I grew up on the Delaware, so I am very used to the water.  I am not really worried about the open wateraspect of things.  But even spending all that time in the river, I never learned freestyle.   I am working on spearing and breathing drills now.  I get the rotation, and I think my position in the water is pretty solid.  I just have to focus on the rhythm.  I like it, but I do get impatient! 
2010-04-13 11:01 AM
in reply to: #2773064

Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group
I am so inspired!  Your determination is amazing.  And I know how humbling it must have been to ask for help in learning.  You are doing terrific!  =)
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