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2004-05-11 4:10 PM

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: you are on a tri and you need the toilet what do u do???
i was wondering say u need the toilet when u r on a tri, if this is not to a disgusting question, do u go in the water? or at the t1/t2? i read in a magazine that alot of people go when on the this really true. just wondering???

2004-05-11 6:09 PM
in reply to: #24278

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Beautiful Sonoma County
Subject: RE: you are on a tri and you need the toilet what do u do???
You use one of the port-o-potties they have throughout the course and at the transition site(s). It's an automatic disqualification to "go on the bike", although I've heard plenty of my cyclist friends say that's how they do it during long rides (someone holds your bike while you "take care of business off the side" -- works for guys but not so well for gals).
2004-05-11 6:28 PM
in reply to: #24278

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Resident Matriarch
N 43° 32.927 W 071° 24.431
Subject: RE: you are on a tri and you need the toilet what do u do???

oh have we got the thread for you! All I have to do is find it.....

found it.....check out this hysterical thread!

Edited by TriMom217 2004-05-11 6:30 PM
2004-05-11 8:22 PM
in reply to: #24278

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Elite Veteran
Northern Va/Metro D.C.
Subject: RE: you are on a tri and you need the toilet what do u do???
i do know that during ironman events, the pros relieve themselves while riding, and pour water on themselves to wash off.
2004-05-11 9:44 PM
in reply to: #24278

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Subject: RE: you are on a tri and you need the toilet what do u do???
I wasn't sure if I should share this story or not, but since the thread is here I will. I did a 25Km race this past saturday. A friend of a friend did the race last year and had to stop to use the Port o potty. This year he was determined to not stop during the race. At about mile nine he made stinky, but never stopped running. By the end of the race, he smelled and had a brown leg. He was so embarrised that he just kept running to his car and went home. He had a great time and beat me by a few miles. It is a decision you have to make for yourself. What are you willing to do. I think next time my friend of a friend, might think twice.
2004-05-12 2:54 AM
in reply to: #24278

Subject: RE: you are on a tri and you need the toilet what do u do???
I came across an interesting article about one's experience on this during a road race.See below link.
These are pros or elite road riders who cannot afford to lose time in a race. For the rest of us mere mortals, we just stop at the nearest toilet or find the nearest convenient spot and take cover lah.

The following is a reply I got from another forum posted by Alan Geraldi from San Francisco Triathlon Club which I find very interesting.

"General rule - you go when you have to go. However, depending upon the race course and regulations, this may not be 100% true. In most official Ironman races in Norh America, it is technically a foul to to go the bathroom unless you are at a portable toilet (they have these spread out along the race courses usually around aid stations). I believe it is a time penality if caught, possible DQ is caught more than once (I am unsure as to the penalty though). I do know that some races state that it is a disqualification if caught not using the portable toilets (Vineman races, Kona 1/2). I do believe that most judges use a bit of discretion and if the person is in some bushes or a forestsed area, they may turn the other eye - while if a racer is using someone's front lawn or driveway, penalty time. When I raced Ironman Austria, I believe the rule was penalty if caught peeing, but I saw plenty of people race into the woods with no penalties being issued.

As for the individual stages of the race: The swim - do as the fish do (just try to be sure no one is drafting off your feet at the time). As for bike and run, the accomplished and veteran racers have a set of "tricks". Most can pee while still riding a bike (a technique learned from European long distance cycling). It takes some practice and good balance to stay relatively clean, but it is done. They also use the trick of nonchalantly pulling back a seem of the tri bottom and going on the run, with a cup of water from a recent aid station to help wash things down.


Alan Geraldi
SF Triathlon Club


2004-05-12 7:25 AM
in reply to: #24278

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Extreme Veteran
Shiloh Illinois
Subject: RE: you are on a tri and you need the toilet what do u do???
just dont pee in the wetsuit........its not fun
2004-05-15 1:42 PM
in reply to: #24278

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: you are on a tri and you need the toilet what do u do???
wow i never knew there was so many sides to this question i now have a whole wealth of tri-toilet related info

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