Subject: getting on board Hello everyone,
I have made the commitment to participate in a local tri this August. I needed a goal to train for. As a former athlete who has reached middle age without competing in anything for quite some time, I chose the tri format in hopes of getting back into shape and re-energizing my commitment to total health.
At the time, I am 43 years old and overweight. Not neccesarilly out of shape though. I swim 5 days a week. Twice a week I swim 2 miles straight freestyle in just over one hour. About 63 minutes. Last year I got inot mountain biking and rode usually three to four time a week. Some road or trail rides of 18 -25 miles. It is the running that has me concerned. I have never been able to run. It is both mental and physical. I hate it and because I am heavy, my body takes a pounding. I started with a treadmill last year and worked to 45 minutes to one hour at a brisk walk. (4.3 - 4.5 mph ) When I began jogging, my legs and hips really bothered me to the point that I quit. I know that rather than quitting I should have just cut back, but as I said I do not like running.
So I am joining this board in hopes of getting some encouragement, training ideas etc so that I can participate in my first tri. My goal is to start and finish a sprint tri. Not necessary to be competative, but don't care to embarass myself either.
I'll keep you all updated ocassionally with my progress. |