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2004-01-16 3:29 PM

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Berkeley, CA
Subject: checkin' in
Been quite a year and a half for me. Did my first sprint triathlon ever (Danskin, of course) the summer before last. Since then I kicked up my heels at the Wildflower Olympic, ran my first marathon and am preparing for my first 1/2 Ironman at the end of this summer. BTW, I don't recommend the Honolulu Marathon for you first-timers. It's sweltering!!

This makes it sound like I'm quite an athlete. Not so!! Indeed I'm lucky to make it through before each and every cut-off time. But as a chronic and sociopathic perfectionist, I've decided to be the world's worst triathlete in order to be ok with mediocrity!

(So far so good.)

Must say that I find multi-sport athletics extremely stimulating. I'm sort of the ludite of the triathletes that I know. No wetsuit, no clipless pedals, no aerobars, no... well, I've got a bike (acquisition of said bike is quite extraordinary)! I'm not without inclination, just without green.

Looking forward to buzzing around the forums, and utilizing others experience!

2004-01-16 8:51 PM
in reply to: #4031

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Central Louisiana
Subject: RE: checkin' in
Welcome to the board and we are glad to have you here! I've said it before and I will say it again, whether your first or last across the finish line, we all fight the same demons. Keep up the good work!
2004-01-19 9:45 AM
in reply to: #4031

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Subject: RE: checkin' in
Dh- I've had the most fun during tri's actually striking up a conversation with the people around me. At one point during a Galena tri [I had the worlds heaviest Mt. Bike], going up hill, huffing and puffing- I just kept asking my fellow peers, who were easing up hill in their sleek road and tri bike.... wether or not they wanted to trade- of course there were chuckles and the answer was "no".... but it distracted me.

While your giving the back to the pack a tri- find a buddy, talk to them and help yourself have fun in the process. You never know when you'll run upon them again. I ran into a 'race buddy' of mine a year later at a totally different race. He somehow recognized me, thanked me for the talk/distraction. It makes a big difference.

I know how difficult it is not to go further or faster. If you don't already have one, heart rate monitors [after proper calculations] also help you to determin how fast/how hard to push yourself during a workout. Good luck sticking to your goals!
2004-01-19 8:10 PM
in reply to: #4239

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Berkeley, CA
Subject: RE: checkin' in
Thanks for the encouragement.

A friend of mine actually gave me her heart rate monitor (I have very, very generous friends!) but I'm a little intimidated by it! Again, it's the ludite in me shining through. I'll brave it out though and read the instructions this week!

I know it will really enhance my training!

2004-01-20 5:53 AM
in reply to: #4031

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: checkin' in
Welcome Dana! Congrats on what you have achieved so far!
2004-01-20 5:56 AM
in reply to: #4349

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Berkeley, CA
Subject: RE: checkin' in
Thanks--clearly, I've been going for distance--now it's time to buckle down and go for 'quality' not quantity!


2004-01-23 12:36 PM
in reply to: #4031

Springfield, Ohio
Subject: RE: checkin' in
Methinks thou speakest uncommon foul of thyself.

Seriously, you are an athlete, even if not quite "the" athlete. Sprint Tri, Olympic Tri, Marathon run and finishing them all. And you can't be the world's worst triathlete if you made the cut-off time.

No doubt you will do the same with the 1/2 Ironman. I'm inspired to stretch my goals after reading your post.

Maybe we should start a no frills class of triathletes. No wetsuit, no clipless pedals, no aerobars, mountain bikes only, but speedos are ok.
2004-01-23 12:58 PM
in reply to: #4731

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Berkeley, CA
Subject: RE: checkin' in
Good reminder--I do often denigrate myself to much. OK--I'm an athlete, and though I finish in the bottom third--I FINISH!

OK, enough of that!!

As to the no-frills, I just upgraded to a pretty nice road bike, so I may not be able to join. )o: (It was a surprise gift by my friends who pooled their money to get it for me.)

Thanks for the encouragement!

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