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2008-08-24 3:05 PM

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Morgantown, WV
Subject: Ritchey Mountain Bikes- NEED ADVICE ASAP

Going to go look at a Ritchey Mountain bike today.  Guy says it's a 2001, and that's all I got from him on the model.  Says it has a Sid fork (also a 2001), XT rear derailleur, and mix of LX parts.  It's steel.  Says it was $1700 7, now almost 8, years ago.  Says he wants "Best offer" and won't tell me what he wants. 


What's it worth?  I'm leaving to go look in a couple of hours. 

I don't want to insult him, but I'm only looking to spend bare minimum on a mtn bike- maybe up to 200 or so, only becuase I have to cross train becuase of an injury.  This is going to have to come from my credit card, horrible I know, but I'm desperate- and my job starts paying in 2 weeks, so I'll be fine.

2008-08-24 4:41 PM
in reply to: #1624150

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Lansdale, PA.
Subject: RE: Ritchey Mountain Bikes- NEED ADVICE ASAP
The parts group sounds good enough, not cutting edge but not bad! I would low ball a bit and try and work up. THe sad fact is that bikes don't usually hold their value well so $200 is probably about right.
2008-08-24 4:44 PM
in reply to: #1624150

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Morgantown, WV
Subject: RE: Ritchey Mountain Bikes- NEED ADVICE ASAP
I pride myself in low balling (lol).  So you don't think I'd offend him if I offered like, 125 or something?  It's a pretty old school type of ride, look and frame build.
2008-08-24 5:08 PM
in reply to: #1624150

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Traverse Cityish
Subject: RE: Ritchey Mountain Bikes- NEED ADVICE ASAP
That was a darn good bike in it's day, but it's pretty long in the tooth. If it's and 8 speed drive train, I wouldn't give any more than your $200 for it.

Personally, I think a old Ritchey frame earns major cool points and would be a great frame to convert to single speed when the drive train starts blowing out.

Edited by Nelg 2008-08-24 5:08 PM
2008-08-24 5:57 PM
in reply to: #1624150

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Morgantown, WV
Subject: Ok on price, can I race it?

Of less concern, do you think I could do entry level xc racing on it?  Just for fun purely, not competitive like I am about tri's.


I was supposed to have gone and looked at it by now, I don't know why he hasn't called me! (maybe he won't, which might be better anyways, since I have no $$$)

Edited by greenmtnman 2008-08-24 5:58 PM
2008-08-24 7:02 PM
in reply to: #1624150

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Traverse Cityish
Subject: RE: Ritchey Mountain Bikes- NEED ADVICE ASAP
That was a mid lever race rig in it's day, you would have no issues doing well on it as it's mostly about the motor and bike handling. The only thing about buying an old school bike is it will probably have old school tires on it. The big knobs of yesterday have taken back seat to lower profile, faster rolling and lighter tires for racing. This of course also depends on the landscape you'll be riding in.

Let us know how it goes on the possible acquisition!

2008-08-24 8:06 PM
in reply to: #1624150

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Morgantown, WV
Subject: RE: Ritchey Mountain Bikes- NEED ADVICE ASAP

All I can say is WOW!  That bike was showroom quality.  There was not a single scratch on it.  Absolutely beautiful. Unfortunately, it was TINY.  Like, my 5 foot tall finance's bike is the same size.  The guy was 5' 4", and I think it was too small for him.  Not good for an almost 34" inseamer like me.

It was a marroon/purple color.  It was awesome.  Only thing, it had a sram X9 rear derailleur.  It was a 9 speed too.  Really, really nice.  He was going to throw in nice SIDI shoes and a helmet too.  I asked him how much he wanted, and he said he didn't know.  So I told him that I was going to offer him 150, and that I had "done research" and that I was told it wasn't worth more then 200- you should have seen him, the life sucked right out of him.  Even in the twighlight I knew he was forlorn (not mad at me, but I think he really believed me).  I think he was hoping it was worth 500 or something.

Honestly though, on Ebay, it would sell for at least 400, almost sure.  If I had the cash I would have bought it to sell.  Absolutley show room quality.

Damn!  Too bad, it would have been perfect- even the shock was like new!


Thanks for the help!

2008-08-25 8:06 AM
in reply to: #1624150

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Winder, GA
Subject: RE: Ritchey Mountain Bikes- NEED ADVICE ASAP

I don't know, I think maybe closer to $400-500 is not unreasonable if the bike was in the condition you said it was. Steel frames will last a really long time and if it's currently 9 speed then it's probably already been upgraded. Just my opinion, but I could be wrong.


2008-08-25 8:14 AM
in reply to: #1624150

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Traverse Cityish
Subject: RE: Ritchey Mountain Bikes- NEED ADVICE ASAP
Yeah, if it had been upgraded to 9 speed already then $400 would not be unreasonable. That's the problem with old mountain bikes, drive trains take a bigger beating that road bikes ever do so they wear out faster. Top of the line stuff from eight years ago is no better than todays entry to mid level components. You are stuck replacing it with new old stock off ebay or you have to upgrade shifters, derailliuers and a cassette all at the same time at a big price. If that's been done then the bike is definitely worth more.

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