Subject: RE: nothing interesting. How did your son's team do?
much better than last time. Last time the were 39/40, this time they were about 8th I think. But better than that was the way they came together and made the programs work. These kids had a lot of obstacles to overcome, like the teacher who lost the disk with the program they needed to run the robot! But they did all the programming themselves and the robot did actually acomplish a few tasks.
Five of these boys will be in high school next year so I've got to contact a teacher there about starting a team. I was told there is grant money available and a teacher to head the program if there is enough interest. It takes about 5K to get this robotics team going and then countless hours by the kids. I don't know if you've ever seen this stuff, but it's all Lego's. The kids build a robot out of Lego's, write it's program on a computer, and then beam it to a control pak on the robot. Each year it is a different mission, this year's mission was on Mars. They had to retrieve a lost rover, build living modules, clear solar panels, collect samples, and lots of other similar tasks. It is fascinating to watch these kids all work together to make it happen. Then at the competitions, it's still about cooperation as the teams share their ideas and strategies, and yes, even CD's, lucky for us LOL
Anyhow, there's more than you wanted to know about Lego's Robotics |