Subject: Birthing as an Endurance Sport Cornelia read through all of your wonderful posts, and reminded me that right after the baby was born she had said to everyone on the room, "alright, now I understand this triathlon thing... how someone could willingly do something that goes beyond the limits of human pain and endurance..." (well I'm paraphrasing, but that's basically what she said. ) For those who've asked, yes she did start out in the birthing tub but then had to come out of it. The baby was so big that she needed help from the midwifes to get him out. They couldn't to that with her in the tub. Cornelia thanks all of you for your kind words and wanted to share these photos with those interested. Don't worry, this set is rated G. We did discuss whether or not to post these to a public online forum. They are of an intimate family time. They're also, I think, of the universal human experience of birth that should rightly be celebrated. I'm happy to share them with this BT community. |