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2003-09-11 6:57 PM

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New user

Windsor, Ontario
Subject: Hello
Hi, my name is Geoffrey White and I'm one of the editors on this website and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. I began triathlon this past summer and now have 5, including a half-Ironman, under by belt. Please feel free to post any questions you might have about tri training or training in general, and I'll do my best to respond.

2003-09-12 1:47 PM
in reply to: #740

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Gold member
Subject: i just had to reply...

your post was getting lonely. 

anyways...we r glad to have somebody with 1/2im experience.  lead the way geoff!!! 

2003-09-12 4:06 PM
in reply to: #761

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Central Louisiana
Subject: RE: i just had to reply...
I had totally missed this post, so thanks Ron to bringing it back to the forefront.

Still Tri'n
2003-09-13 12:49 PM
in reply to: #740

Springfield, Ohio
Subject: RE: 1st question
OK, my season is over. Did my first two tri's (almost sort of close to an Olympic and a mini sprint). Now what do I do until next spring to keep in basic condition and even build?
2003-09-13 8:12 PM
in reply to: #740

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Central Louisiana
Subject: RE: Hello
Keep training on you current program. It will help you maintain your base and your will be ready to kick it up a notch next season.

Still Tri'n
2003-09-15 7:58 AM
in reply to: #786

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New user

Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: 1st question
Congrats on Season 1. What you need to do for next season really depends on what you did this season, and where you live. If you live in a colder climate then you'll likely need to take the biking, if not the running, indoors and onto stationary machines. If you live in a warmer climate then take advantage of year-round training and/or races.

If you are looking to improve for next season then you need to address your weaknesses. Winter is a great time to get in the pool and focus on technique, technique, technique. It's also a good time to 'build', as you mentioned. Track your time/pace/ability on the treadmill and set a CONCRETE goal to improve. There is an acronym for goal-setting: goals must be SMART. (Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time oriented). So figure out where you stand right now and then set some short-term goals on which you can achieve longer-goals.

In terms of excercise frequency you should be able to build with only 5 workouts a week, 2 of which can be non-tri related (i.e. resistance training) Besides, if they're all tri-related you run the risk of getting bored.

Hope this helps, and if you can provide more detail then I will be able to give you a more detailed response.

2003-09-15 9:40 AM
in reply to: #740

Gulfport, MS
Subject: RE: Hello
I would like to know about training for my first tri. I have the Illiotibial band friction syndrome and took 6 weeks off to go to therapy. I ran my first (EVER) 1 mile race this past Saturday and wore a knee brace - specifically for IBFS. It felt pretty good, but there is still some tenderness.
I am doing my first tri in May '04. Is there any other strengthening techniques to use for this? I also have were my ligaments pull my knee caps outward.
2003-09-15 9:54 AM
in reply to: #740

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New user

Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: Hello
I would recommend you speak with a kinesiologist and/or physiotherapist on that one. Good luck in May '04.
2003-09-15 6:34 PM
in reply to: #740

Springfield, Ohio
Subject: RE: 1st ?
Alas, I live in the wonderful temperate state of Michigan. Fortunately, have a good treadmill in the basement. Weights set up there as well. I'll keep up with the bike as long as I don't get snowed out. May have to consider the "Y" for the swim. As I tend to be equally weak in all 3 areas, I can focus on the running during the cold months and pick the others up in the spring.
Overall, the aerobics need to improve. So, I figure intervals on the treadmill should be helpful.
Thanks for the suggestions.
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