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2003-10-20 5:28 AM

Rutland Ohio (South Eastern Ohio)
Subject: First Marathon RR
Yesterday morning I arose at 4:00am so I could meet my running buddies to travel close to 2 hours to arrive at Columbus for my first marathon. We parked within 3 blocks of the start line, walked to packet pickup and waited. After picking up packets we found a restroom that we didn't have to wait for in a local coffee shop. We dropped off everything that we weren't going to wear on the marathon back at the car and warmed up by stetching and jogging a couple blocks. We visited the coffee shop for the no wait restroom but found out that it had been discovered and that there was now a wait. (Isn't it funny how at all of these endurance events that there never seems to be enough restrooms?...maybe because of all of the prerace hydrating?)

The start line was pretty packed. I don't know how many starters there were, but there was 3551 running marathon finishers(not including the wheel chair, relay, and walking finishers). My plan was to take the first 3 miles at a pretty relaxed pace, then pick up the pace for the middle 20 so I could ease off on the last 3 if I needed to. I made up a pace chart and laminated it for a bracelet to give me the splits for each mile that I was wanting to run, but found that I didn't have it when I arrived in Columbus. My plan chnaged but only slightly....Instead of using a pace chart I would use the pacer runners (runners sponsered by White Castle that ran an even split set time per mile.) Basically I was going to stick with the 3:30 pacer for the first 3 miles, then speed up and attempt to catch the 3:00 pacer by mile 23.

The first mile I ran right on pace and had to really hold myself off from going faster. Miles 2 and 3 I ran slightly faster than I should have, but it felt good and I didn't feel like it would be a problem to hold my pace. By mile 3 I had already caught the 3:20 pacer. I was feeling good, holding a good pace, enjoying the crowd (reported to be close to 100,000 spectators) and hydrating every aid station. There was a great crowd, in fact there probably wasn't more than 1/4 mile in any part of the race that didn't have people cheering you on. There was reported to be 5-10 bands playing for the race, but I only saw 1 band and an electronic organ player.

By mile 5 I had passed my target time pacer group (3:10) and was feeling good. Still holding my pace and continuing to hydrate, at the half way point I was at 1:30 which was right on schedule for my target time. About mile 16-17 things started getting a little less fun. I was starting to have problems holding my pace and could feel myself slowing down a little. I figured it was just a phase and looked forward to the next aid station with gu, hoping that it would pick me up. A little into mile 19 my legs were feeling tight and having problems moving, I had to stop and walk a little. I continued to slow down and increase the frequency of walks. By midway through mile 20 the 3:10 (my overall goal) pace group passed me when I was walking. I mustered up all of the strength I had and started running with them hopping that I could maintain the pace for the rest of the race. I lasted about a 1/3 mile before having to stop again. At that point I realized I wouldn't make my goal time.

The next 6 miles were grueling even though the crowds and other runners were very encouraging. During the final mile, the 3:40 pace group passed me. I mustered all I had and kept with them through the finish. My final time was 3:39:45. At the finish line they provided bagels, water, sports drink, yougart, apples and there was plenty go around.

I complete my first marathon with a respectable time
The crowds and runners were great
The course was pretty smooth with no bad hills

I didn't do quite as well as I had hoped
I hurt alot yesterday and continue to hurt today (not necessarly all bad pain)

Lessons Learned:
Set more realistic goals
More training is required

2003-10-20 8:08 AM
in reply to: #1290

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Central Louisiana
Subject: RE: First Marathon RR
Congrats and great race report! I think that if we race and we don't learn something new, we have missed the boat.

Still Tri'n,
2003-10-20 9:12 AM
in reply to: #1290

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Gold member
Subject: u least i am jealous.

great job nonetheless!  u know what u gotta work on at least and u didn't hurt yourself.  great rr by the way...gave me a lot of insight into a marathon...never really read a lot about them.

one question out of curiosity...did u train for the mileage u were racing? or was your pace a little faster than it should have been?  i'm sure most of us (myself included) do not train exactly for the race mileage...we just get too excited!

2003-10-20 9:54 AM
in reply to: #1311

Rutland Ohio (South Eastern Ohio)
Subject: RE: u least i am jealous.
About the max distance training run was 24 miles and I had put in 4 distance runs over 18 and 3 over 13 within 2 months of the race. None of my long runs were at race pace, even though the last 4 miles of one of the 20mi runs was significantly faster than race pace. I also normally run a 5 mile loop with a group that is faster than race pace every week. The balance of my running (typically from 5-18 miles) is just slow and easy running.

So basically to answer the question.......I think the goal was a little steep for the first marathon regardless of training or pace. My pace for the 1st half of the marathon was right on plan, but my mile 2,3, and 4 might have been a little fast. So the real answer must be that I need to train more/better.
2003-10-20 3:48 PM
in reply to: #1290

Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: First Marathon RR
I'll be running Columbus next year, good to read about setting the goals too high! I too am looking at trying for a Boston Qualifier time(3:10). I am thinking of running a spring half or full marathon to help me gauge where I am and see what I have to do. You should be proud that you made the distance. I ran columbus a few years back and had to pull out after 18 miles.
2003-10-21 4:36 AM
in reply to: #1324

Rutland Ohio (South Eastern Ohio)
Subject: Thanks Jay
Thanks for your praise of me completing the distance. I was shooting for qualifying also. I ran the Athens 1/2 marathon last spring. At the same time they have a full marathon. The course is flat(rails to trails course most of the distance I believe) and overall down hill. From my experience, I would suggest running at least one "trial" marathon before actually trying to achieve your time.

Thanks again

2003-11-17 9:41 AM
in reply to: #1333

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: Thanks Jay
Sounds like a great experience. Your time was still great for first marathon. You should be proud! Thanks for sharing your experience.
2003-11-17 10:12 AM
in reply to: #1290

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New Port Richey
Subject: RE: First Marathon RR
I personally have no need or want to complete a marathon at the moment but for those of you who do and live in Ohio. We have the Ontario Shores Marathon up here in New York and it is an easy course the only hills are the overpasses. It is also in May, a couple of you mentioned that you wanted to race one in the spring. Great job on the completion of your first marathon, Craig.
Ps You can check out their web site by typing in Ontario Shores Marathon. They have some training tips included.

Edited by kgart 2003-11-17 10:14 AM
2003-11-17 12:06 PM
in reply to: #1803

Rutland Ohio (South Eastern Ohio)
Subject: RE: First Marathon RR
Thanks alot for you guys' support and praise. It is good to know that people are out there pulling for you. I'll use this positive energy to keep me focused and hopefully spread some of it around myself. I just got off my 2.5 week break from all exercise and am ready to start getting serious again. Please check in my logs and critisize me if I don't have a workout posted atleast every other day.

Thanks again

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