Subject: RE: AsthmaI can only speak from a pharmacist's perspective but if you believe you have asthma ensure that it is properly diagnosed. There are numerous treatment options available. Many asthmatics will monitor peak flow readings as a way of monitoring there asthmatic status. Peak flow readings can often identify warning signs before symptoms present themselves. Asthma is an inflammatory condition of the lungs that can be exacerbated by differerent triggers causing spastic constriction within the airways. Exercise and cold air are often triggers for many. Depending on the degree of ones conditions treatment will vary. Some will use prescrition inhalers like (Ventolin-Canada ) and the generic Albuterol (USA ) for the acute symptoms of wheezing. Many asthmatics will take a puff or two of this medication 15-20min prior to exercise help prevent symptoms from arising. However many asthmatics need to resort to inhaled corticosteroids (ie Flovent, Pulmicort, Advair ) on a regular basis twice daily to help keep the inflammation down. Inhaled corticosteroids is the mainstay treatment of this conditon. Other medications available include Singulair that target other componets in the asthma pathway. Above all it best to discuss these issues with your physician to find out whats best for you. Here in Canada we have removed the over the counter (non prescrition ) inhalers from the market. There were too many patients who resorted on these quick fix medications alone without the guidence of a physician and there were patients who died because there asthma or other pulmonary problems got out of control as a result of not being properly treated. Above all asthma is a very managable condition. Best of luck. |