Subject: RE: Runningi have a weak lower back by...genetics? no injury, it has just evolved. when i first couldn't get off of a riding lawn-mower (early teens), i saw a chiropracter for many weeks soon after...he also told me to strengthen those abs...they can be worked 5 or 6 days a week. i havent been back for more than once a year (from doing something stupid at the gym). i attribute this to doing lots of ab work and using good form while lifting. if u look at a side picture of your spine, u will see thats it resembles an 's' shape. your abs connect 2 parts of this 's' and acts like a spring. if the spring (abs) are weak then your back is more likely to get thrown out or just weak. find a picture and u will realize just how important ab work is...especially as we age. |