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2003-11-21 7:48 AM


Subject: Running
I have begun to stretch my runs out to 5 miles and want to try going further on my long runs. I am experiencing some lower back aches. No sharp pains, and nothing during the running. Just the next day, I will be sore. I believe that to be normal, but want to make sure. Is there anything I should worry about.


2003-11-21 11:00 AM
in reply to: #1944

Rutland Ohio (South Eastern Ohio)
Subject: RE: Running
I don't haven't had too much experience with that after training, but when I ran my first 1/2 IM last August every step I took on the run (and lots of walking) my whole lower back hurt. I have heard that one of the most important strength training to be done for tri is to work on your core strength, which includes nearly any muscle in or attached to your trunk.

..just my few cents
2003-11-21 12:04 PM
in reply to: #1954


Subject: RE: Running
Thanks for the input!! It makes sense. I have read about core training and forgot about it. Thanks again!!!
2003-11-21 12:15 PM
in reply to: #1944

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: Running
Lee, Here's a couple of things to consider. First, lower back pain is often associated with weak abs. Are you doing any ab exercises? Also, how is your running form. Are you upright or leaning forward? You want to be as upright as you can. Try doing some back stretches.

Is it lower back pain or sciatica? I have had sciatic nerver problems in the past from racquetball and getting a hot tub cured that for me :-)
2003-11-21 1:20 PM
in reply to: #1960


Subject: RE: Running
I am doing crunches, but only 3 times a week. I have gotten to 3 sets of 30 for those days. I also do leg lifts. I have also been trying to concentrate on my form. I haven't done any weight lifting though and I need to start that.
2003-11-24 10:46 AM
in reply to: #1944

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: Running
Lee, I just saw this article by Jeff Galloway about form and injuries/pain. One was about lower back pain. Take a look at:

2003-11-24 1:15 PM
in reply to: #2033


Subject: RE: Running
Thank you very much!!!

That sounds like me exactly. I have been saying in my log that my form has suffered and I also have been stretching out my distance a little so more fatigued. It's nice to be able to no how that will affect me. I need to stay straight.
2003-11-24 1:24 PM
in reply to: #2042

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: Running
I hope it helps Lee. Back pain is no fun
2003-11-24 3:39 PM
in reply to: #1962

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Running

i have a weak lower back by...genetics?  no injury, it has just evolved.  when i first couldn't get off of a riding lawn-mower (early teens), i saw a chiropracter for many weeks soon after...he also told me to strengthen those abs...they can be worked 5 or 6 days a week.  i havent been back for more than once a year (from doing something stupid at the gym).  i attribute this to doing lots of ab work and using good form while lifting.

if u look at a side picture of your spine, u will see thats it resembles an 's' shape.  your abs connect 2 parts of this 's' and acts like a spring.  if the spring (abs) are weak then your back is more likely to get thrown out or just weak.  find a picture and u will realize just how important ab work is...especially as we age.

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