Other Resources Challenge Me! » August Bike Challenge Rss Feed  
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2016-08-01 5:47 AM

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2016-08-03 6:29 PM
in reply to: chr15

Subject: RE: August Bike Challenge
I'm working a bunch of overtime for the next week or so, so I will be doing good to get my usual 100 miles in for August. I'm still at zero for the month.

But I would love to see you two top last month's goals!

J White
2016-08-04 11:00 AM
in reply to: Jwse30

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2016-08-07 5:57 PM
in reply to: #5193414

Subject: RE: August Bike Challenge
I picked up a short term job while waiting for the long term one I am hoping for. It is supposed to end late this week. It's a good job and there's some good people there, but not much work left there.

In more related news, I got two rides in this weekend which brings my total to 25 miles for the month. My daughter was going to join me for the ride this morning, but her tire popped early on in the ride (less than a mile away), so we turned around and got her home and I started again solo.

J White
2016-08-09 3:32 AM
in reply to: Jwse30

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2016-08-14 8:26 PM
in reply to: #5194327

Subject: RE: August Bike Challenge
Well we got the new tube put in yesterday and went out for an 8 mile ride yesterday. Finding a tube for a kids bike was a bit harder than I had envisioned. This morning I went for a ride by myself and got in another 12.5, so Im up to 45 miles for the month. Almost half way to my goal. Tomorrow I have to take the girl to cross country practice and if I am allowed, I am going to try to run with her

Have a great week,

J White

2016-08-21 8:17 AM
in reply to: Jwse30

Subject: RE: August Bike Challenge
Well this thread has been slow this month. I know you said you'd be gone for a week, but it seems like it's been quite a bit longer than that.

The past few days I got a few more miles towards my 100.

On Thursday I went out with the intent of doing my 12.5 mile route, but got about 4 miles into it and decided those clouds looked a bit menacing. I was right! Have you ever seen CaddyShack when Bill Murray was caddying in the rainstorm? That's what I was riding in. My shoes were squishing while I was pedaling, and they never touched the ground. I have to admit though, as hot and humid as it has been, it felt pretty good, and I likely would have enjoyed it if I wasn't worried about my phone (that was strapped to my arm to track my mileage) getting damaged.

Friday I changed the handlebar stem on my bike. The old one was pretty stubby, and I am hoping that my getting another inch or two closer to the front axle will allow me to go a bit faster. It seems to have done something because after a 10 mile ride yesterday I had a whole new set of sore leg muscles. My average speed was up a little bit, but I am going to attribute that more to the different route I took. I don't know how I never discovered this one until then. It involves about a mile and a half of riding through neighborhood streets before connecting to the bike trail. Plus it connects just past a hairpin S curve that you darn near need to stop to be able to navigate it.

Anyhow earlier in this thread I gave a number for my mileage that was about 12 miles too much as I added July 31st's ride into the total by mistake. I'm going to blame lack of sleep from the long commute I was pulling during that 2 week job. So my total as of this morning is 64.91 miles. I am hoping to get in a ride today, and if all goes well a second more leisurely one with my daughter.

J White
2016-08-22 4:08 PM
in reply to: Jwse30

Subject: RE: August Bike Challenge
Wow, I hope Chr15 is OK; it seems he has checked out of Beginner Triathlete.

If he just isn't doing this site any longer, hopefully he sees this post that I wish him well and to take care.

J White
2016-08-22 4:17 PM
in reply to: Jwse30

Subject: RE: August Bike Challenge
Wow, I hope Chr15 is OK; it seems he has checked out of Beginner Triathlete.

If he just isn't doing this site any longer, hopefully he sees this post that I wish him well and to take care.

J White
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Other Resources Challenge Me! » August Bike Challenge Rss Feed  

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