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2008-02-18 8:27 PM

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Urbana, Maryland
Subject: Tri-ing Not to Think about the Swim?
I first decided I was going to "do" a triathlon in 1994. It wasn't until 13 years later, in 2007 that I actually did.

You're probably wondering why it took me 13 years to get to the starting line. The answer is simple - the swim. Don't get me wrong, I could swim (sort of) but I didn't have proper form or technique. On top of that, my endurance and comfort level in the water was nowhere near the level it needed to be to successfully complete the swim portion of a triathlon.

Was I going to let my dream of doing a triathlon die because of my swimming deficiency? I didn't want it to so I decided to take the plunge. I signed up and paid for my first triathlon. There was no backing out. Of course, I could have changed my mind and lost the 85 dollars it cost to register but 85 dollars is a lot of money to me. When I paid, I committed not only to myself but to my wife and kids as well.

So there I was. Signed up and ready to start my training. I found a great book by Joe Friel, Your First Triathlon which was full of informative information. It was easy to construct my bike and run training plan and although the book discussed the swim portion, I still didn't feel comfortable. I was well on my way to becoming a triathlete but I still knew I had the swimming issue to contend with.

If you are anything like me, you've probably been searching the Internet and gathering as much free information on swimming as you can. I totally understand how you feel because like most people, I'm on a budget and need to be as thrifty as ever. I would much rather spend my time rather than my money to find information and ideas on conquering the swim portion of my first triathlon.

I soon found out that there is so much conflicting information out there! I was fearful that some of that information would actually hurt my swim progress rather than help and make matters even worse. A lot of times, I didn't even know where some of that information was coming from.

I soon decided that I was going to "invest" 37 bucks and purchased a swimming program I found online. Not only was I going to get peace of mind knowing that the program I was about to purchase was developed by a Collegiate swimmer who achieved "All American" status and then became an accomplished triathlete and a Masters Swimming Coach, but I knew it was going to be information that I could trust and put into action without wasting anymore time searching when I should be training.

I made a commitment to follow my new swimming program religiously, always giving it 100%. I struggled at first (often becoming frustrated) but over the next few weeks I started to notice that I was becoming more comfortable in the water and my endurance level was increasing! It wasn't long before I was swimming further than the distance required for my race. My confidence soared and even though the program covered open water swimming, the fear of the impending ocean swim lingered in the back of my mind.

Race day arrived and I was excited and nervous! 13 years is a long time to wait but I knew that if I could get through the swim portion, I would prove to myself something I always knew. I could be a triathlete!

The "first time triathlete" wave was called to the starting line. My stomach was full of butterflies, I could hear my wife and kids shouting encouraging words and then; BANG! I was off and in the water. It took less than thirty seconds for me to be kicked in the face and before I knew it, I had swallowed several mouthfuls of salt water. Gagging but still swimming through the breakers, I started to have second thoughts. I could turn around and head back to shore. I could use the kick to the face and the swallowing of salt water as an excuse to drop out but quickly realized that I would be doing myself (and my family who got up really early to support me) a disservice.

I pressed on and soon found myself past the breakers and rounding the first turn buoy. I imagined I was training in the pool and soon found my rhythm. I got comfortable and starting thinking about the swim to bike transition then the bike to run transition then I could visualize myself crossing the finish line!

I can honestly say that I don't remember being in the water for very long when I heard someone shouting at me from behind. It was a life guard on a kayak telling me I went to far and needed to turn in. Imagine that. I swam too far!

I turned in and could see that I was about 50 yards past the turn buoy and the swim exit point. Most triathletes would be upset that they lost time by swimming to far but not me! I was proud!

I swam to shore and was greeted by my daughter (see photo of this confrontation below)who felt it was her duty to chastise me for passing the swim exit point. She then gave me words of encouragement that only a six year old could; "hurry daddy, you can still win". By no means was I going to win the race or my age group for that matter but it was those words that made me realize I was going to become a triathlete today!

Before I knew it, I was off the bike and running the 3 miles that stood between me and my 13 year goal. A cake walk I remember telling myself.

Advice for my fellow "challenged swimmers" or those individuals who are stressing out over the swim portion of a triathlon is to stop worrying and start training. Find a program and stick with it! If it worked for me, I'm confident it will work for you!

Crossing the finish line that day not only made me proud but it made realize that I wasted a lot of time and energy Tri-ing not to think about the swim.

Now go out there and conquer your fears!


Rob the Pool Dork.

Click Here to Visit My Triathlon Swimming Squidoo.


Coming-in-from-swim-with-em.jpg (78KB - 28 downloads)

2008-02-18 8:52 PM
in reply to: #1219332

Jacksonville, FL
Subject: RE: Tri-ing Not to Think about the Swim?

Awesome job overcoming "The swim!"  I started my training last year and put off the swim work until last week.  I grew up in the ocean but never realized that there is swimming(that I can do) and then there is "swimming"(That real swimmers do).  Heres my log entry from last week...hopefully my progress will continue.  If your having problems with the swim HANG IN THERE! 


What an absolutely humiliating experience at the pool today.  I know how to “swim.”  I grew up at the beach.  I grew up swimming in the ocean and surfing.  I have NEVER felt uncomfortable in the water.  I have never doubted my ability to be able to save someone in the water if need be!  Today all that changed.  I went to the YMCA and hit the pool for my first ever official swim workout.  I have to use the word humiliating because I don’t know of a word that means a thousand times more humiliating than humiliating is capable of.  I guess if I used the metric system it would be kilohumiliation.  What a kilohumiliating experience it is to not be able to swim a proper swim stroke or to not be able to breathe while swimming said improper stroke.  To just suck so magnificently, BOTH lifeguards stare at you.  To suck so magnificently that everyone else avoids eye contact for fear they may be roped into the 20 year task of teaching me to swim correctly.

BUT BY GOD I WILL NOT GIVE UP.  I know how to swim; I am comfortable in the water, 100 meters from shore and 600 miles from shore.  I just need to learn how to swim efficiently so I have enough energy left to show how bad I can suck at biking AND running as well.  I may be a Trisuckalete in training but I’m better than the cigalete I was last year!

So I started my Total Immersion techniques today.  As a little time goes on I won’t be so self-conscious that it makes me NOT finish my planned practice BUT I can do Drill 1.  That’s a step I couldn’t do yesterday and the basis of what I will do 2 to 4 times a week for a LONG time. 

The whole time I was in the pool I told myself, I can’t tell my wife I quit.  How could I ever encourage my kids to overcome their fears if I can’t overcome mine?  I taught myself how to rollerblade with awesome form WAY back when they first came out, I just taught myself how to run with more awesomeness of form (yeah I’m still slow but I’m dropping dozens of seconds per mile per month!)  I can’t let a pool stop me, I did NOT shave my legs to let a pool stop me!

Dear Brooks center YMCA pool,

I will be back for more of that tomorrow as well as Thursday AND on Friday I’ll even meet my brother-in-law there so you can laugh at me with someone I know as well.  I will beat you, with smooth arm movements that efficiently and gracefully propel me from one end of your length to another.  I will stand on you when I am tired and I will think of every battle we have scheduled long before hand so I can kick you as well!  I won’t quit, EVER.  Last but not least, if you’re not careful, I may pee on you!




2008-02-18 9:15 PM
in reply to: #1219332

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Supersonicus Idioticus
Thunder Bay, ON
Subject: RE: Tri-ing Not to Think about the Swim?
awesome feeling eh? Not only did you make your goal, but you kicked its a@#!!!

So what's next??
2008-02-19 6:20 AM
in reply to: #1219454

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Urbana, Maryland
Subject: RE: Tri-ing Not to Think about the Swim?
So Fresh So Clean - 2008-02-18 10:15 PM

awesome feeling eh? Not only did you make your goal, but you kicked its a@#!!!

So what's next??

It was very liberating to say the least. As for what's next, I have already singed up for several sprint races and I'm going to finish up with an Olympic distance. Not to shabby for someone who didn't think he would ever be able to do the swim portion of a triathlon.



Click Here to Visit My Triathlon Swimming Squidoo.
2008-02-19 6:47 AM
in reply to: #1219332

Subject: RE: Tri-ing Not to Think about the Swim?
That picture was your swim?! What harsh looking conditions in which you conquered your fear and doubts! I am impressed. Nice job!
2008-02-19 6:57 AM
in reply to: #1219701

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Urbana, Maryland
Subject: RE: Tri-ing Not to Think about the Swim?
MKC - 2008-02-19 7:47 AM

That picture was your swim?! What harsh looking conditions in which you conquered your fear and doubts! I am impressed. Nice job!

Thanks! That photo was from the swim. It was a little choppy but once I got past the breakers, I was fine.

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