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2008-02-26 7:05 PM

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Subject: Snakes on a Swim
So me and my wife are looking at both doing a tri this spring (it'll be a first for both of us) and I told her that if she would train and do it with me that we'd do the whole thing together.

Now we are looking at a tri that has an OWS and we are looking at a few camping trips before the tri and I wanted us to do a couple of OWSs to get used to being out of the pool. She has expressed concern about their being snakes in the water. I have to admit the thought has crossed my mind too and was wondering if anyone has ever encounter snakes on an OWS.

I've seen moccasins chase the boat before while fishing when we got too close to it so I'm sure one would have no second thoughts about chasing me. Also there was a kid that died when I was growing up because he jumped right in the middle of a baby moccasin nest and that lake has been closed ever since. Probably due to negligence of the owner (it was a small swim lake and the nest was right underneath the ladder leading up to the diving board)

Anyway, I've never really heard of anyone talking about it and haven't really heard of any instances of triathletes or open water swimmers running into that sort of thing and figured I'd ask the masses gathered here.

2008-02-26 7:09 PM
in reply to: #1237417

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Extreme Veteran
Upstate, SC
Subject: RE: Snakes on a Swim
Just what I needed = another reason to hate swimming! Thanks>
2008-02-26 7:11 PM
in reply to: #1237417

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Snakes on a Swim
Ok. I see you are from my neck of the woods. The only tri that anyone actually saw a snake in the water was at Lake Murray. No one told me until after the race. Wish they would have before the start cuz my swim split would have been a heck of a lot faster Still, the snake did not chase anyone or bite anyone. Jeremy at Set-Up was probably out there luring it away with a stick. He's a good guy and certainly doesn't want snake incidents tainting his tris.

So if you're practicing in that particular lake, look out. But the cool water is in your favor. I think they'd be rather slow and sluggish this time of year.

2008-02-26 7:19 PM
in reply to: #1237428

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Subject: RE: Snakes on a Swim
katybug34 - 2008-02-26 8:09 PM

Just what I needed = another reason to hate swimming! Thanks>

LOL I knew that I'd get that from a few people and my intention was in no way to scare anyone away from swimming b/c I personally think that your chances are higher to be struck by lightening then to get chased down by a snake during an OWS, but was more curious as to what others have experienced.

And to barq: Our camping trip and OWS plans are at Lake Murray, thanks for the vote of confidence as there will be no one there to lure it away with a stick or anything but I agree the water temp will be in our favor. Me and my wife actually had a good laugh at your post since it was this lake we were secretly worried about
2008-02-26 7:27 PM
in reply to: #1237417

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Snakes on a Swim

Of all the bodies of water in the state, what are the odds? Between my hubby and I, we did all the SCTS races last year and I swear that was the only race where anyone mentioned seeing snakes. I wouldn't be surprised if they were in Lake Greenwood, too.

FWIW, I loved the course at Lake Murray. Very fun bike and beautiful run course. Lots of shade on the run course which is nice in late May. Maybe you should consider bringing a "snake guard" to watch you during your OWS. Good luck and hopefully no snakes during your camping trips.

2008-02-26 7:31 PM
in reply to: #1237417

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Muncie, IN
Subject: RE: Snakes on a Swim
I would hope that all of the people in the water would scare any snakes away. I can tell you this that if I encounter a snake while swimming a tri It would probably be my last one!!! I'm not necessarily afraid of snakes but in open water where I'm not all that comfortable it would terrify me!!!

2008-02-26 7:54 PM
in reply to: #1237417

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Subject: RE: Snakes on a Swim
This is kinda funny.  When I swim in open water I worry about meeting snakes, eels, snapping turtles..... I've never even seen any of these on top of or under water in any OWS (training or racing).  I do my OWS training in a wetsuit.  Some times I swim into some floating weeds and have a little freak out panic moment though.
2008-02-26 8:17 PM
in reply to: #1237417

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Subject: RE: Snakes on a Swim
I hate snakes.  They were my big concern on a few training swims last year.  I was actually at a race last summer dropping my bike off the day before the race and there was a guy swimming in the river and about 5 feet away swimming parrallel to him was a huge snake.  I am so glad that race got cancelled.   Gave me the heebe jeebees.
2008-02-26 8:23 PM
in reply to: #1237417

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S.E Asia
Subject: RE: Snakes on a Swim

"Snakes on a swim"

 I think you've got a name for a movie there!!

Just need Sam Jackson now.

2008-02-26 8:36 PM
in reply to: #1237417

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: Snakes on a Swim
Oh man, I'm doing my first Olympic this May and this thread hasn't helped my open water fears. I can now add snakes to my list of things that are going to get me!! LOL!!!
2008-02-26 9:18 PM
in reply to: #1237417

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Menomonee Falls, WI
Subject: RE: Snakes on a Swim
My friend warned me about snakes in the lake for the Memphis in May event. So what's the first thing I do when I arrived at the venue last year? Look for snakes. And what is the first thing I see upon inspecting the shore line? Not one, but TWO snakes patrolling the rocks along the shore.

The plus side? I finished with a swim split FAR faster than I had any right to expect for that time of year in my first OWS of the season!

2008-02-26 9:50 PM
in reply to: #1237417

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Lansdale, PA.
Subject: RE: Snakes on a Swim
Not to rain on anyones parade but...If there is water there and it's safe enough to swim in you can bet there are snakes in it.

Now the good news, I doubt any snakes will want to be near any of this crazy activity. And very few snakes that are in the water are aggressive enough to go after someone, usually they'll be swimming the other way.

I for one have swum in many fresh water lakes and ponds and have never heard of any attacks or sightings during a race. Swim on!!!
2008-02-26 10:08 PM
in reply to: #1237417

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Snakes on a Swim
Seriously? This is an urban legend. That happened as well at a lake by my house. What are the odds???? Feel safe swimming, especially in a crowd. Snakes are way more scared of you than you are of them.
2008-02-26 10:14 PM
in reply to: #1237417

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Snakes on a Swim
2008-02-26 10:16 PM
in reply to: #1237417

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Snakes on a Swim
2008-02-26 10:19 PM
in reply to: #1237417

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Subject: RE: Snakes on a Swim
One day training in Lake Martin I had one that was several yards in front of me.  It was moving as fast as it could to get away from me.  It did freak me out but that thing was more freaked than I was.

Edited by stephen strange 2008-02-26 10:20 PM

2008-02-26 11:57 PM
in reply to: #1238000

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Subject: RE: Snakes on a Swim
Well, Praise the Lord, another reason to be thankful to live in the frigid north! I cannot do bugs or snakes! (Okay, water snakes, and maybe garter (or is it gardener?) snakes, but that is IT!)
2008-02-27 12:12 AM
in reply to: #1237417

Subject: RE: Snakes on a Swim
It's garter snakes. Snakes scare the GU out of me as well, but take heart, it's an instinctual human response to fear snakes so you're FAR from alone.
2008-02-27 2:35 AM
in reply to: #1237417

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Kailua-Kona now in Oregon,
Subject: RE: Snakes on a Swim
Snakes or sharks? Snakes or jellyfish? Snakes or cruise ship shuttles? I think I'll stick to sharks, jellyfish and shuttles over snakes. I wouldn't be swimming if we had snakes here.

Where I used to live we had rattlers and bullsnakes (snakes that pretend to be rattlers and look like them) and they would be on the roads when you biked and I hated that.

Shark sightings here are rare. Jellyfish are predictable (8-10 days after the full moon) and cruise ship shuttles are dangerous and cross the bouys on ocassion, expell noxious fumes and create large swells and strong currents, but all of them I can handle, but not snakes.

I was thinking of going to the mainland to do a few tris, but I never considered snakes really. Maybe I'll stick to tris with ocean swims.

We do have eels, but they stay at the bottom. We have sea snakes but I don't think they come close to shore. Probably the most dangerous thing is colliding with a sea turtle, which I have come close to doing.
2008-02-27 5:12 AM
in reply to: #1237417

South Florida
Subject: RE: Snakes on a Swim
Just come to florida, Gators, Sharks, Cudas and yes, snakes. Yipee!!!
2008-02-27 6:51 AM
in reply to: #1238168

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Subject: RE: Snakes on a Swim
I wonder how much draft one can get from a snake????

2008-02-27 7:24 AM
in reply to: #1237417

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Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Snakes on a Swim

I've seen more snakes running or cycling than I have swimming.  I'm no snake expert, but if you don't look like food, I'm pretty sure they aren't attacking, and humans definitely don't look like food to a moccasin.  If you surprise one, you might get a reactionary, defensive bite, but with the commotion of a tri I'm pretty sure they've been scared way away.  Even in an OWS with a few swimmers, I think they'd bolt.

Jellyfish on the other hand, just float there and let you tag them.


2008-02-27 7:31 AM
in reply to: #1237417

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Tiger's Den
Subject: RE: Snakes on a Swim

It's not the snakes you need to be worried about, it's the alligators.

Just kidding. Sort of.

2008-02-27 7:44 AM
in reply to: #1238280

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Spring (Houston), TX
Subject: RE: Snakes on a Swim
SuzanneS - 2008-02-27 7:31 AM

It's not the snakes you need to be worried about, it's the alligators.

Just kidding. Sort of.


We have a race here where there actually is an alligator that lives in the lake. Of course, you don't see the warning sign until you are almost finished with the run.

I grew up in S Louisiana where there are snakes, gators, etc. and we had a place on the water. Saw lots of snakes but never when I was swimming. 

2008-02-27 8:18 AM
in reply to: #1237417

Subject: RE: Snakes on a Swim
I'm not worried at all b/c I'm pretty sure the snakes will be too busy laughing at my feable attempt at a proper swim stroke and taking bets with their other snake friends exactly how long it will be before I drown.
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