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2008-07-18 10:38 AM

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Carrollton, TX
Subject: First duathlon, just barely making clydesdale division

My first duathlon is on Sunday.  When I first signed up for it about a month ago, I was about 205-207 lbs.  The registration site said 190-215 lbs for clydesdale (even my registration confirmation sheet says this).  This was before I knew that the standard is 200+.  I then saw at the packet pickup that the flyers and all that said 200-215.

So heres the problem, since signing up, I have dropped weight.  I am now hovering at 200.  I was 198 this morning, I was 202 last night.  I have always fluctuated a lot in my weight..  I'm 5'11, not big, not small.  I have broad shoulders and a thick frame in general.  But none of my friends ever believe that I weight 200 until I step on a scale.  Everyone always assumes im like 185-190. 

After comparing my average numbers to the results from last month, theres a chance I will be placing in this weight division.  I'm worried though that if I do, people with question my weight.  How is this usually monitored?  I come from the boxing/fighting world where you have weigh ins, but I dont think this happens in this sport.  I dont want to have to worry that people will think I was just trying to get a weight advantage to get an award.  I don't mind not being in the weight class, but I think I should be.  And I don't want to eat an entire pizza the day before the race just to be certain I'll be well over 200.


2008-07-18 10:57 AM
in reply to: #1539854

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Subject: RE: First duathlon, just barely making clydesdale division

I've *heard* that some races weigh the people that place in the Athena/Clydes division.  I don't know, never been close enough to place and I'm well in the Athena weight so I've never bothered to care much about that, if it were to happen.   

Sounds to me like you have conflicting info - e-mail the race director and get the right weight catagory.  A race I did earlier this year had two websites and conflicting/missing info on them and I didn't know until AFTER the race, lol.  So just e-mail, explain the confusion and he'll give you the answer.  I believe every race does their own weight for Athena/Clydes, as I've seen Athena as low as 140 and as high as 160. So he'd be the one to give you a firm yay or nay as to your status. 

After finding out, I think that if you don't meet the weight requirement, then you shouldn't be in the weight class.  Let the RD know the morning of, or at packet pickup that you've dropped weight and want to do AG.  It seems like you want to stay in the division to place, which I understand cause I would love love to one day place in somthing.  But if you don't qualify, it's really not fair to that 4th place person that does meet the weight requirement and goes home empty handed, ya know. 




2008-07-18 11:04 AM
in reply to: #1539854

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Carrollton, TX
Subject: RE: First duathlon, just barely making clydesdale division

I will contact them for more info.  But it seems like weighing should take place before the race.  I know I lose several pounds after doing training bricks (im assuming just water loss).

 And I dont realy care about placing, I have a set time goal that I'm shooting for, but at 25 I know there will be some insanely fast people in my AG.

2008-07-18 1:40 PM
in reply to: #1539854

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Alexandria, NH
Subject: RE: First duathlon, just barely making clydesdale division

USAT Article III Rule 3.2 States - that the official category for Clydesdales is males weighing greater than 200lbs.  But it also states that this is monitored by the race director.  That of course depends on the race being sanctioned by the USAT.

Could this result in a problem... yes but it is extremely unlikely to.  Some race directors weigh people in and some don't.  You probably won't be the only clyde on the edge so that will factor in also.  Keep in mind that last years results are last years and unless you know who's showing up and what their numbers are nothing is certain as you indicated.  The biggest issue is your honor and self respect.  If you don't technically fit the category you'll know and you'll do the right thing.  If you do fit... then don't worry about it.  I doubt that the RD is going to weigh anyone because they are already flexible so in the end everything will probably work out.  If you are super-concerned weigh yourself before packet pickup and use that weight if not don't sweat it.   

2008-07-18 9:02 PM
in reply to: #1539854

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Riverside, IL
Subject: RE: First duathlon, just barely making clydesdale division
Every race that I've entered in the Clyde/Athena division, has had a weigh-in the morning of the race.
2008-07-19 12:05 PM
in reply to: #1539854

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: First duathlon, just barely making clydesdale division

I have only had one weigh in, but that race was designated the Long Course National Championships for the US Clydesdale and Filly Racing Association.

If you are concerned, contact the race director.  I have had some say as long as it is not more than 4or5 pounds he wouldn't worry about it.  Another said if they weighed race morning, they would just move you at that time to the Age Group.

Go out and race well, the other stuff will take care of itself.  Have a proper breakfast and hydrate appropriately.  By race time you should be ok.



2008-07-20 12:41 AM
in reply to: #1539854

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The Whites, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: First duathlon, just barely making clydesdale division

Eat salt. You'll retain water.

Seriously, I second the rest. Weigh yourself in the morning; if you fit, go for it, if not, drop to AG. You'll always be able to look at your times to compare and see how you would have placed in Clydes, which can bring just as much glory as actually picking up a dust collector.

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