General Discussion Triathlon Talk » maybe Triathlon will LIGHT MY FIRE again!!! Rss Feed  
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2008-08-03 3:15 AM

New user

Subject: maybe Triathlon will LIGHT MY FIRE again!!!
Hi everyone!


I hope this doesn’t sound silly but I saw the Iron girl race on TV and thought to myself... go for it!!


I have mostly been a stay at home mom for the last 6 years to 4 girls ages 19, 16, 5 and 4.


I was a Army reservist for 8 1/2 years with a year in Iraq. The army was great and I loved it! I loved the challenges big and small. Plus the army made me run. I only had to run 2 miles but hay it was running. I had to push myself to keep up with the younger jo's (I am 37)


I quit the army to be able to be home with my kids instead of deploying all the time. Now I have no standards to push past or young people to show what the old girl can do.  I need that push and I refuse to become one of those plump moms.


Sooo.... I thought I would try this. In my early 20's I scuba'd and loved to swim. I also used to down hill MT. bike race.  So... Hey why not put them all together! I am just starting out so any info you guys can give me would be great! I am still just trying to figure out this web site.



2008-08-03 9:30 AM
in reply to: #1578463

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: maybe Triathlon will LIGHT MY FIRE again!!!
Welcome!! Thank you for your Army service! Looks like you've done a lot! We're the same age, and I too started "tri-ing" because I needed a boost. I was so bored and burned out with running all of the time, plus I wasn't getting the "results" that I wanted. The first thing I did was read the book, "Slow Fat Triathlete". What an awesome book!! That lit me up, made me laugh, and made me realize, "why not?". Where do you live? If you need a training friend, even if it is just by email, feel free to email me!
2008-08-03 7:01 PM
in reply to: #1578463

Subject: RE: maybe Triathlon will LIGHT MY FIRE again!!!
Interesting that the Iron Girl race program sparked your interest, I thought the commentary sucked, but the race was great. This site is absolutely fantastic for newbies, ask any question, and you will get some great answers. Check out your local library for any books on triathlon so you can get a flavor for what's involved. Find a pool and go for an easy swim. Most sprint triathlons (the shortest triathlons available) typically have around a 500 yard or more swim. This is 20 up and back laps in a pool. The bike is around 12 miles or so, and the run is typically a 5k. If you don't have trouble with any of these distances individually, then you're ready.

2008-08-05 9:46 PM
in reply to: #1578463

New user

Subject: RE: maybe Triathlon will LIGHT MY FIRE again!!!

Thanks for the input guys. I live in Fort Wayne and have been working out at the Park view YMCA for a few years. You should have seen some of the old ladies faces when I strapped on my big old ruck sack (in winter) and used their indoor tack to train for a ruck march.   I looked at bikes today... all I have now is a Mt bike now.  I got fitted for a road bike too.  The money is hard to part with but at the same time I don't want a crap bike.  I got spoiled way back .... because I knew friends that worked at bike shops and got stuff for cost. Any thoughts on bikes?  Know anything about the women specific bikes?

2008-08-06 8:43 AM
in reply to: #1578463

Subject: RE: maybe Triathlon will LIGHT MY FIRE again!!!
Don't know anything about women's bikes, but Summit City Bikes is the shop I use. Good group of people. Our triathlon group in Fort Wayne is the TriFort Triathletes

They are very active up north, I live in the southwest side so I don't do much with them. Let me know when you are thinking about doing your first tri and I'll recommend some events.

2008-08-06 8:53 PM
in reply to: #1578463

New user

Subject: RE: maybe Triathlon will LIGHT MY FIRE again!!!

I am going all out and trying to train for the May 9th Irongirl. I know... I know ... prob over my head... but its 10 months away and I am training every day hard.  I am ridding my fat mt bike until I get a road bike. At least that will build my legs. My bike'g legs are comming back fast.  I can't really be completive until I get a bike..... that kind of kills it for me right now.  I went to a shop in Indianapolis today that specializes in tri bikes and dues specialized fittings.  They have a big variety of tri bikes at all prices. Laughing  I know I need to get my feet wet with some smaller stuff before the Irongirl thing but it give me a high bar to push for Foot in mouth.  Any ideas? 

I'll give that group websit a look too. It's kind of hard for me to get together with a group because I am scheduling around 5 other people in my house (kids).  I take work out time when I get it.

Nutysami123: I would love to keep in touch with you... maybe I will get over our way some time.

2008-08-07 8:09 AM
in reply to: #1578463

Subject: RE: maybe Triathlon will LIGHT MY FIRE again!!!
I think that's a very doable goal. It will keep you motivated over the winter. Get involved with the spinning class at the YMCA, to build up your bike endurance over the winter. One factor that is a concern will be the lack of open water swimming experience. The swim is about 1 mile, so you will have plenty of time to work on your endurance, but you don't want to have a race be the first time you get to do an open water swim, especially with a crowd of people.

2008-08-08 7:58 AM
in reply to: #1578463

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: maybe Triathlon will LIGHT MY FIRE again!!!
I sent you a PM..
As for bikes, hubby and I got road bikes, which we LOVE!! I'm in no way ready for a tri bike, nor do I think that I want one right now. That tells you how much I love my bike!! I have a trek 2100 wsd. We used a shop out of Indy- A1 Cycles. Of course, Indy is much closer for us than Fort Wayne.
Keep in touch!!
2008-08-17 8:04 PM
in reply to: #1578463

New user

Subject: RE: maybe Triathlon will LIGHT MY FIRE again!!!

Just wanted to let you guys know I didn't fall off the face of the earth. My 5 and 6 year olds started school this last week.... uggg crazy.  I am still trainning.  I'v had a hard time getting my but in the pool though...Foot in mouth  

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