Subject: RE: HED3 bearing issues?Yea I had problems with my rear popping. Sent it back 3 times they replaced bearings checked it over and said it was good and try it. Lasts about 3-4 hundred miles then pops again. One time was mile 1! Each time it costs about 100.00 with shipping.
This last time 4th they sent me a new wheel. I plan on using it a little while then sell it. unless it knocks again.
Be careful who messes with your bearings as these wheels are shimmed for true and if the guy doesn't know how to do it you will send it back.
O yea the people you talk to at HED are pretty much jerks. The only 2 that seemed decent were the H3 mechanic and Steve himself but the customer service guys and woman can care less about ya.
John . |